The Truth About London

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4 Responses to The Truth About London

  1. KG says:

    Either the people reclaim the right to enforce the laws and retaliate against thugs – or nothing will change.

    • Darin says:

      It will have to come from the people,because there is no one in the poltitical spectrum left to do it.

  2. KG says:

    ‘What it means to be pro-European’

    Thanks to Victor for this.

  3. A long time ago there was a deal that the king made whereby subjects would stop resorting to self help against and demanding monetary compensation from criminals and their families in exchange for the state’s taking over the enforcement of the criminal law. That worked well as the state lived up to its promise very well.

    This might not be the most elegant expression of the change that came about but basically it went from self help and customary law to a more organized, systematized law and enforcement. Particularly under the new scheme citizens enjoyed greater security and better justice though the earlier arrangement was not without justice, of course. But the kings delivered.

    Society demands a certain minimum of both security and justice but what we see today is (1) a monumental betrayal by the sovereign of “the deal” on the part of the sovereign AND (2) a steadfast denial by the sovereign of anything remotely like the old system as a default, shall I say. In fact it works a vicious repression on those who even think of self help. So betrayal and repression it is, with no end in sight. The perfect storm of societal collapse.

    I have commented many times in other venues how odd it is for Queen Elizabeth to have remained totally silent as her own people are submerged in a wave of Muslim/third-world primitivism, arrogance, and supremacism. I get that there was a massive shift of power away from the royals to the parliament and the former are supposed to STFU about anything except the color of wedding gowns and how often the grass is mowed at Buckingham Palace.

    However did that new political arrangement require the sovereign to ignore that 50,000,000 tons of incompatible, hate-filled, human rejectionism, arrogance and criminality had been dumped on the streets and in the hamlets of the Kingdom? Would a moment’s reflection on the reign of Elizabeth 1.0 suggest that some stirring in the loins of ancient spirits is in order in these surreal times such as might require even just a tepid, “I say there”? Why, I think it would.