Open House

Daleks now working security at NYC’s LaGuardia Airport-

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120 Responses to Open House

  1. Darin says:

    BPS-As California goes,so goes the nation-

  2. KG says:

    Ripoff NZ:
    ‘We’re being ripped off
    Building products cost 30 per cent more here than in Australia.  It is daylight robbery, and we allow ourselves to be plundered by the day.
    The housing crisis starts with over-inflated prices for building products.
    How do I know? I just built an investment property on the Gold Coast. (Australia) She’s brand new.
    It cost me a $1000 deposit to get in, and $510,000 all up. Four bedrooms, media room, double garage, air conditioning units, landscaping, letter box, fences, a garage remote, everything, even tenants.
    A nice 220-square-metre house at a realistic price. It cost me about $1000 a square metre to build; in New Zealand the same house costs $3000 a square metre….’

    • mawm says:

      Add to that the exorbitant cost of getting the “consents” and the high cost of labour. That said the NZ builders that I have had to deal with have by and large been decent, hardworking, skilled and likeable blokes. Some in the ancillary services have just been plain rip-off artists.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      The consent process in NZ will run you $10,000 to 50,000 before you get to turn the first shovel of dirt.

      • Darin says:

        And let me guess,the same ones that instituted the boatload of BS fees are the same ones constantly going on about the “lack of affordable housing”?

  3. Gregoryno6 says:

    Janet Albrechtsen via Morning Mail:
    ‘Finally, some brave souls are raising questions in public about the possible consequences of the rapid push for targets and quotas for women, and whether it means placing women on boards who lack the requisite skills to lead a large corporation… Before taking up board seats on Coca-Cola Amatil, Boral and becoming chairwoman of AMP, Brenner had not run a big company, nor was she a direct report to a chief executive. One report described her as a “middle-ranking executive in a middle-ranking investment bank”.
    Yet Brenner was picked by the board of AMP over Andrew Mohl, a more qualified man who had run AMP and saved it from bankruptcy more than a decade ago.’

  4. Darin says:

    Zip Ties and Bias Plys-First Gen Shipping Crate Burnout-

    • Darin says:

      And here we have the truth of election meddling.The US Demoncrat party has been meddling in foreign elections for decades.They are bascially how Justin Trudeau got elected in Canada.Expect the same in NZ and Australia,the DNC are nothing but globe trotting,money swindling,election rigging ,communist vermin.

      I also noticed the pistol regs :shock: good grief,what does that dumb bitch consider proper??
      I think we have too much regulation here where we walk into the gun store,fill out our 4473,pay the man,tuck the new pistol in our belt and walk out.

  5. Darin says:

    Spring planting Minnesota 2018-

    Things have come a long way since I did it last

  6. Darin says:

    Rescue of the Crew of the SS Pendelton-

    Rear Admiral H. G. Bradbury congratulated the four CG-36500 crewmembers for “outstanding seamanship and utter disregard of your own safety in crossing the hazardous waters of Chatham bar in mountainous seas extreme darkness and falling snow during a violent winter gale to rescue from imminent death thirty two crewmembers… minutes before the tanker capsized.”

  7. Gregoryno6 says:

    For Darin – some serious steam bending.
    Not quite the professional style of Mr Engel, and I suspect the ladies are not there for their skills. But the technique and end result are better than I expected from these kids.

    • Darin says:

      Neat,I think that’s called free bending,since there is no form used.

  8. mawm says:

    Friday was not a good day for the Mueller “investigation”. Hot on the heels of Judge Ellis demanding an un-redacted copy of Rottenswine’s instructions to Mueller we now have lawyers turning up for one of the 3 Russian companies included in the indictments against the 13 Russian hackers so trumpeted by the left/MSM. Mueller’s team now want to delay the case. I guess they didn’t expect anyone to turn up……and ask for discovery.

    • mawm says:

      He deserves a pre dawn visit – battering rams, swat team, dozens of FBI, the whole darn lot – and all his files, computers, cell phones taken and sifted through, an IRS audit and an intrusive body cavity search with industrial rubber gloves. *spit*

      • KG says:

        I’m kinda attracted to the idea of giving him a body cavity search using a red hot poker. :evil:

    • mawm says:

      What? A British Army NCO using foul language? Never!

      • KG says:


        • Darin says:

          She got rekt over that? :shock:

          Notice the lack of a comments section under the article?I’m betting the comments didn’t fit the narrative.

          • KG says:

            Too right they didn’t. Mustn’t have dissenting voices for the propaganda broadcast, eh? The snivelling girl is the culprit here, not the NCO doing what NCOs have always done and need to do.
            When things get sporty I know which one I’d want at my shoulder.

  9. Michael in Nelson says:

    My favourite part of Trump’s speech to the NRA Convention was when he said he loved these fights. Gorka reinforced the sentiment on Gutfield today. Trump relishes a good fight and the Left is so used to Republicans folding like a busted flush, they don’t know what to do when someone wades in with brass knuckles.

    • Darin says:

      Trump doesn’t just love a fight,he is also willing to fight dirty,something the GopE would never consider,unless it’s against one of their own.

  10. Darin says:

    The “homeless crisis” hits Seattle,and about every other blue prog commie run city in the nation-

    From the comments section-
    “The council has created a magnet city for the troubled. The answer to the problem isn’t a bigger, more powerful magnet.”

  11. Darin says:

    Read it and take a moment to let it all sink in,it’s where we are at folks

  12. KG says:

    Finland: 20-year-old Migrant Having Sex with 10-year-old ‘Not Rape’
    Paris Mayor Backs Communist Party Plan to Turn Public Park into Migrant Camp

    • mawm says:

      They’ve brought it upon themselves through years of voting communists into higher office because of the lure of unearned money. Why should they now expect anything different? Apart from the 10 year old they don’t have my sympathy.

  13. KG says:

    NZ: it pays to be in the “club” :shock:
    ‘Christchurch-based CityCare lays off up to 100 staff nationwide
    A CityCare staff member, who did not want to be named, said the layoffs were happening because the organisation was too “top heavy”.
    …n November last year The Press/Stuff reported that CityCare undershot all its financial and work safety performance targets, but Mulder enjoyed a significant pay rise.
    Revenue and profit were down, but a higher dividend – still below target – was paid to the city council by raising debt levels, also breaching targets.
    Mulder received an “incentive pay” of $163,000, receiving a total pay for 2017 of $710,000. 
    …In 2017 65 staff took home pay of more than $100,000, 51 employees more than $110,000, 25 more than $120,000, 18 more than $130,000, 16 more than $140,000, and 41 between $150,000 and $430,000….’

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      mmmmm, I didn’t see much about the increased risk of infection from re-usable bags or that the disposable bags actually use less energy than the ‘eco-friendly’ ones. I wonder how much the jute and fabric companies have financed the campaign? Cynical I know but how may times has our cynicism been proven correct?

      • KG says:

        “A cynic” is what an idealist calls a realist, Michael.
        Certainly, by the time a reusable bag has been washed a couple of times, the energy consumed far exceeds that involved in making and distributing single-use bags. And what about all the other uses supermarket plastic bags are put to? I predict this idiocy will increase litter and dumping, too.

        • Darin says:

          An enterprising person that wanted to put a Torpedo in the hull of ths scam would only need to find out the manufacturer of the single use bags and see which grade of LDPE is used.
          If it is LDPE2 or 3 with a Calcium modifier,then the bags are already designed to be rapidly degradeable in the environment.
          One company I do work for makes 40% of the thin film plastics for container use in the US.Their product is 89% Calcium Carbonate,10% LDPE 2 and 1% TiO2,colorants and binders.
          Typically a plastic shopping bag made from this compound lasts less than one year in the environment and less than five years in a landfill.
          Of course the only reason we have landfills is because of the environmentalist movement of the 1970’s and the clean air act.Before that most garbage was incenerated and used to produce energy.Now it just polutes ground water

          • Yokel says:

            Amazing how environmentalists always seem to want you to do the opposite of what you do at present. Darin, you are reporting a change from incineration to landfill for “environmental” reasons. In Europe landfill is an even bigger baddy than any other disposal option, and much waste is incinerated in Waste to Energy schemes (though doubtless it is the injection of public subsidy is what makes the environmentally sound!).

            I must report on the outcome of the trials that I have been conducting into the life expectancy of plastic bags, both LDPE and HDPE. These bags were used over many years in the steady acquisition of junk in the loft, and were intended to protect said junk from the muck that tends to coat everything left up there. Having reached the stage where chucking most of it away is the only sensible option, I quick learned that the bags were not only not safe for transporting said junk, but also the tiny fragments of disintegrated bags were just as much of a nuisance as the cobwebs, soot, etc! Oh well.

            • Darin says:

              Yup,and here’s another shocker.Many people think plastic is good for long term storage,especially for food and drink.Actually the opposite is true,it’s best fr short term storage.
              The reason being is plastic,depending on type is hygroscopic,meaning it absorbs water from the surrounding air.It is able to do this because it is porous on the molecular level.(think reverse osmosis membranes in water filtration) Over time both air and water can permeate through and ruin what’s inside.That’s why things like bottled water even have sell by dates.
              If a plastic is needed that is high confidence,it is usually made out of multiple layers of different types of plastic usually with a layer of Silver coated Mylar inbetween for added protection.
              This plastic is easy to spot,it’s most common uses are those vaccum packed bags of ground coffee and packs of dog food.
              The reason they use such expensive plastic for dog food is because the cheap stuff being permeable and the dog’s nose being much more sensitive than ours,the dogs can tell when the food has gone off long before we can. :mrgreen:

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      Coles have introduced a variety of bags to replace the ‘single-use’ bag. My favourite is the 15c 80% recycled plastic bag. That’s right folks, those virtue signalling morons have taken away plastic bags and replaced them with… plastic bags.
      None of the old-style bags were ever single-use in my house. They were just right for the kitchen rubbish, hanging on a hook. The new 15cers might work, but I don’t think the little handles will last long.
      I have a suspicion that in the not too distant future, Australia’s supermarkets will be marketing a new ‘handy size’ plastic bag. A very familiar size. We’ll be paying for them, and that is really what this BS exercise is about.

  14. KG says:

    WTF??????????? :shock:
    ‘Clinton: Ardern’s win mattered
    9:47 PM  After her own campaign was derailed by sexism, our PM’s win made Hillary Clinton beam.’

  15. Darin says:

    Watched Dunkirk this weekend,all in all a good movie,wish they would have included a bit more of the fight on land,but still good.

    I give it four out of five

    • D.T. says:

      But , but there wasn’t enough diversity . No Negros , women , homos or trannies represented and the poor frogs were left to fend for themselves…sarc. I quite enjoyed as well .

  16. Michael in Nelson says:

    For those who still believe Sweden is a Socialist paradise. Please note that buried in the article is the phrase ‘…government approved journalists…’

    Oh, that’s right, I forgot, it’s ok if socialists do it. *puke*

    • KG says:

      Which is why these are perilous days for the West. If Trump goes down or leaves the swamp intact, we all go down.

    • mawm says:

      At least they could be honest with themselves and call them the “Stasi/KGB/Gestapo” and “Pravda”. I wonder how many of those living in fear of criticising their government and of the marauding rapists donated money to the ANC to produce bombs for the sole purpose of killing white civilians in South Africa. Karma! Henning Mankell I hope you are reading this from your place in hell.

  17. Darin says:

    Clint Smith-Till it’s Empty-

    “I’ve never heard anyone complain about having too much ammunition in a fight”

  18. Michael in Nelson says:

    Hey KG, I see your favourite politician considered moving next door to you.

    I’m sure you are thrilled at the possibility

  19. Darin says:

    Spitfire 944-

    Flying over Berlin armed only with a camera for a half hour?Balls,big ones

  20. mawm says:

    “Drinking one glass of red wine a day slashes men’s risk of prostate cancer by around 12 per cent, new research suggests.
    Yet, moderate consumption of white wine, such as Chardonnay, raises the risk of the disease by 26 per cent, a study found.”

    I never allow that poncy white sh*t to pass my lips, although the 3 big risk factors for prostate cancer (being over the age of 50, having a family history of the disease and black ethnicity) we can do nothing about.

  21. Gregoryno6 says:

    In all honesty, I believe President Trump should honour Senator McCain’s wish and not attend his funeral.
    He should send Stormy Daniels instead.

  22. KG says:

    Beethoven-Violin Concerto in D Major Op 61
    Isaac Stern: violin-New York Philharmonic-Leonard Bernstein: conductor-1959-1

  23. Yokel says:

    Perhaps this is a new phrase to watch out for, I certainly hadn’t seen it before.

    I was reading about the London Mayor (Kahn’t) supporting the start of another “grass roots youth movement” against Brexit. Most of the article was the usual “we woz robbed of our future” rubbish, but towards the end leaping off the screen at me was: “Common Future Forum“. It seemed an odd juxtaposition of the words. So much so that I did an internet search for the phrase and bingo! it has appeared elsewhere in reports of “new” organisations mostly aligned with the usual lefty causes. Not yet sure who is behind it, even if it is one body or lots that “just happened” to have the same name, certainly haven’t seen who is supplying the money.

    But there you have it: “Common Future Forum

  24. Darin says:

    NYT opens their big yap and stuffs their own foot in it-

    Trump,knowing this,doesn’t miss the opportunity to twist the knife

  25. KG says:

    :mrgreen: Not very bright at the NYT, are they?

    The world has gone nuts:
    Germany: Family Reunification For Radical Islamic Extremists

    ‘Sexuality Expert’: Babies Should ‘Give Consent’ to Diaper Changes

    Tucker: ‘Modern Liberalism a Religious Movement’ to Replace Christianity

    Texas Tech Transgender Workshop Coaches Men to Sound Feminine
    School Arrests Autistic Student for ‘Brandishing an Imaginary Rifle’ in TX
    U.K. Proposes 6-Yr Prison Sentences for Criticizing ‘Gender Reassignment’ Online

  26. Darin says:

    PJW: The Truth About Virtue Signaling-

  27. KG says:

    This Male virtue signalling makes me sick – Jordan Peterson

  28. Pascal says:

    Did the bureau engage in outright spying against the 2016 Trump campaign?

    This is desperation, and it strongly suggests that whatever is in these files is going to prove very uncomfortable to the FBI.

    I suspect that Kimberley Strassel’s “uncomfortable” understates it by a long shot. Read the rest.