Think Electronic Ballots Are Secure?

Guess again-

What does a case of Lottery fraud have to do with voter fraud?Everything,if one man on the inside can manipulate the software code to accurately predict the wining lotto numbers.Then why not someone on the inside of vote tallying machines rigging the system to skew the election?

The democrats have been crying foul and raising holy hell about possible Russian hacking of the 2016 election.Now apparently all that happened where amatuerish attempts to gain access to some voter registration rolls,most of which were thwarted and even the ones that did gain access were not able to change any results.

So the dems and all those butt hurt Hillary supporters are now beating a dead Horse to the point that it is a flagrant lie that the Russians had any influence on the 2016 election.However given that most lies are based on a grain of truth,we must consider that such fraud is possible,especially if those committing the fraud are system insiders.

The voting system used in the US is an antiquated,obsolete system,despite modern enhancements.There are no controls in national elections to prevent illegal double voting by voters who have residences in multiple states.There are few if any functional controls to prevent vote tallys exceeding the number of registered voters in a given precinct.

In my opnion we need a national voter ID card.For my money I would like to see our Social Security cards made into an actual,real ID card.Make it a photo ID,with an encrypted barcode.Make it so the card can be used only for voting and receiving social benefits (Retirement and Medicade/Medicare,food assistance etc) I think this would go a long way towards eliminating fraud,both in voting and in public assistance.

As to the voting system,I think paper ballots still have the most to offer.And I am not talking punch cards.The color dot system was the easiest,there was no mistaking who the voter chose and the ballots are still machine countable via an analog system.

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12 Responses to Think Electronic Ballots Are Secure?

  1. mawm says:

    …. but it’s racisss or something.

    I can’t see anything wrong with a photo ID, with an implanted chip, that needs to be produced for things like banking transactions, voting, etc. It can carry other data such as drivers licence, gun licences, essential medical information, next of kin, etc. It’s needed to protect oneself (and the country) from fraud – but access to the information has to be controlled – e.g. only hospitals can access the medical info, banks your accounts, etc.

  2. KG says:

    Given that our rulers are in effect all the same gang, given that the will of the people is almost meaningless in the face of evil bastards like Soros, the U.N. etc, I wonder if any of this matters?
    Perhaps what we need most is a return to the old cycle of tyranny/rebellion/rebuild.

  3. Andy5759etc says:

    I’m not sure about ID cards. If they exist they can become mandatory to carry with you at all times, to be shown on demand. It’s something which we Brits have resisted in the past and will continue to do so. Do we want to be stopped on every street corner by the State Police demanding “papieren bitte”? They want to control our movements, our thoughts, our whole lives. Don’t give them an inch, you know they’ll take a mile.

    • Darin says:

      I know what you are saying,but as it stands now we have Social Security numbers assigned at birth,that the government tells us is not for identification purposes….but every federal agency demands it for ID.

      It’s my understanding that British law includes no real limits on the power of government over the people.Our Bill of Rights faces challenge from time to time,but has held for the last 220 odd years.That’s why I oppose stop and frisk laws and no knock raids as they fly in the face of the Bill of Rights.

      We must do something to get,what I see as wide spread ground up corruption out of the culture.We can’t have a functioning democracy or culture if a large portion of it is allowed to lie,cheat and steal with impunity.

  4. Lara says:

    MMP provided us a rigged election also.

  5. Lara says:

    Indeed KG. An utterly incompetent and dangerous government, who seems intent on destroying NZ as quickly as possible. Smash goes our economy as their wrecking ball sledges regions, farmers and taxpayers. We should have better backups in place to stop this rancid regime, other than just the next election. They are vile.

    • KG says:

      “We should have better backups in place to stop this rancid regime, other than just the next election.”
      That’s for sure, Lara. Maybe some affected groups such as farmers need to get off their backsides and look at funding some court challenges?

    • mawm says:

      I hope all those smug Winston voters realise that they are responsible.

      • KG says:

        Well, not voting in droves for the Greens, Labour and the maori party didn’t help, so perhaps it would have been fixed anyway.
        And bloody National have the nerve to send me fund-raising mails!
        The last “get fucked you useless, gutless twats” mail might stop them….