NZ: a bureaucrat’s paradise

‘John Tamihere: I’ve had enough of faceless well-paid bureaucrats
There are so many faceless bureaucrats that I felt this was an opportune time to list a few of the country’s top officials, their ministries, salary bands (taken from the 2015-2016 Senior Pay Report) the number of Fulltime Employees from 2016-2017 Report and their 2017 budget. This list does not include the army of consultants who cost the taxpayers millions on top of that.
….There is a total of 28 government departments/ministries that have 55,216 FTEs and a budget of $78.8 billion.
If your mind is not boggling after looking at those numbers, there is something seriously wrong.
Those departments are actually non-contestable monopolies…..’

This, in a tiny country of around five million people!

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22 Responses to NZ: a bureaucrat’s paradise

  1. Darin says:

    Something looked interesting in that number so I did the math-

    Call it $78,000,000,000 / 5,000,000 = $15,600 per man,woman and child in NZ

    And $5,000,000,000,000/320,000,000 = $15,625 per man,woman and child in the US

    So the cost of being f–ked over royally by largely incompitent paper pushing idiots is globally similar?

  2. KG says:

    The really interesting thing isn’t so much the money, but the stifling, crippling effect on enterprise and initiative that so many bureaucrats and leeches (but I repeat myself) have.
    Dealing with the bastards is like trying to swim though molasses and nowhere near as pleasant.

  3. Lara says:

    Found that comment amusing coming from him, considering Ardern has set up 80 committees since becoming the accidental PM! Cause she doesn’t have a clue..

    • KG says:

      :shock: 80??

      • Darin says:

        And none of those committees will have a clue either,it’s just an expensive Tornado of ignorance designed to suck up money and wreck things.

        • mawm says:

          Gotta employ all the fat women with clipboards somewhere.

          I wonder how many of those 80 committees will ever make a decision? 1 or 2?

          • Lara says:

            They had nine years in Opposition, and then they put 80 committees into place. Clueless and corrupt. Even three years is too long to wait to give this tyrannical govt the boot!

            • Darin says:

              Lara,have you arrived at the same conclusion that KG and I have?
              That our political parties are like Pigs feeding at the trough and the only difference between them are color and spots?
              My appologies to Pigs,noble,useful creatures,vastly more so than politicians.

              “I am fond of Pigs,Dogs look up to us,Cats look down on us,Pigs see us as equals”-Winston Churchill

  4. KG says:

    NZ is hopelessly corrupt and Maori racism rules.
    Defending Democracy
    By Dr Muriel Newman

    ‘…Action is indeed needed right now to defend a community’s democratic right to call a referendum if their local council decides to establish a Maori ward, since Local Government New Zealand is attempting to have this important public power abolished.LGNZ, the lobby group for the country’s 78 local authorities, is calling for a law change to give councils the exclusive right to decide whether or not to create Maori wards. But questions are now being asked as to who is behind this campaign – more on that later…’

  5. Robertv says:

    How to gain respect.

    Putin welcomes & accompanies WWII veteran after he was pushed away

  6. Darin says:

    And here we have the ticking timebomb that are civil servant pensions-

    • KG says:

      The State governments will likely default on them.

      • Darin says:

        Likely so and that will be the trigger or widespread defaults in states all over the nation.This has the potential along with out of control healthcare costs to bankrupt the nation permanently.

  7. KG says:

    One for Lara:

    The housing plan is going the same way as the “zero pests” plan and the “ten million trees” plan so beloved by the greens.
    What’s interesting is the number of ‘thumbs up’ for comments under the article. People – a lot of people – are very pissed off indeed.
    Not that National are much better, simply sitting quietly on the sidleines waiting for this mob to implode isn’t a damn plan. :evil: