Open House 5/11/18

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131 Responses to Open House 5/11/18

  1. Darin says:

    Suspected serial killer –

    “As shocking as those crimes are, an upcoming TV documentary will look into other crimes that her friends and family suspect Cochran of committing. That includes as many as nine other possible victims buried across the Midwest, as well as accusations that she fed the remains of her lover to others at a barbecue.” :shock:

  2. Darin says:

    I’ve always believed that God sends us Angels,just sometimes we don’t recognize them at first-

    • Fred says:

      There is always an antidote. Every plant that poisons has a nearby, sometimes cousin, that is the antidote. Interestingly a family friend has HIV. Has had it for decades now. It’s never been treated and it’s never turned to AIDs. The big wigs of US medicine have studied his blood. It doesn’t provide a cure but it does give clues.

      Importantly, God always provide a way for perpetuation of humans even through horrific wars and plagues.

  3. KG says:

    Judicial Watch uncovers emails showing FBI officials recommended Comey consult with Mueller prior to June 2017 Senate testimony
    ‘We may be on the verge of uncovering a shocking abuse of its powers by the FBI that it and the Department of Justice frantically have been concealing from Congress and the American people. ‘

    • mawm says:

      There is no doubt that the Obama DOJ and intelligence agencies were corrupt to the core and used maliciously against American citizens, just as the IRD was. The outgoing administration must have chortled with delight as a naive Sessions recused himself from a fallacious “Russia investigation” and got Mueller in as special counsel. I hope it is all uncovered and they can find some crimes with which to prosecute these people who think that they are above all others. Treason would be a good start – in a state that has the death penalty. Fifteen years or so in death row fighting their appeals through the courts and failed appeals for clemency would tend to give them some time to consider the maliciousness of their crimes. I wonder what it feels like to be suffocated by being given 100% nitrogen?

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        These people are all the more dangerous because they do not see their actions as treacherous but necessary to eliminate Trump and all his election stands for. Their loyalty is not to their country but rather to their ideology.

  4. Darin says:


    “Haines also argues that “[t]he maturity of the securities was so short that it was not reasonable to foresee any impact on their timely repayment from long-term sea level change.” Haines adds that “…in the case of sea-level rise and certain other climate impacts, municipal entities generally will not be greatly affected for decades…”

    In other words, any potential damage from climate change is speculative, uncertain, and nearly impossible to quantify.”

  5. KG says:

    Just watched a documentary on building the computers for the Apollo missions.
    What a staggering achievement that was! :shock:

  6. KG says:

    ‘Kiwi rest home horror: Maggots in elderly man’s wound and bloodied sheets
    The health board is now working with the rest home and said it was confident recommended changes are being made. Asked if residents were safe, the spokeswoman said they were.
    “Counties Manukau Health is satisfied that the Palm’s team has treated the issues seriously and their leadership have taken the immediate steps necessary to ensure they provide safe care to their residents. We will continue to monitor and support the Palms to fully implement all the agreed actions to ensure quality care.”..’

    • mawm says:

      Hmmm….maggots have been used for getting rid of necrotic (dead) tissue before. Just slap a bit of manuka honey on afterwards to enhance the healing and keep infection away. It’s been used in some of the best burn units.

  7. KG says:

    Sure – but that’s not criminal neglect, is it?

  8. Lara says:

    Reminds me of the case this week of the toddler who died after a hard fall at his daycare, head injury, and the staff did not even inform the parents that he had fallen. Probably could have been saved. Once again, no one held to account, no prosecutions, no nothing. One dead child, basically because of negligence. I hate daycare, you just can’t substitute a mum! Feel for the family though. If the child had been taken to emergency/hospital straight away, possibly a very different outcome.

    • Darin says:

      We are hearing about concussion awareness almost dailythrough the media,but none of them mention anywhere how to spot the warning signs that one has occured.
      I’ve always wondered,of all the useless junk that is taught in schools.I wonder how many lives could be saved if the kids were taught CPR,Heimlich and how to swim?

  9. Darin says:

    Sorry for this woman’s loss,but her son should have read the warnings on the side of the can,they don’t print them there just for the fun of it.

    • Fred says:

      The young man was overcome by paint stripper fumes and it’s the paint strippers fault? Got it. I didn’t read the whole story. Was he actually painting or was he gettin’ a little high?

  10. Darin says:

    The absolute state of college campuses and American “culture” in general-

    It’s fun watching liberals bitch and complain at each other.Some tried to say the Duke VP was a “conservative” because he complained about the music,but no self respecting conservative would ever willingly enter a sh–ty hipster coffee shop and order a vegan muffin :lol:

    • KG says:

      Anybody who orders a vegan muffin should be shot on sight. It’s the Precautionary Principle.

      • Fred says:

        If this whole thing goes sideways the kill-off is going to be horrific. Pore pore helpless creatures.

  11. Darin says:

    Building a vibratory tumbler-

  12. Darin says:

    Hull Oakes Lumber Co.the last commercial steam operated sawmill in the US-

  13. Darin says:

    Federal corruption runs deep-

    “Few are inclined to pity the billionaire, but all should understand that the institutions powerful enough to bring down the captains of industry wield the same power against each of us. Anatole France once scoffed that the law’s idea of equality is to bar rich and poor alike from sleeping under bridges, yet no more virtuous is a law that places the rights and liberties of rich and poor alike at the sufferance of authorities with dollar signs in their eyes. The same system that shook down SPI shakes down average citizens to buy margarita machines for bureaucrats. The main difference is the corporate shakedown’s greater profit margin.”

    • KG says:

      For the thousandth time: the real enemy is where the real power resides… Bureaucrats.
      Insurrections should target bureaucrats before politicians Kinda like killing cockroaches before worrying about the mice.

  14. KG says:

    If these people are the future..we’re screwed.

    • Darin says:

      ya know…ummm…I feel…well….okay….um”…..we need a string of natural disasters and a world war to weed these genetic defects out

      • Fred says:

        The fat girls is laugh out loud idiotic. He [Trump] talked tough and within a year the Korean war is over. Her analysis; “Not a lot of people like being talked to that way.”

        Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    • Grog says:

      Appears a lot of “males” in the area were also afflicted with the feminism mental disorder.

  15. KG says:

    NZ: “Brace yourself for petrol at $3 a litre”

    And guess’s all Trump’s fault!
    “Business Editor” my ass – he’s just another propagandist. When NZ fuel was still expensive during the period when crude prices dropped drastically, we were told that the international price per barrel was irrelevant to pricing on the local market.
    The Saudis have already said they would make up any shortfall due to Iran’s actions. But we don’t want to spoil a simplistic bit of ideological finger-pointing with facts, do we?
    Typical effing NZ Herald. :evil: If virgins began getting pregnant every full moon it would be Trump’s fault according to these lying c**ts.
    also in NZ media:

    ‘A profound crisis’: Sea level rise in NZ ‘
    Bawaaahahahaha….propagandists and liars rule.

    • Darin says:

      Here the price of Steel and Aluminum has gone up”due to tariffs”despite no tarriffs being announced or imposed.It’s just an excuse to rape people’s wallets.

  16. KG says:

    The great AGW scam:
    ‘Climate Change Conference Collapses as China Backs Down from Emission Commitments
    …..But China is now demanding “bifurcation.” This is a technical term meaning that the transparency and bookkeeping rules apply only to the rich countries, not to the developing countries.
    This means that the “rich” developed countries have to pay all the money and also meet the transparency and bookkeeping rules to prove that they’re meeting their emission commitments.
    But the developing countries just have to sit back and collect money, and claim that they are reducing emissions without having to provide any evidence…’
    (China is classified as a “developing country”)

  17. Grog says:

    We all know how Bill Blackstone would react to this.

  18. Darin says:

    Nazis and Socialists are the same bunch of idiots-

    “To be clear, Nazism and Bolshevism were simply competing versions of socialism — nothing more.”

  19. Darin says:

    Huge Poplar tree lands on Tigercat Feller-

  20. Michael in Nelson says:

    First it was a judge telling gov’t attorneys ‘Come on man’ and mow we find out one of the Russian companies under indictment…well see for yourself

    Reminds me of the old list of things lawyers actually asked in court.

    • Darin says:

      They got nothing,never had anything,the whole thing is nothing but put up nonsense by a bunch of leftist loosers.

  21. KG says:

    Pardon me while I vomit:–its-the-decent-and-civilised-choice
    This insulting clown needs a kick up the arse and a brain transplant. The article is riddled with racism, false assumptions, wild generalizations and just plain old outright bullshit.
    Joel Maxwell is a fuckwit.

    • Grog says:

      Joe Biden could have written that article about homeschooling here in the US, it’s the same drivel being spewed by the same arrogant assclowns who can’t refrain from meddling in someone else’s business.

      • Darin says:

        That the language is dying out is only because the culture is dying out as cultures do.Should ancient Aztec or Cuniform writing also be taught?

        • KG says:

          Odd, isn’t it how these self righteous dimshits can regard government compulsion used against supposedly free people as ‘the decent and civilized choice’?
          Especially since there was very, very little decent and civilized about the culture this fascist cunt admires so much and would inflict by force on others and other people’s children. :evil:

  22. KG says:

    ‘Thinktank: Men should work less to close gender pay gap’

    • Darin says:

      Two questions-
      Where do I sign up?

      And where is my check?

    • mawm says:

      So basically they are admitting that women actually do less hours of work through their working life. The stats say so.

  23. KG says:

    Nearly 100 volunteers help renovate Korean War veteran’s home

  24. Grog says:

    There’s a new mindset of insanity, work less hours, give up self respect and work ethic because diversity.

  25. D.T. says:

    Blatant child abuse .

    Where is the father ? Everyone but the mother can see what is going to happen to this kid………

    • Darin says:

      I just love a story with a happy ending!

    • Yokel says:

      I’m sitting here waiting for Pier Morgan to say again how evil guns are, and how only uniformed persons on duty should be able to use them. After all, at the time she was only an ordinary mother with a concealed carry permit.

      Do you think I will have to wait long for Pier Morgan to say how evil the mother was to defend her family and friends?

      • Darin says:

        Piers and his ilk won’t even report this story,afterall lives were saved by the proper use of a firearm and,well,that just goes against the narrative.
        Of course they would be wetting themselves giddy had the mugger shot and killed a bunch of people,cause you know guns are evil.

      • Pascal says:

        With acknowledgement to Darin’s fine response, let me alter it a bit for good reason.

        afterall lives were saved by the proper use of a firearm and,well,that just goes against the narrative plan.

        Here’s the discussion that is always avoided by SSM and its sponsors.

        “The sanctity of human life is at center of JudeoChristianity. Western rulers seem so convinced that Malthusianism must inevitably be correct that they’ve “progressively” steered the Western “moral state” to conform with that of misanthropes. Kill off billions of people and save the world: Sustainability worshipers.”

        Please repeat this analysis and opinion until those so charged can’t hide from it any longer. I don’t even care about my own survival at this point, but more of those I love and the freedom in the world that has been so good to me and provides promise to them and to all.

        And from what I’ve witnessed in my years coming here, the majority of Crusaders mostly share that concern. And that concern may not even have been because you agree with my analysis. The thing I’m suggesting, is force them to deny the plan and to prove how their denial is truthful!

        Force discussion of “the plan” as revealed by the preponderance of the evidence out into the open before they ban speech completely. Exclusion of The Malthusian bent of Western leaders from the Overton Window must end.
        Overton Window

  26. Gregoryno6 says:

    A moment in military history that’s almost been forgotten.
    The Battle of Coral-Balmoral, which has nothing to do with the Coral Sea. Or Balmoral Castle. Vietnam is quite a ways from either of those.

  27. mawm says:

    Mueller kicks himself in the nuts! A little more on the Concord lawsuit.

    • Pascal says:

      Thanks for the heads-up mawm.

      Here’s hoping that they not only have to endure the process, but that they also lose. That bit suggesting that they lose even if they win is inadequate for me. LOL

      • mawm says:

        The prosecutor suggesting that the target wasn’t properly served when he turns up in court! Prosecuting a company that didn’t exist at that time! Now facing “discovery”!

        Of course the NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, etc. are all over this story like a rash.

        • KG says:

          ‘….by “impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful functions of the United States by dishonest means in order to enable Defendants to interfere with U.S. political processes, including the 2016 presidential election.”…’
          The wording of that indictment would apply to just about every Obama judicial appointeee.

          One of the best comments under the article:

          “Headline of the day: Indicted ham sandwich bites prosecutor”

          • Darin says:

            And this has gone beyond the point where simple embarassment of the Mueller will sufice.No,I want him locked up and sharing a cell with a big black dude named Bubba that thinks Mueller is cute.

  28. KG says:

    NZ, The socialist quagmire: Apparatchiks rule:
    ‘Have Auckland journalists gone Awol? Why aren’t they investigating Auckland Council’s inefficiencies and excessive costs relating to building and resource consents?
    New Zealanders tend to be passive about challenging bureaucracy. We moan and groan, but we don’t get up and fight for our rights.
    Why does it take two years on average to get building approval from the council to build a home? And why does it cost so much? Why is the council not being held accountable to ratepayers for its inefficiencies?
    A young relative of mine recently applied for a building consent to construct a modest two-bedroom home of 65-70 square metres. It cost him $69,000 in council fees to get a building consent, which included $13,500 to connect to a water meter. Seriously? This equates to just under half of what it cost him to build his prefabricated unit, which was $159,000. (This cost does not include drainage and laying the foundation.) He has been waiting six months for his Code of Compliance….’

  29. Darin says:

    $69,000 in council fees? :shock: here it’s $1200 tops,and that’s for a house three times that size.Connecting to city water,sewer and gas is -*free*

    • KG says:

      We’re being ripped off every which way here, Darin. They’ve almost achieved socialism’s ‘equal sharing of misery’. The middle class is being decimated.

      • Darin says:

        Everywhere the socialist mindset infest the ruling class the same story repeats.They establish a two tier economy – the very poor(dependant) class and the wealthy(politically connected) class are all there is.

  30. KG says:

    Monsignor Quixote (1987)

    Leo McKern and Alec Guinness

    I downloaded this movie from youTube with no great optimism.
    But it turned out to be a gem! Lousy film quality, but great dialogue and an entertaining story. And of course brilliant acting. (From a book by Grahame Greene)

  31. Darin says:

    Soros leaving Hungary-

    Good,now if we can just get other leaders to follow Orban’s lead.

    • Grog says:

      I’d prefer that Orban locked him up, but maybe in this case a tie is a win.

  32. Darin says:

    I don’t know much about the Kenyan President (the Country of Kenya,not Obama),but from this interview I suspect he might just be a statesman and not a globalist puppet-

    The galling point for me was when the interviewer scolded him-“you might get in trouble” get in trouble with who the fuck?

    • KG says:

      The interviewer’s remark was a case of “mommy speaking” if ever there was. :evil:

  33. Pascal says:

    The Shameful, Unethical Smearing of Jordan Peterson.

    So even the schizophrenic Weekly Standard (well, look at its owner, Bill Kristol) can be decent once in a while.

    Don’t wonder what will it take for them to post a headline The Shameful, Unethical Smearing of Donald Trump. The playing of taps for their owner is a good guess.

    • Darin says:

      Jonah Cohen has been typically a straight shooter over the year,much more so than Kristol.So it doesn’t surprise me that he would come to Peterson’s defense.

      Ari Feldman on the other hand is a slimeball and always has been,He’s the Harvey Weinstein of yellow journalism

      • Pascal says:


        Well, at least the outlet publishing Jonah Cohen has had a mixed direction.

        The one fostering the likes of Ari Feldman has a transparent direction truth of the forward

        • Darin says:

          Geez my typing goes to pot when I’m tired

          The new definition of what constitues journalism apprently is just pulling something out their arse and throwing it against the wall.

  34. Darin says:

    Clint Smith-Better to Defend than Drag-

  35. Darin says:

    In this age of consumer throw away crap,it’s nice to see people who give a dam are still able to turn a buck now and then.

    1879 Adjustable wrench reborn-

    Not bad for $35

    • KG says:

      Beautiful! I used to love those wrenches. I have a small King Dick wrench but it’s a different style to that, more like an ordinary Crescent wrench. The old ones are very rare now.

  36. KG says:

    The Great Somali Welfare Rip-Off
    $100 million in taxpayer cash shipped out of country in past year alone.

  37. mawm says:

    I hope that this works.

    Just a short clip of those peaceful palestinian ‘demonstrators’.

  38. Darin says:

    See liberals,a good man with a gun can stop a bad man with a gun,even in a school-

    Buy that man a beer!

  39. KG says:

    This girly whining shit is the headline in the NZ Herald right now! :shock:

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      There is just so much wrong with how this has been related, I don’t know where to start except asking why they didn’t have the honesty to tell the guy they were not interested in male company that night instead of lying to him. That’s what he meant when he said they were rude…(sorry, my bad, apparently women can’t be rude to men these days just like blacks and browns can’t be racist.)

      • Darin says:

        He probably didn’t have the three things women of their caliber look for in man-earings,tattoos and felony convictions.

  40. KG says:

    UK Police Order England Football Fans to Ditch ‘Imperialistic’ Flag at World Cup
    Irish Urged to House Migrants in Spare Beds
    And lend them your nine year old daughter while you’re at it, Paddy.