Feminism Before and After

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16 Responses to Feminism Before and After

  1. Grog says:

    I managed to watch for about 2 minutes, and that was more than enough. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

  2. Fred says:


  3. Tom says:

    I made the mistake of watching before breakfast

  4. Robertv says:

    These are anti-feminist. They hate men they hate women they hate everything. They became useless eaters. They want to be a cancer to society.


    • Robertv says:

      They hate modern society but would not survive one day without it.

    • Robertv says:

      That’s why they hate people like Jordan Peterson.


      Because in their heart they know he is right but they can’t admit it.

      • Darin says:

        “These are anti-feminist. They hate men they hate women they hate everything. They became useless eaters. They want to be a cancer to society.”

        They are above all else attention whores,they are spoiled children acting out to get attention.This I believe explains the “lawn mower hair do’s” and having half a hardware store sticking in various parts of their bodies.It’s the cult of “look at me!”

      • Gregoryno6 says:

        I’ve been astounded over the last week to read some of the negative commentary on JP. Not from the left, but from the right. People who I’d expect would be cheering to see his ideas drawing so much interest. They’re slagging him as a lefty.
        Can’t see it myself. Peterson talks about taking on challenges, attending to your own issues before you try to change the world, and accepting personal responsibility. I can’t imagine a less leftist philosophy!