NZ’s shameful, joke PM

and illegitimate government, exposed for what they are.

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26 Responses to NZ’s shameful, joke PM

  1. K2 says:

    Love how these leftist fishwraps always feature the worst possible pictures of Trump they can find. Compare and contrast with:

    • KG says:

      Good grief…that ass-licking, fawning piece would be satire in a rational world.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Somehow the fact that the Israelis would have been slaughtered by those ‘peaceful Palestinians if they hadn’t fought back seems to elude the idiots in the NZ gov’t and establishment news media.

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    Murray Mccully, agreed with a UN resolution that would mean the end of Israel as a nation in favour of the Palestinians, this is why one of my friends refused to vote for National. His vote was on one issue, Israel, the Nats lost his vote for that reason.

    Looks like maybe Labour will lose a vote for not standing up for Israel.

    • mawm says:

      I see Simon Bridges makes a very cautious statement acknowledging that a case can be made for the US embassy to move. FFS, Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel, that is where all the Embassies should be. While the Mozzies are having a collective convulsion the Jews should take back the “Temple Mount” and open up a synagogue there (after all it was originally theirs) and deal with only one lot of riots.

      • Brown says:

        Israelis have had plenty of opportunity to re-take the Temple Mount but have consistently declined to do so which annoys the Jewsish fundies who would love to stick it to all other religions in the region. Given Israel is a secular state that attitude to the site seems reasonable.

        • Darin says:

          IIRC when the Dome of the Rock comes down and the Temple is rebuilt,that’s when things on Earth will start to get really interesting.

          • Warren Tooley says:

            Darin, are you by chance referring to 2 Thessalonians 2, about that man sitting on the temple seat, or are you saying something else.

            • Darin says:

              Seem to remember something about some seals being broken and judgement being poured out

              • Warren Tooley says:

                I’ll take that as a yes. Your referring to the book of Revelation, but an important part of that prophecy is 2 Thessalonians 2.

                The antichrist cannot come until there has been a falling away of Christians first.

                • Brown says:

                  That’s dodgy theology indeed. When Christ returns as The Christ it will be a surprise of biblical proprtions. Jerusalem will not be any more special that Gore.

                • Warren Tooley says:

                  2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 (NASB): Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy (falling away) comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.

                  Exactly how is my theology dodgy?

  4. Cadwallader says:

    The PM is an utter airhead supported by an airhead media and Dickensian trades union. The previous government was ineffectual in that it allowed freedom damaging laws to remain untouched but in contrast to the current lot the cabinet members did possess some degree of integrity and intellectual acuity.

  5. Cadwallader says:

    I ought to have added that the current PM derives her thoughts from the “feelings” of others and the fads of the day. There appears to be a complete lack of ability to measure and to balance anything…hence her bumper-sticker response to Israel defending its borders. She doesn’t choose to defend NZ’s borders either as we have all witnessed in her open welcome to boat people and others who wish to live here and crap on our culture and way of life.

    • KG says:

      Damn right!

      • Warren Tooley says:

        So that’s what a likable Prime Minister means, going with the flow of whatever the media says and then conning the rest of the public into thinking its a good idea. It hasn’t worked with KG.

        • Lara says:

          I just don’t find her likeable at all. Self centered, arrogant and daft. A media fabrication, the likeable is a front. Shocker of a PM, enabled by a corrupt, broken system. Dangerous even. Dark times for NZ loom under this rabble.

          • Warren Tooley says:

            That’s because you have discernment. Not everyone has this ability. To be a deceiver you must deceive, or else your not a deceiver. That’s what these people are, deceivers.

            • Brown says:

              Exactly how is my theology dodgy?

              The New Testament temple is the heart of the people – bricks and mortar became obsolete at the time of Christ. The Bible is using metaphor to convey enormous concepts of sin, rebellion and self indulgence that we can’t get our heads around in the conventional sense.

              • Warren Tooley says:

                Brown, when Jesus dealt with the traders in the temple, he talked about the temple being rebuilt in 3 days. He was referring to Himself as the temple, once he rose from the dead.

                The Jews didn’t understand that, and to this day many don’t. So the passage in 2 Thessalonians 2 does mean a physical temple if it is referring to the Jews, as that is what they are expecting.

                I’m pretty sure the abomination that causes desolation is in regards to the Jews and their temple, not the temple in our hearts, as stated in 1 Cor. 3.

      • Cadwallader says:

        Perhaps the term “boat people” ought be dropped and the word “invaders” be adopted as a replacement?

        • KG says:

 Indeed, Cad.
          Warren, I suspect it hasn’t worked with a large majority of Kiwis, it’s just that their voices aren’t being heard.

          • Warren Tooley says:

            KG: Well that’s the lamestream media for you. The only time they will present someone who disagrees with them is if they know how to make them look stupid.

            Cad: How about space invaders? They are invading our space.

            • Cadwallader says:


              • Warren Tooley says:

                I thought you’d see the humor in it. Space invaders also means a video game. And yes invaders as you’ve stated is what they are.

                People are moving out of Auckland because its becoming too crowded, for instance and that’s just one little example.

  6. Lara says:

    It hasn’t worked with most Kiwis, Warren. The larges bloc voted for National, hands down. And National would be govt now if it were not for a stupid, corrupted system (why the heck did National not amend MMP!!) and a drunken, bitter, vengeful old goat. Despite the MSM’s Jacindamania rort, National got a lot more votes. The left wanted MMP and no wonder!!