
This is insane!

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14 Responses to What.The.Hell??

  1. Yokel says:

    We need articles like this from NZ Herald to show what the opposition are up to.

    As to the contents of the article, is it not projection? Accusing the right of things the left are blatantly up to eg provoking Armageddon?

    As to fact, is it not true that the US Congress passed the move into law decades ago but that no president permitted the law to be put into effect until now? Surely, unless you believe that dictatorship is the correct mode of government, frustrating the will of Congress is anti-democratic isn’t it?

    But then the Left are fond of saying that we live in a post-democratic age, so perhaps I shouldn’t be over surprised.

    • Darin says:

      The left are master projectionist,it’s all they have besides their own emotional instability.
      They are pushing this BS about Trump some how wanting to force the second coming of Christ,yet it was them pushing the massive fiction and fraud that is climate change.That bit of very expensive and destructive lunacy was okay ,however simply moving the US embassy to Jerusalem,which has always been the capital of Israel going back millenia and which 4 of the last 5 US presidents has promised to do is some how insane?Riiight.

    • Pascal says:

      “We need articles like this from NZ Herald to show what the opposition are up to.”

      Indeed, without their globalist corporate Johns paying for their propaganda services, this filthy, whore-staffed rag would have long ago disappeared due to lack of attractiveness.

  2. Brown says:

    Churches that preach orthodox Christianity should be stomping on this dispensationalist rubbish that leads so many people astray.

    • Yokel says:

      Is it not prophecy that the mainstream churches will lead their flocks astray in these last days?

      • Brown says:

        Not sure if I’d say mainstream in isolation. There are stupid mainstream for sure but my experience is that the small flocks led by untrained zealots are worse.

        • KG says:

          “untrained zealots”?
          So what would you call Pope Francis, if not a zealot, trained in Marxism, Brown? Training is not the high road to truth.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Just another way to say Trump supporters are whack jobs and not worth listening to. It’s been pushed by the Sinister news since the primaries.

  4. Yokel says:

    Another insanity:

    Macron seems to be a “well intentioned” fool who is trying to mould Islam into a more Western acceptable religion. It will be tolerated while he is pouring money into the “religion”, and forcing the indigenous population to accept more of it as their “quid pro quo”. But the moment he demands that the Muslims actually adopt his new Islam there will be the usual riots, but none of the concessions made by the indigenous French will be walked back!

    In short he will end up advancing “good old” neck chopping, stoning, raping, beating, thuggish Islam under the guise of restraining it! FOOL!

    • Darin says:

      Islam is a cancer,best treatment?Cut it out and zap it with large doses of radiation http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

    • Pascal says:

      Well, at least with the “religion” of the migrants, with all those threats on display, its misanthropy is out in the open.

      Macron and the EU keep their misanthropy hidden, unspoken of they are not forced to deny it let alone discuss it. They are the more dire a threat because they remain in power and it seems they have no true rival. A pity for decency should that not change soon.