Band of Brothers

Sadly their numbers are dwindling every year,the Greatest Generation-

“Stunning” just doesn’t do them justice.

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14 Responses to Band of Brothers

  1. Darin says:

    Notice the 7th photo down from the top,the men in the landing craft.Look at their boots,that wasn’t their first action.

  2. KG says:

    My father landed at Sword beach and then went on to Caen and beyond. He almost never spoke of it.
    He surely earned his place in Valhalla.
    Not a word about this anniversary in the NZ media.

  3. Darin says:

    He couldn’t afford a real Spitfire…so he built his own from scratch-

    • Grog says:

      I could put 5,ooo thumbs up and it still wouldn’t be enough credit for the engineering ingenuity in that video. No one said they couldn’t build the plane, so they built the plane. 12 dollars for the rear view mirror.

  4. Darin says:

    Cue the Benny Hill theme-

    Virgina Police chase soldier who stole an APC-

    Call me next time bro,I wanna go too!

    • Ronbo says:

      He was a Democrat who heard the Left had pulled a putsch against President Trump – and was moving some armor into position at Richmond, Virginia as a blocking force for the ANTIFA storming of the White House on D-Day…