Orwell on Steroids

Department Of Homeland Security Compiles List Of All Bloggers, Journalists, & “Social Media Influencers”

Zero Hedge-

“As part of its “media monitoring,” the DHS seeks to track more than 290,000 global news sources as well as social media in over 100 languages, including Arabic, Chinese and Russian, for instant translation into English. The successful contracting company will have “24/7 access to a password protected, media influencer database, including journalists, editors, correspondents, social media influencers, bloggers etc.” in order to “identify any and all media coverage related to the Department of Homeland Security or a particular event.”

“Any and all media coverage,” as you might imagine, is quite broad and includes “online, print, broadcast, cable, radio, trade and industry publications, local sources, national/international outlets, traditional news sources, and social media.”

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7 Responses to Orwell on Steroids

  1. Andy5759etc says:

    I wouldn’t mind a job there. Getting paid for reading my favourite blogs sounds good.😁

  2. Gregoryno6 says:

    The only thing worse than being listed by the DHS is not being listed by the DHS. Talk about being blackballed!

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Hey the bloggers should be glad…this will up their hit count. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_mail.gif