Open House 6/1/18

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111 Responses to Open House 6/1/18

  1. Darin says:

    Jury awards $.04 to the family of man killed by cops.It’s pretty simple,don’t pull a gun on the cops and start waving it in their general direction.

    • Odakyu-sen says:

      I assume the cops began to shoot through the garage door immediately after the man lowered it.
      If they had waited several seconds after the door had closed and then opened fire, they could have hit any other person who had entered the garage from the house (like a small boy wanted to see what the noise was all about).
      I was taught that you need to have a clear line of sight to your target. Shooting blind is not safe.

    • Pascal says:

      Jury awards 4¢ is so much more satisfying to read. LOL

  2. Darin says:

    The way a leader should conduct himself-

    I am so glad we are done bowing and apologizing

    • mawm says:

      Very good, if somewhat repetitive. It could be distilled into a fewer more salient points and is very much along the lines advocated by many others. However there are many people who need to read these …. and apply them. Maybe there is a thirst for this kind of guidance as evidenced by Peterson’s “12 rules” popularity.

  3. Darin says:

    An interview with Grover Norquist-Weaponized Taxes:How the government uses taxes to control people-

  4. KG says:

    ‘Isle of Man TT: A Dangerous Addiction’

    • Darin says:

      What happens when your chain breaks at 189mph

      • KG says:

        :mrgreen: The commenters under that just don’t get it.
        All of us, at some point and in some way rely on young men being brave and imagining themselves to be bulletproof.
        Turn that off or over-regulate and and condemn it at your peril.

        • Andy5759etc says:

          Or send them all off to some phoney war to get slaughtered. Two such culls last century, only one more required to finish the job. Unless the culture enrichers can’t do the job themselves.

  5. Darin says:

    Marine Triple Expansion Engine in operation Liberty Ship SS Jeremiah O’brien with another famous ship near the end –

    • Grog says:

      If I ever had the opportunity to see that, …………………………..

  6. KG says:

    Let’s play “spot the implicit bias” shall we? Otherwise known as framing the debate:
    Madness! Tucker Carlson:
    Is the FAA sacrificing your safety for diversity?

  7. Grog says:

    OldNFO has an anniversary of sorts, he’d probably appreciate a good word.

    • Andy5759etc says:

      I haven’t come across this one before, thanks Grog. I’ve bookmarked it.

  8. Darin says:

    The Wreck and The Rescue:Rebuilding Tally Ho episode 23

    The Parrot riding the forklift cracks me up :mrgreen:

  9. Michael in Nelson says:
  10. Michael in Nelson says:
  11. Michael in Nelson says:

    That’s because yours is the only mind less complex than his you feckless idiot!

    • Darin says:

      That’s only cause Odonnell’s brain is like a marble rattling around in an empty boxcar.There are literally bacteria with more brain cells.

  12. Grog says:

    I have a lot of words for this loser, but won’t type them here.

  13. Grog says:

    Today’s wtf is brought to you by tide pods laundry soap.

    • Grog says:

      Great analysis, it would only take one black swan to have this level of restriction happen here in the States.

  14. Michael in Nelson says:

    I was thinking last night (a rare occurrence I know) about how Trump is able to keep the Left in a constant state of agitation and despair. I believe it is in large part because they have never had to deal with a tycoon that didn’t hold to their world view. He is able to work on multiple fronts constantly and they can’t keep up. They are used to vapid politicians that can’t multi-task and so can be guided to stick with a n0n-issue long after it had died a natural death. Trump distracts them with tweets while guiding other programs to a successful conclusion which he then hammers them with as a winning triumph.

    The Russia collusion and Stormy Daniel fiascos are classic examples. Trump throws out an occasional tweet about one or the other while destroying the regulatory morass in the background which allows the economy to surge giving him the opportunity to crow about that success. The Sinister media didn’t see it coming because they were fixated on unimportant crap.

    • Ronbo says:

      Excellent analysis of Trump’s political/military/psychological genius that seems be channeled from the ancient Chinese master of warfare Sun Tze.

      Yes, the American Left is being outflanked, outgeneraled and will be destroyed as a viable opposition force in America if Trump survives in office until 2025.

  15. Darin says:

    Judge Jeanine -What’s wrong with Trey Gowdy?

    • Grog says:

      Not going to stand on my soapbox, but I mentioned something about him the other day.

      I watched Levin this evening, his guests were very clear on the purpose of the “investigation”(spit), that it’s about impeachment. And most people don’t care. smh

    • Darin says:

      Lots and lots of broken arms from the left patting themselves on the back.

  16. KG says:

    ‘England’s Top Family Judge: Society Should ‘Welcome and Applaud’ the Decline of Nuclear Families’

    • mawm says:

      Disgusting. I see nothing about the precipitous decline of the judiciary.

    • Yokel says:

      I can’t bring myself to comment. And I am supposed to respect the judiciary?? I hold them in contempt. Maybe my contempt is sufficient to lock me up too!

  17. Gregoryno6 says:

    A win for freedom of speech here in The Great South Land! The Australian Press Council has given the thumbs down on Yassmin Abdel-Magied and her complaint against Piers Akerman.
    Link to the original story includes link at the top to the Council’s reasons for the decision.
    Yes, he really did title it thus.
    Which genius gave this Islam idiot a soapbox?

  18. Ronbo says:

    Just when you think the FBI has hit rock bottom because of their unsuccessful coup attempt against Trump – a drunk dancer FBI agent shoots a bar patron!

    Meanwhile, J. Edgar Hoover rolls over in his grave….

  19. KG says:

    ‘Qantas will now refer to Taiwan as a Chinese territory, after a request labelled as ‘Orwellian nonsense’ by the White House.’

    “Request”? It was a demand and a threat. Is there no arrogant bastardry Westerners won’t grovel and apologise to?

  20. Darin says:

    Supremes say “no you don’t have to bake the cake”

    Not a complete victory,but we’ll take it

  21. Darin says:

    Between this Volcano and the one in Hawaii this winter could shape up to be a cold one-

  22. KG says:

    ‘..Whatever crime Robinson may have committed on paper, everyone with eyes to see knows that the real crimes for which he is being punished are these: being white working class; speaking home truths about the problems posed to social cohesion in Britain by Islam when the Establishment’s position remains that this is impolite and that we should all bury our heads in the sand and pretend that those problems don’t exist.
    So long as this state of affairs continues, the gulf between ordinary people and the political elite is going to grow and grow.
    It’s the kind of rift from which revolutions emerge. Tommy Robinson is already the people’s hero. If he becomes the people’s martyr too, then it will be a mistake the Establishment most certainly comes to regret.’
    more or less unrelated:
    Australian National University banks Mid-East millions
    ‘The ANU has taken millions from Dubai, Iran and Turkey, raising queries about its rejection of a Western civilisation course. ‘

    (Unfortunately behind The Australian’s paywall. I’ll look for another source.)

    Between Chinese and muzzle pressure there’s not going to be much room left for ordinary Australians to exercise their choices.

  23. D.T. says:

    What more can be said about Brit police :
    Very sad indeed…….what a shit hole of a country it is now .

  24. KG says:

    This week’s snivelling, ball-less freak – and that’s being kind to the POS:
    I’d suggest that crawling to harpies might be the only way “he” can get laid, but that would assume he had a dick in the first place. :evil:

  25. Darin says:

    WSJ: Climate Change has run it’s course-

    “The descent of climate change into the abyss of social-justice identity politics represents the last gasp of a cause that has lost its vitality. Climate alarm is like a car alarm—a blaring noise people are tuning out.”

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Obviously the climate alarmists never got the point of the story about the boy who cried wolf.

    • Darin says:

      Just got time to watch the intro now,but looks to be worth watching indeed.I always tell people,when in the middle of WWII the largest,most covert wartime project in possibly the history of mankind to date was sucessfully infiltrated by communists at the highest levels,one can only imagine how many communists there were behind the curtains in the rest of civil governance and academia.

      As for Hollywood,Reagan was tough on communisim,he was also an actor and saw the problem from the inside-

  26. mawm says:

    “The gods must be crazy”.

    Video of asteroid entering earths atmosphere over Botswana taken from a South African farm security camera not far from where my father grew up.

    • Darin says:

      NASA and the ESA keep having their budgets cut to spend money on social programs and caca climate change studies.Shoemaker/Levy 9 and it’s breakup and impact on Jupiter should have been a wake up call to the world,but the population is so dumbed down we risk annihilation form one of the thousands of rocks floating around out there that we don’t know about and currently cannot track.
      No,instead of building an early warning system to detect and possibly prevent the next extinction level event,our politicians waste our resources propping up failing government policies that are designed to cater the needs of teenaged girls.
      Some good reading on the most recent extinction event only 12,900 years ago-

  27. KG says:

    BAWAAAHAHAHA! Brilliant one minute video skewers the leftard media scum and Obama at the same time:

    • mawm says:

      Wilful amnesia. There’s lots of that going around the news rooms and DC at the moment, religiously reported by the NZ media and lapped up by the so-called “intelligent” people that I know. I’m tired of encountering the “Trump’s an idiot, Israel’s bad” mantra repeated ad nauseum wherever I go. Do these people not have one ounce of curiosity as to why the press is so selective in what they report or why they are so dishonest in their endeavours? Wilful blindness.

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      That was TASTY!

  28. Darin says:

    Hopefully a new movie will be out soon-

    “Debbie Does Jail Time” :twisted:

  29. Michael in Nelson says:

    Rat…sinking ship…throwing others under the bus…hand out the popcorn

    Take your pick

    • mawm says:

      He must have read what the IG report has had to say about him. The weasel is trying to weasel his way out of a lengthy gaol sentence.

      The IG report is being slow walked through the DFOJ, FBI, etc. Even those named in the report are having a chance to review it and make redactions/changes. McCabe will have been one of them. Meanwhile Priestap is giving evidence in camera at the present moment. They are all turning on each other………and hopefully, and most importantly, Hilary and Obama.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        I certainly hope so, ’cause there’s no way the HBSC didn’t have his hands on this up to his elbows.

        • Darin says:

          This is where they tell him he’s going to prison,period.If he rolls over and testifies he gets to go to a white collar club fed for 20 years.
          If he doesn’t he goes to a federal supermax facility and meets his new family-the Crips,the Bloods,MS-13 and the Ayran Brotherhood.

      • mawm says:

        Roger Simon on sanitising the IG report. It is time for Trump to end this nonsense – release a non redacted report now and let the dice fall as they will. These weasels certainly will not let Trump sanitise a Mueller report.

  30. Michael in Nelson says:

    The more we learn about the HBSC administration the more we know how bad it really was.

  31. KG says:

    Marxists at the trough, like brats at a cookie scramble.
    ‘$55m for Govt reviews
    The Government has appointed dozens of working groups, with some consultants raking in fees of $1400 a day
    …The National Party puts the cost even higher – with a $114m price tag for 122 working groups and 45 reviews.’

  32. KG says:

    NZ: Greenie insanity:

    Read this crock of retarded, lying, virtue-signalling shit and be amazed at the mixture of gullibility, opportunism and raw cynicism. :shock:

  33. KG says:

    ‘A bombshell report released Wednesday by the majority staff of the Senate Homeland Security Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations revealed that the Obama administration secretly plotted to give Iran access to the U.S. financial system as a sweetener for the 2015 nuclear deal.
    This effectively helped Iran evade sanctions that were not lifted as part of the JCPOA, as it is formally known. The report also details how Obama officials blatantly lied to Congress and the American people about this special arrangement…’

  34. Ronbo says:

    Once again “The Donald” turns the flank of the enemy with a surprise attack at dawn!

    Once again the Left has been hit in the gut by a man they simply cannot understand – either because hate for him has blinded them and made rational thought is impossible – or they feel superior to a nonmember of the American ruling class and thus dismiss him as a “stupid crazy clown” from Queens in NYC.

    Hmmm? This is kind of like all those military genius pure bred aristocrat British generals like Cornwallis who thought George Washington was a low bred Virginia farmer with no military talents.

    • Darin says:

      Yep,and his pardons and commutations are getting A LOT of attention in the black community.The dems are starting to s–t themselves silly because of that.

      • Ronbo says:

        Yep! If the Democommies lose the black vote – or even a high percentage of it – they are finished for all time as a national party – and will follow the old Whig party into the footnotes of American history.

        Meanwhile, in Britain, a nationalist revolution is brewing with the arrest of Tommy Robinson and the imposition of totalitarian rule by their Leftist ruling class – who have misjudged the British public in the same way their American counter parts have under estimated the Will of rank and file Americans to be free.

  35. Yokel says:

    For a bit of lighter entertainment, have a look at an airport where time has frozen:

    It just shows how good the UN are! It forms part of the “UN Buffer Zone” between the island’s in habitants and the invading Turkish army. Funny how these invaders never get anything like the bad press that only a few miles further east another crew get slated for defending their country. Couldn’t be anything to do with ****m could it?

  36. Yokel says:

    Change of sides warning. Paul Dacre (Brexiteer) will soon be replaced as edito of the Daily Mail by Geordie Greig (a fully paid up Remainiac). We won the vote and will lose the war.

  37. Darin says:

    Anthony Bourdain dead at 61-

    He was a liberal,but I always did like his show,he was at least open minded enough to listen to opposing views.One of his best episodes was when he visted Ted Nugent’s ranch for a Bow Hunt-

  38. Michael in Nelson says:

    Trump tells protesting athletes to actually do something positive (I read it as ‘Put up or shut up’).

    I wonder how the Left is going to spin this against Trump and I know they will.