Italy in Crisis

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11 Responses to Italy in Crisis

  1. Robertv says:

    Of course the new people in power (socialists) are as bad as those who were kicked out of power (both love Eu Brussel) but for the Catalan independence it’s a little step in the good direction.

  2. Darin says:

    Here’s the best part-
    “Mr Salvini of The League is likely to become interior minister – enabling him to start implementing his campaign pledge to expel half a million unauthorised migrants from Italy.

    He has called for repatriations to be dramatically stepped up.

    A few hours before the agreement was announced, he set the possible tone of his ministry by tweeting a short video of a man who he claimed was a migrant plucking a pigeon on the side of a road.

    “Final hours of work to form a government, we’re putting everything into it. Meanwhile the news takes us back to harsh reality, with an immigrant plucking the feathers of pigeons in broad daylight and in the middle of the street…Go home!”

    If they can pull that off,we could possibly see a turning point starting to take shape.

    Also today-
    Denmark votes to ban the burqa-

  3. Andy5759etc says:

    Unfortunately for Italy and others the GDR pulls all the strings in the EUSSR. Just look how they have ignored voter’s wishes in the past, how they are conducting “negotiations” with Britain, and their powers to install puppet governments.

  4. Lara says:

    And may the corrupt EU crash. So democracy in Italy just failed. Wow, NZ certainly knows how that feels…

  5. Gregoryno6 says:

    English law and the Italian president. What a pair.
    Mutti Merkel will not be singing Danke Schon for all the trouble they’re causing.

  6. Darin says:

    PJW: The Truth about Italy-