Thank God for Roseanne….

…afterall,she did knock Meygan Markle and Prince Harry off the frontpage for awhile…

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42 Responses to Thank God for Roseanne….

      • Darin says:

        Nah,nevermind,just consider-

        Which is worse,Rosanne’s comment,or VJ and Obama’s letting isis run wild slaughtering tens of thousands of people,causing the migrant crisis in Europe and destroying what civilization there was in western Iraq and Syria?

  1. KG says:

    Get the final line in this article – and that’s why Wabbit would like to see mealy-mouthed c**ts such as this flogged and tarred:

    • Darin says:

      Yep,that last line and the one before it are infuriating,absolute refusal to take any action to remedy the problem.Coupled with the dickhead attitude “we are the government,we know best”

      A buddy of mine used to transplant Oak trees in them and send a picture to the local road supervisor.Seeing a picture of a 2-3″ diameter sapling growing in a pothole usually got them fixed.

      I did see one guy in Michigan,noted for it’s potholes some of which are tourist attractions,post signs on the roadside with pictures of his local council members and their phone numbers on them under the heading -“This pothole sponsored by:” :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      :lol: Nice one, Gregory!
      And speaking of unscrupulous leftards…..
      ‘One gets the impression that those on the Left, the ones lying down on the floor at Publix, the ones freebasing in Starbucks bathrooms, the ones killing cops, the ones shooting Congressmen playing baseball, the ones shrugging when decent people are forced out of business, the ones reporting the wrong-think on Twitter, the ones sneering at those who cling to their God and their guns, are fully committed to the extermination of their opposition by any means necessary. The brazenness of branding half the country as racist and privileged is whole-scale dehumanization and a daily occurrence. It’s the foundation of Marxism.’
      Melissa Mackenzie , ‘An evening in Houston, full of discernment.’
      (bold mine)

  2. KG says:

    ‘Trey Gowdy Didn’t Even See Documents He
    Claims Exonerate FBI On Spygate: Reports
    Something very strange is going on.
    Original article:

    • Grog says:

      For all of his pit bull personality on the newz channels, he’s still part of the gov’t, and this includes the lobbyists and contractors who are more interested in maintaining the status quo than draining the swamp, ergo he will do what is best for the status quo. Otherwise, he would have left politics. But what do I know, I’m just an outside observer.

      • mawm says:

        I thought that he had indicated that he is leaving Congress and there was even some speculation he was doing this to take over from Sessions when he is fired or that he’s going to be the “special council” appointed to investigate the DOJ, FBI, the Clintons, Obama Administration and who ever else they can find to investigate.

    • Pascal says:

      What does the FBI/Dems/GOPe have on Goudy, and how long have they had it?

  3. Grog says:

    Recognizing that free speech includes words that some would consider offensive, I still submit that for this occurence, the stupid bint needs to be made unpopular and shunned for her choice of words.

    • Darin says:

      Samantha Bee,just another two bit clapped out whore with TDS.

      • MikeH. says:

        Breaking News: “Samantha Bee has issued an apology.” So did Roseanne, but she still got shit-canned. Fair is fair… cancel Samantha Bee and ship her happy ass back to Canada. (Although the last time I suggested her deportation, in another forum, a Canadian commenter replied, “No thanks, we don’t want her back.”)

      • SciFi Guy says:

        So I am now guessing that crude language like that towards women is now the norm, replacing “silly little girl” with “feckless c***” is now acceptable?

        • Darin says:

          Apprently,if you are a leftie attacking a conservative it is,vice versa not so much.
          I don’t normally,but in Samantha Bee’s case I gotta call it like I see it.

  4. KG says:

    ‘Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures: Part 1
    ….Since at least the time of Woodrow Wilson, the Left has been carving longer and deeper inroads into the culture and the political landscape, and is now occupying the citadel. It is not about to go away or shrivel into a benign archaism. Despite the election of a people’s candidate like Donald Trump, the Left’s power continues to grow and consolidate.
    …..Many refuse to recognize that the Left is not merely a political party across the aisle or that so-called democratic Socialism is not democratic. In his fact-filled volume The Psychotic Left, Kerry Bolton defines the Left and its adjuncts as “a psychological aberration having the same motivations as the mass murderer, the rapist and the thief.” The evidence he accumulates for his thesis is conclusive…’
    The coded calls for civil war are growing…
    ‘Less than a week before the California primary, Google listed “Nazism” as the ideology of the California Republican Party.’

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    I was wondering why Roseanne’s show was cancelled so quickly and why she would tweet about VJ in the first place. This might explain both.

    • KG says:

      I think there’s little doubt that the Obamafilth – both the bastards- consider themselves a “government in exile”.
      Their stench and their tentacles have not and will not go away.

      • mawm says:

        Two people who have been given every advantage in life because of their colour and not because of their ability.

  6. MikeH. says:

    Outstanding article. I just don’t have confidence more than a few left-tards will read it and the very limited number who do… won’t get the intended point.

  7. KG says:

    Beautiful! She hit one out of the park there.
    and, somewhat related:
    FBI Lovebirds : The Text Messages of Lisa Page & Peter Strzok

  8. Darin says:

    Mark Levin blasts Trey Gowdy and Obama-