‘The Orwellian Jailing of Tommy Robinson’

Found by Mawm, now a post courtesy of Darin. Weston nails it perfectly.

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18 Responses to ‘The Orwellian Jailing of Tommy Robinson’

  1. KG says:

    Rebel Media FIGHTS UK gag order on Tommy Robinson news

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    Time for the Magna Carta part II. The MC was implemented because the people demanded that the king sign it and they wouldn’t take no for an answer.

    • KG says:

      part II needs to be written in blood and hemp. To remind the bastards.

    • Yokel says:

      I beg to differ on detail. It wasn’t the people who opposed King John, it was “the barons”. The deal was brokered by a politically involved Church. The people didn’t matter that much, except as fodder for the various armies.

      A people’s revolt came with the Peasants Revolt of 1381. Wat Tyler was topped by the Mayor of London, the King’s promises to get the people to go home were quietly forgotten, the whole lot petered out within a 12 month. Business as usual.

      • Darin says:

        “Magna Carta pt II”

        I disagree,the Magna Carta needs to be relegated to the bottom shelf.
        They need a Constitution and a Constitutional Republic with a Bill of Rights and a Second Amendment as a safety fuse to keep those rights.
        Of course that will never happen,the Sheep are too used to being sheared.

        • Yokel says:

          Maybe when the Islamophilic Charlie gets the crown, and if he manages to turn a sufficient number of people to become Republicans then perhaps …

          Until then, holding one’s breath is not advisable!

  3. Lara says:

    Sad to think that everything George Orwell predicted in 1984 is actually playing out right now across the West. Prophet or what!

  4. KG says:

    ‘An American Thinker contributor currently visiting London emails this morning:
    I am staying in London and saw a small protest on Monday near 10 Downing Street.  I have seen nothing on TV or in the papers.
    FWIW, SKYNews has been running a story on Rotherham on multiple shows.  Same story, same reporter but edited differently to create a different package.  It’s not like I am sitting in my hotel watching TV, but I have seen this three times.  I am sure the most Brits know about Rotherham.

    Sadly, my guess is most Brits (or at least Londoners) probably support his arrest.  These people seem to value order over freedom.  And the PC tone of their news broadcasts, even supposedly right-wing SKYNews, makes our MSM look right of center.
    I like London.  But the older I get the more I think that culturally these folks would be OK with a benign dictator running the show.  It’s probably no accident that some [of the] best fiction ever written about living under soft or semi-hard tyranny or dystopia – Huxley, Orwell, maybe Wells – was written by people who called London home. 


    • Yokel says:

      Of course Huxley, Orwell, and Wells knew what a dictatorship would look like. They were all associated with the Fabian Society in its early years. [Fabians are the “thinkers” who took the Labour Party from representing the working class to enslaving it to marxism/communism.]

  5. Grog says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me if Mr. Weston is arrested for encouraging dissent, or for criticizing the government, or some other false charge, because he dared to speak up, and downing street doesn’t appreciate being lectured on how to manage their business.

    Without a serious effort to restore Blackstone, England is done.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    Political correctness has caught Rosanne Barr now. She tweeted “The Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes had a baby = VJ.” While true, her show has been cancelled and she is being vilified across the spectrum. Unfortunately Valerie Jarett’s connections to the MB will now be off limits,