Open House 7/6/18

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46 Responses to Open House 7/6/18

  1. Gregoryno6 says:

    Let’s open with a song.
    The song that became a radio hit, yet barely charted on the top 40.
    ‘You walked too far along the street where only rats can run…’

    • Darin says:

      Good song,never heard that one before

      • Gregoryno6 says:

        You’re kidding!!! Really?
        This has been described as ‘the grandaddy of turntable hits… with which every man and his dog who as alive in the 60s is familiar, but did not chart anywhere in the world.’ One of those songs from my childhood still catches my attention today.

  2. Darin says:

    Lawrence Livermore National Labs releases hundreds of never before seen films of formerly classified nuclear tests-

  3. Darin says:

    The secret to long life?Work-

  4. Grog says:

    Maybe he should have used a .380 pistol

  5. Odakyu-sen says:

    Finally. Twenty three years after being sentenced to death, Shoko Asahara of the cult responsible for the sarin gas attack on a subway train in Tokyo (and six of his followers) have at last been hanged.
    What a waste of Japanese taxpayers’ money for their incarceration all these years.

    Ref: Hanging in Japan

    Now, let’s not stop there, but carry out the rest of the death warrants for the other convicted sect members.

    • Darin says:

      I certainly don’t see any reason to keep them around.I am kind of suprised that Japan has the death penalty,I knew the prisons were pretty tough,but thought they had abolished the death sentence.Guess that’s one more thing they got right

  6. Darin says:

    What Brussels really fears about Trump-

    I still say we should reduce the number of troops to 1/2 or 1/3 and move our bases to Poland,Hungary and The Chez republic.

    • Fred says:

      We really have nothing in common with them anymore. Why are we allies? Poland I like.

      • Darin says:

        We were never Allies,we have always been looked down on as gullible simpletons.It’s time we abandon them to the Wolves.

  7. Darin says:

    Mens BBG banter causes rape…..cause misogyny or some such

    • Grog says:

      My apology, Darin, but two minutes of that drivel was all I could endure before I achieved migrane level stupidity.

      “toxic masculinity”

      • Darin says:

        Bearing took the edge off it,you should have tried reading the actual article,full blown lefty brain slug thinking :shock:

  8. Fred says:

    Hillery “It ain’t my fault” Clinton.

    Texas Style. Heh.

  9. Alan says:

    What a slimy dirt bag couple the Clinton’s are, never really seen the likes of them. The odds are they were directly responsible for the deaths of Vince Foster and Seth Rich and probably others. They seem to be bullet proof in regard to being held responsible for their actions.

    • Grog says:

      There are somewhere between 33 and 46 people that have died, that were associated with the Clinton’s on first person or second person level, finding an accurate number is difficult because people tend to shut up when discussing this.

  10. Darin says:

    Everytime Trump Tweets an Angel gets it’s wings-

    Trump tweeted on Friday:

    “A vote for Democrats in November is a vote to let MS-13 run wild in our communities, to let drugs pour into our cities, and to take jobs and benefits away from hardworking Americans. Democrats want anarchy, amnesty and chaos. Republicans wan LAW, ORDER, and JUSTICE!”

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      Like the Japanese killer guru – why bother with jail?
      The taxpayers won’t be paying for their upkeep, and the lions will get some variety in their diet. Win-win.

      • Darin says:

        That’s what I figure is the best treatment for poachers when caught.Take their gear,wound them so the Lions have a good blood trail to follow,then leave them.

  11. Michael in Nelson says:


    No posts all day? Am I the only one left alive?

    • Darin says:

      Ya,odd,seems things have slowed down a bit recently.I don’t know if it’s the lack luster content I’ve been putting up,or something like global censorship or worst of all World Cup Soccer that’s keeping people off :shock:

  12. Phil Stephenson says:

    This bitch is probably one of those people telling us not to judge all Muslims by the actions of a few suicide bombers and jihadists committing murder with vehicles and edged weapons in the streets of Melbourne and London:

    • Darin says:

      This is just straight up sexist,misandrist bull shit dreampt up by some old harpie who’s ugly on the inside and wonders why nobody wants to shag her.

      Not dealing with “terroroists/gangs/urban youth”is the same mindset that gave us the TSA after 9/11.
      The idea that one group’s rights are so sacrosanct that we must violate everyone’s rights instead of practicing profiling of the group that’s at the core of the issue.

  13. Darin says:

    Man claims he wasn’t drinking and driving-

    Only took a swigg at stop signs and traffic signals :mrgreen:

  14. Pascal says:

    Left-Wing Antifa Terrorists ‘Freaking Out’ over Proposed ‘Unmasking’ Law

    A twit tweeted:

    Where’s the Unmask KKK Act? Blocked by Dems of course.

    Will the Dems block this one? Of course. This so-called Antifa and fascist-behaving cats-paw is too valuable to them. Can’t win at the ballot box or by lawful means? Then smash heads and intimidate with impunity.

    Dems: Keeping the meaning in Same old Same old.

    • Darin says:

      The left/dems in general always wear a mask,they have to hide who they really are,otherwise people reject them outright.

  15. Gregoryno6 says:

    A first for Gina and the Pin Ups For Vets calendar: Kirstie Ennis, amputee.

  16. Michael in Nelson says:

    Strzok is testifying before the house. He isn’t smirking like Rosenstein but his earnestness is too schoolboy like to be convincing. Of course the Dems are all in favour of sainthood for the guy. One literally said he deserved a Purple Heart and blames the Fox News watchers for pushing the idea he might not be imoartial.

    I haven’t the time or inclination to watch it all but if anyone feels like losing a few IQ points to educate our fellow Crusaders, have at it.

    • Darin says:

      I haven’t the time nor the stomach for it.Plus I’d probably be pissed off the rest of the day knowing nothing will be done about it.

  17. Michael in Nelson says:

    One of the things I have seen mentioned here on occasion and wished for on other conservative sites is that the US would be better off run like a business with the Constitution as the guiding principles. Well, that’s what it looks like Trump is doing. Constitutional Capitalism…Go for it!