Free speech in NZ? Hahahahahaha…

And Oscar Kightley is an ignorant fool.

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13 Responses to Free speech in NZ? Hahahahahaha…

  1. MacDoctor says:

    Apparently he does not see the obvious – that ” No, you can’t speak here because we don’t like your views” is the exact opposite of free speech. You have to be mentally subnormal or willfully blind not to see that.

    So, yes. Ignorant fool is an accurate description. But kinder than words I would use…

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Yeah Doc, and he really never got the importance of his listening to opposing views on YT. It is the most classic hypocrisy of the Left… “I’m for free speech except for anyone who disagrees with me.”

    • Pascal says:

      When the time comes, I think a lot of people are not going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

      Was he an Ignorant fool or a Statist tool?
      Don’t matter. God will sort it out in the end.

  2. Darin says:

    That Twiiter stream is worth a read,about 80% against the good(for nothing) mayor-Also has this :mrgreen:

  3. K2 says:

    “These jews are triggering me and hurting my feelings.”

    A noted Austrian.

  4. Darin says:

    The Left celebrates the 4th by denouncing the 1st Amendment-

  5. tranquil says:

    There is some very good news!

    Lauren Southern has now been granted visas for NZ and Australia (I don’t know the situation with Molyneux).

    As well as that, the Free Speech Coalition has now reached its target of $50k to mount legal action against Goff and the Auckland City Council for denying Southern and Molyneux the use of Council venues. I have donated $50 to the cause myself.

    The website is here –

    – tranquil

    • Darin says:

      That is good news!

      Sorry for the late posting Tranquil,but your comment was stuck in moderation for some reason.It’s been happening a lot recently and I have no clue why

  6. Paul Scott says:

    The pomposity and snotty nosed stupidity floating around is sad.
    Over in the middle classes people like Farrar and Michael Redell>>
    > How disgusting these right wing fascists are > of course I have never listened to them but it says so in Time magazine and CNN >>
    but sniff with pomp and supercilious affectation
    “I defend to the death their right to be obnoxious?”

    • Darin says:

      Yes,amazing isn’t it?How the whole sectors of the population just fall hook line and sinker for whatever the media tells them.