Death of an Empire

Britain,Europe’s latest vassal state,or Britain leaping on the ash heap of history?Either way,the will of the people be damned,full speed astern!


Boris-“According to a reliable source, he complained that anyone obliged to defend the proposals would be ‘polishing a turd’.

He added sarcastically: ‘Luckily we have some expert turd polishers’ – shooting a glance at one of Mrs May’s spin doctors.”

Theresa Jong Un-“But Mrs May launched her own plan to kill off his revolt: signalling in advance she had already lined up ‘talented’ junior Ministers to replace any Cabinet quitters; forcing all those at the summit to hand over their phones to stop them briefing against her under the table; and issuing an official No 10 communique declaring victory while her critics were still stuck inside arguing.”

Meanwhile-“Under a new UK-EU free trade deal, the UK would abide by EU regulations for industrial, agricultural and food goods. The UK’s services sector would lose its current levels of access to EU markets.”

And-“All imported goods would be charged the UK tariff at the border, rather than the EU rate. Goods would then be tracked – and if they were sent on to the Continent, then the EU tariff would be charged and the money passed on to Brussels. No10 says the plan allows the UK to sign trade deals with other countries.”

Ah,but see there is the rub,the UK can according to the deal the UK wants sign trade deals with EU member states,but that doesn’t mean Brussels (and by Brussels I mean Merkel)will allow those EU states to sign deals with the UK.

It’s really pretty simple,any deal that allows the EU to have economic Bit and Bridle around the UK’s head is a worse deal than they started with before Brexit.

Or was that the plan from jump?


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4 Responses to Death of an Empire

  1. KG says:

    AMEN! PJW.
    The choice facing all Westerners is stark; fight or become slaves.
    All else is spin, blather and cowardice.

  2. Alan says:

    The left in the western world are as queer as a concrete parachute. If there is no fight in those who follow the voice of reason and tradition we are doomed.

  3. Paul Scott says:

    I don’t remember seeing any intelligent source saying other than that Theresa May would double cross and back stab Brexit all the way.
    UKistan is sinking in the mire, and I don’t believe the people in UK have the guts to start the civil revolution necessary.
    Two generations ago, the toast of the world, now a sickling weakened country bowing to Islam, and globalism.

    • Yokel says:

      Yes, it is amazing what two generations of entrenched Lefties in education, arts, the media, and the civil service have achieved.

      Now we must find our swamp drainer, and our Q. Without both, we must flee.