Trump taps Kavanaugh for SC nominee

Not my first pick-


The part that worries me-

“The 53-year-old Kavanaugh is a longtime fixture of the Republican establishment. He has been a judge on the federal appeals court in Washington since 2006. He also was a key aide to Kenneth Starr during the investigation of President Bill Clinton. Kavanaugh also worked in the White House during George W. Bush’s presidency.

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15 Responses to Trump taps Kavanaugh for SC nominee

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Darin, the article is from the AP which is not known for its support of Constitutional conservative attitudes and may be using slanted language. Yes, Kavanaugh was on the Whitewater investigation where he drew up the articles on which Clinton was impeached buy the house (to be acquitted by the Senate). Part of the Republican Establishment? I would rather delve through his opinions while on the DC Circuit Court.

    I’m hearing much the same rhetoric from the Left that Teddy (Let ’em Drown) Kennedy used on Bork. Chucky ‘Schmuck’ Schumer has said as much on the Senate floor…that anything goes to disrupt this nomination.

    • Pascal says:

      The Left Sinister’s job is to act as a cat’s paw for the reigning Prog Establishment. It’s to make them look more legitimate as they reject the requests of the radicals or if they compromise with them to some degree which almost always plays into the Prog scheme of things. The radicals would do this for any Trump nomination, even a new Kennedy (or at least a Roberts) which is what I fear Kavanaugh is, and they might get him on record as a compromiser just to stick it to Trump.

      So it would please me to see their escapades backfire so that a true originalist was nominated in his stead. But I’ll settle for a few Dem Senators from a state Trump carried losing their seats over the battle — and maybe a heart-attack for a GOPe currently representing dark red state.

      • Darin says:

        That’s the thing,we can’t use the left/dems reaction as a gauge,because even if Trump nominated a Ginsberg genetic clone they would throw a fit about it just because Trump is getting the pick.
        I’m with Rand Paul on this one,I’m gonna have to see more of his opinions before I feel better about him.

  2. out of curiosity – which of the choices would you have chosen–?
    interested – as I trust your judgement–

  3. Pascal says:

    Keep in mind that a primary thrust of Political Correctness is that offending someone, making them feel uncomfortable, is reason enough for the state to step in and prosecute in the manner it prosecutes physical assaults.

    Well, the link interprets his words as friendly towards PC:

    In other words, Kavanaugh’s opinion stands for the proposition (although he doesn’t use these words) that under the Establishment and Speech Clauses, the psychological harm of being offended is a sufficient injury to trigger the jurisdiction of a federal court to hear one’s lawsuit.

    The link also reveals that Kavanaugh is fond of the Prog phrase “compelling government interest.” You may recall how that phrase was central in the infamous Kelo decision — where eminent domain was used not for a govt easement but solely because the land use could potentially raise more tax revenue for govt (that’s compelling? Damned Progs) — a decision Donald Trump is on record as endorsing. THIS ALONE could be why Trump, the land-baron, chose Kavanaugh.

    Kavanaugh clearly needs more scrutiny FROM THE RIGHT!

    So, read the whole thing and tell the rest of us Crusaders what questions and concerns it provokes in your mind.

    • Darin says:

      In the case of property rights and the Kelo decision,many conservatives even fail to see the big picture.
      In a country where taxation backed by the force of law(men with guns) has been allowed to assess property tax,the big picture is -we have no property rights,at least none greater than a tennant renting a cold water flat from a slumlord.
      So,no I don’t see Kelo as any big thing when government has taken by hook or by crook property from it’s citizens even for private use for nearly a century.

      Religious freedom is like all the others in my view,eventually it comes down to it being maintained by men willing to fight and die for it.Once we lose that,nothing will save us.

      If anything bothers me about the man,it’s the altruism.

      • Pascal says:

        I can see several of your points clearly. But why do you say “for nearly a century”? Eminent domain was used to obtain rights of way for the railroads in the 19th Century and I would bet earlier for canal building.

        Darin, if only property were the only thing that were taxed I bet there’d still be those who’d think it was too much. But not only Providence knows that then govt would be much smaller. In that dream, govt would be less worrisome since confined to its assigned tasks — war and coin and mail — and less of a lure for special interests. No doubt the latter pushed for an expansion on the former, necessitating the added thefts.

        And yes his altruism was also the worst aspect of the man he’d replace. His own conscience would be fine with violating the constitution a little here, a little there, until it weren’t no more.

        I wonder if we can build a case against him based on how many ways we can expose that bit of sand in this oyster? We don’t need another Prog “pearl” established in SCOTUS. We don’t have much time, but the WWW can spread the news faster than SSM if the way its done is well done.

        • Darin says:

          I really don’t have much of a problem with Eminent domain,if it’s truly for the public good and if the landowners are justly compensated.As nation we need space for infrastructure that we all depend on and for projects that allow the nation to modernize and expand our capability.
          I object to local governments using ED to take property for pet projects and private business however.

          As for taxation,property tax should be abolished.All revenue should be collected through tariff and excise tax.Currently the county I live in,2/3 of the revenue is collected through property tax and 2/3 of the residents enjoy an $80,000 exemption.So the remaining 1/3 who are largely business owners and working class get stuck paying the bills for everyone.As a result we have the highest cost of living in the state,with the lowest rate of business investment.Industry doesn’t want to move here,because our tax rates are too high and it’s hard to find suitable employees due the the high cost of housing,which is directly due to high property tax rates.
          My city had commissioned a study to gauge revenue from various sources.The result by a wide margin suggested the best route was to abolish property tax and offset the reduction with a sales tax increase.How much of an increase? $.02 on the dollar. Nothing has changed since

          • Pascal says:

            2¢ on the dollar? Is that really all it takes for the tradeoff? What is keeping the county from going that route?

            • Darin says:

              Ignorance.The problem with elected officials,especially local ones,is-any idiot can hold public office,
              So we end up with people making financial decisions who have no background in finance.We have people making engineering decisions who have no background in engineering,on and on.
              See the problem?Then the general public is so used to the system that has been put in place,that they are either voting in a state of complacency or they figure it can’t be changed so why bother.
              I’ll give you an example,we have five city council members.Two are black democrats to the core,they both make Maxine Waters look like a rouge scholar.
              The other three,one is a geriatric that can’t stay awake though a council meeting and another one shoots his mouth off with no clue of what he’s talking about.
              His latest idiocy was to publicly accuse one the of the city’s largest employers of “not paying their fair share” of taxes in the city and county.
              This prompted an angry letter from the CEO and VP of the company informing the council that they-
              -Spent $85million in the county last year.
              -$65million was spent in the city limits
              -$15million was spent buying natural gas from the City at a %30 commercial rate markup.
              – And they pay the full 7% sales tax on everything they buy in the county,even though state law allows them and exemption to not pay it if they don’t want to.
              Yes,these are the type of idiots we are dealing with.Probably because anyone with any common sense and know how is too busy busting it everyday to make a living or simply doesn’t want the job of councilman.

              • Michael in Nelson says:

                Darin, your comment about engineers reminded me that here in NZ most Council river engineers were trained and practiced as roading engineers and have no idea of what id needed for rivers to remain healthy.