More Winning-

Trump Pardons Oregon Ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond-

“Dwight Hammond, 76, and his son, Steven, 49, were convicted in 2012 for setting a fire that spread onto public grazing land.

The two were initially sentenced to less than the legal minimum five-year prison sentence for their crimes, but a federal judge in 2016 ordered the pair returned to serve the full five years, after the father had spent three months in prison and the son one year, according to 2012 court documents.

The order to return to prison inspired the refuge occupation. The White House in a statement on Tuesday called the order to return the two to prison “unjust.” As of 2018, Dwight had served approximately three years in prison and Steven had served four, according to the White House.”

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One Response to More Winning-

  1. Gregoryno6 says:

    Some more winning.
    The Trump Baby Balloon – and the Baby Khan balloon response.
    Note the difference in the donation rates.