Thomas Sowell:

‘..Those who made excuses for all of candidate Barack Obama’s long years of alliances with people who expressed their contempt for this country, and when as president he appointed people with a record of antipathy to American interests and values, may finally get it when they feel some stranger’s hand in their crotch.
As for the excuse of “security,” this is one of the least security-minded administrations we have had.

When hundreds of illegal immigrants from terrorist-sponsoring countries were captured crossing the border from Mexico— and then released on their own recognizance within the United States, that tells you all you need to know about this administration’s concern for security.
When captured terrorists who are not covered by either the Geneva Convention or the Constitution of the United States are nevertheless put on trial in American civilian courts by the Obama Justice Department, that too tells you all you need to know about how concerned they are about national security…’                       source

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