Hot weather makes us more stupider

It’s been 95F+ and 80%+ humidity here for the last two months.

Brain Study Finds People Actually Get Dumber During A Heat Wave

I’m taking this as an excuse and running with it 

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13 Responses to Hot weather makes us more stupider

  1. Pascal says:

    The London PD must think we’re more stupid too, with them telling us all that this brutal beating was merely a coincidence.

    LONDON: VOCAL, PRO-TRUMP Former Ambassador To US Beaten To A Pulp Night Before Trump Arrives In UK

  2. MikeH. says:

    It must be hotter than an Iraqi outdoor crapper inside D.C.

  3. Darin says:

    PJW: UK Trump Protesters Are Complete Idiots-

    • Pascal says:

      Let me fix something for you Darin.

      Viewer warning:

      Watching this video for more than a few segments can make you stupider, faster, than hot weather.

      • Robertv says:

        The problem is when those kind of people get to the top.

        Guam will Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean Hank Johnson

        • Fred says:

          You know what’s sad about this. Well, among many other things, but it’s sad that there are some folks in the US congress and US government with IQ’s well upwards of 140 and yet, here we are anyway. So, um, while this guy is somewhere left (trying to be nice here) on the Bell Curve it doesn’t seem to help that some leftists are otherwise intelligent. Which leads me to point this out as further evidence that everything the leftists are doing to us is on purpose.

          Lincoln was right. No, not about the Civil War.

  4. Fred says:

    While not all characterizations of the American deep south are accurate this one ain’t bad. And yeah, it’s warm.

    • Darin says:

      :lol: We got four seasons-Cool weather,Summer,STILL F–kin Summer and Oh my god will it ever end?