Please say a prayer for Remus

of the Woodpile Report.

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13 Responses to Please say a prayer for Remus

  1. Darin says:

    Noted and will do,love Remus’s WPR!

  2. Grog says:


  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    We need to keep him around

  4. Darin says:

    “In the year that’s passed, the sentiment and inclination of Hodgkinson has been reconsidered and tacitly embraced by the Left. They’ve adopted the Antifa idea that opposing Progressives equals White Supremacist Nazi Racism and, to quote them, “it’s okay to punch a Nazi”.

    Having seen the ongoing assaults on prominent Republicans in public places and at their homes, directly and specifically encouraged by the Democratic Party leadership, who believes they would condemn Hodgkinson-like assassinations today? Once loosed, such violence would expand beyond the ability of law enforcement to contain it.

    Francis Porretto put it succinctly: “The storm clouds have breasted the horizon and they’re moving our way fast”. We’ve been here before, the reign of terror in the 1970s with thousands of bombings, targeted criminal assaults, serial urban arson on a large scale and many unpunished murders.”

    True,they are getting brazen,they need to be reminded that those of us on the right are predominantly efficent problem solvers,and when pushed too far also the most efficent killers the world has ever created.

  5. MvL says:

    This comment over at VANDERLEUN

    “Anytime I read Remus, I suddenly smell leather work gloves and pipe tobacco. I hope he’s okay.”

    Sums it up perfectly for me.

  6. Fred says:

    looking good so far “

  7. paul scott says:

    Thanks for the update. I sent Remus a note a week ago. Also advice to zman and Intergalactic and others. I said to them that when the mob came, Remus is the sort of bloke who would show you the pathway to his hut in the bush, and store of survival.
    Here is letter I wrote to him
    Remus, Uncle Remus, woodpile report, Appalachian icon and archetype,
    I have just read the heading on your column which says you have hit a rough spot.
    We are all aware of your individual strengths and self-determination.
    Your column is personal and does attract a liking or loyalty towards you,
    I am one of those, I am slightly anxious for one of our best, and wishing you well.
    I am thinking you have a health issue or maybe a difficult family event.
    If there is any way in which your readers world-wide can be of assistance to you or yours you could indicate on your column.
    Paul Scott New Zealand
    He is >><< I am sure his normal self determination will welcome letters of appreciation. I want him to write a story narrative about his life

  8. MvL says:

    Prayers answered.
    He’s back
    With a message…

    “and finally,

    I’ll repeat here what I put at the top of Woodpile Report last week:

    I’m deeply humbled by your prayers and notes of well wishes. My sincere thanks. Wish I could answer each email. Too many. And I’m too drugged up and spacey to manage it.

    My intent was to say no more than necessary to explain missing my weekly post. “Your prayers and notes of well wishes” convinced me otherwise. You expected and deserved more. It sounds trite, but I say to you in all sincerity, I am deeply touched. As I said eleswhere, the resolution was optimal and it’s still holding. This unhappy excursion appears to be largely over so I shall say no more about it. Let’s get on to yer ol’ Woodpile Report.”

  9. paul scott says:

    It’s great, and I still think we may be able to encourage him to write a brief
    ” Chronicles of the life of Remus”