Open House 7/14/18

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29 Responses to Open House 7/14/18

  1. Darin says:

    Ride inside a Boeing TX cockpit-

  2. KG says:

    Damn right! Warning labels and “Safety Police”merely breed more idiots.

  3. Darin says:

    Lou visits the wooden boat show at Mystic Seaport-

    I had no idea they were rebuilding the Mayflower II

  4. KG says:

    ‘‘Free Speech Is Dead’ – Police in Khan’s London BAN Pro-Trump Rally at U.S. Embassy
    …Mayor Khan actively encouraged the anti-Trump protests, and was active in the media defending his decision to authorise an “obscene” balloon caricaturing the U.S. President on ground of freedom of speech and the right to protest.’

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Trump’s greatest legacy may well be forcing the Left to reveal their true colours and intentions thereby forcing more people off the ‘go along to get along’ train to slavery.

    • Darren Taylor says:

      Even Sargon got duped by the blackshirts in London . Check out the slimy moslem and the bimbo plod . This is why the USA has a First Amendment .


      • Darin says:

        Ever notice that Khan has his muslim police “minders” well dispersed in the London police force?Everytime there is one of these confrontations there is always a muslim “officer” nearby or leading the charge?
        Sharia with the stamp of civil law authority

  5. Darin says:

    Welcome to San Fransh-thole-

    $280million/year on the supposed 7500 homeless,that’s $37,333 each if my math is right.Either there are a lot more homeless than they are claiming or somebody is pocketing a bunch of money.

  6. KG says:

    NZ Herald:
    ‘Crossed a line: Elon Musk sinks to a stunning new low
    COMMENT: It’s official: Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has gone full Donald Trump.’

    This socialist propaganda rag – posing as a news outlet – is a fucking disgrace.

    • Darin says:

      I had to show the article about Musk’s plan to my boss,he was a Caver in his younger days.He got a good laugh out of it and said Musk is just like every other person who has never been in a cave,they’re are all experts,until they get inside,in the dark,in the mud,squeezing themselves through a passage just wide enough for their shoulders to fit.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    Does anyone here have a rational take on the Trump/Putin presser? I didn’t watch it and about all I can find are hysterical opinions on how Trump betrayed the US.

    • Darin says:

      Well from what I saw of it,Trump and Putin had a good meeting and seemed to smooth things over a bit,which caused all the swamp critters to go totally crazy.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      As usual a day’s wait and things get a good deal clearer. No9w, if I have this right, Trump went to Europe and first met with NATO representatives and got them to commit to an additional $44 billion for defence. He also encouraged Germany to start buying US natural gas instead of placing their energy network at risk by purchasing 70% from Russia. He then goes to the summit with Putin and does not concede any of the sanctions, does not offer to reduce the US nuclear arsenal, gets a commitment to respect Israel, he got an assurance to help with North Korea and he has opened a line of communication. He also has Putin trying to bargain on energy production because their break-even price is $70 a barrel and it is down to less than $72 with no real indicators it will be going up.

      What the media and politicians that oppose him are screaming about is his comment that while he has faith in the US Intelligence community, Putin strongly denied Russian government involvement in trying to influence the US 2016 election. Let’s face it, any country that can spy, does and any country that can try to influence another’s election to their benefit, does. That includes the USA.

      Given that that same Intelligence Community did its best to destroy his presidency or at least make it very difficult for him to govern, I can understand his reluctance to accept their latest assessment. What I do NOT see is anywhere where Trump actually says he believes Putin.

      So you tell me, where is the ‘treasonous’ act being touted?

      • Darin says:

        Right on all points,I don’t see anything treasonous at all.I think Trump sees the intel community as a den of vipers populated by people in it for their own interests.
        I don’t know who creatures like Brennan are working for,but it certainly isn’t those of the American people.

        In regards to election meddling,you are exactly right,we have meddled in other nations elections,most recently Canada’s and mostly under Obama.

        • Fred says:

          From a strategic threat point of view white north America is a natural ally of Russia. The real threat we both face is not each other or china, it’s southern peoples. The northern peoples are being overrun and occupied.

  8. Darin says:

    Jarrett Rifle Museum tour-

    And yes,John Paul Strain is a damn fine artist-

  9. Michael in Nelson says:

    The CEO of one of NZ’s premier science organisations just notified staff of the following (I have only noted one)

    “I am very pleased to advise that we have commenced the following new initiatives across XXX

    • Rainbow Tick Accreditation Process

    Rainbow Tick
    The Rainbow Tick is a confidence mark designed to show an organisation is a safe, welcoming, and inclusive place for people of diverse sexualities and gender identities (often known as the “Rainbow community”). The accreditation process covers the areas of Strategy and Policy, Staff Engagement and Organisational Support, External Engagement and Organisational Development and Training, and we anticipate that our work to date will mean that we are already well placed to meet a number of the accreditation criteria.

    The Rainbow Tick will allow us to more overtly demonstrate our commitment to diversity and inclusion, and the accreditation process will also help us to identify any areas where we can strengthen our activities. As part of the process the Rainbow Tick organisation will offer confidential focus groups or individual sessions to XXX’s Rainbow community to gain feedback about their experiences at XXX. This will provide important insights about how we can best meet the needs of this community, while also helping to increase the level of trust and confidence in XXX being a supportive, inclusive workplace.

    Once we have attained the Rainbow Tick we will be able to use this as part of our external employer branding, as well as internally, to affirm our inclusive workplace culture. Other NZ organisations which have already attained the Rainbow Tick include the Human Rights Commission, NZ Rugby, Mercer, ASB, Westpac, Bell Gully, Massey University and Spark.”

    Thus endeth science in favour of identity politics. What is it with these people that they don’t get that the best way to ensure inclusiveness is to ignore the SJW bullshit and get on with the job.

  10. Pascal says:

    This well complements the picture at the top.

    Maybe we can start a fad? KG, does your PM cycle?

    • Fred says:

      When one end goes up the converse does not happen to the other end. They told me I was special, I have never failed a math or comprehension test. They said that science is subjective (whatever that means, pfft). They said I could stick my face in a digital screen and lose no understanding of the actual reality of things. How could the bridge do this to ME? We must ban bridges. And those annoying flashy light things on poles? Who is the idiot that put those there? He should be hanged.

      • Pascal says:

        The up side is that Darwin award winners would help Wisconsin go Red if only the voter rolls are cleansed of the recently departed.

        • Darin says:

          Yup,like old lady Flanegan who stipulated that upon death she be buried in Chicago.
          When asked why she said being a life long democrat she wanted to remain active in the party.

  11. KG says:

    More NZ racism:

    and I’m repeating this here, because it’s a perfect example of what a dishonest, dumbed-down socialist society NZ’s has become. This fuckwit is given a full page to spout the pre-juvenile utter bollocks his indoctrinators filled him with at skool:
    ‘Glenn McConnell is a journalist and student. He writes a fortnightly column for Stuff.’

    Read it and weep…..