Open House 8/3/18

It’s Friday,finally!

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106 Responses to Open House 8/3/18

  1. Darin says:

    Tommy Robinson on Tucker lastnight-

    “All I’d done was read a BBC news article, a BBC news article that is still online now for millions of people to see. And I was taken and everyone would’ve watched the video, they said for a breach of the peace. They transported me to a police custody and then my solicitor contacted the police custody. Then they emailed my solicitor, my solicitor has this email, saying I was being released. Then they took me in a van back to the court through the back door and put me up before a judge,” Tommy Robinson said.

    “At no point was I even asked whether I was guilty or not guilty. I was not even told, and I still to this point have not been told and don’t know what it is I am deemed to have done wrong. In a British court of law, for a fair trial for anyone, they have to understand what they are being accused of,” he continued.

    The whole thing was a frame up,simple as that,the UK is teetering on the brink of becoming a Banana Republic

    • Fred says:

      Did this effectively take the topic of islam and pedophilia and change it to Tommy Robinson? Yes, and it worked. The right is losing.

  2. Darin says:

    Just for fun.let’s turn her loose in Congress and see what happens

  3. Gregoryno6 says:

    Not good.
    Event Canceled: New Zealand Is Hostile To Free Speech.

    • Pascal says:

      This post cancellation interview is pretty revealing too.
      The hack interviewer, Patrick Gower, tried to summon any other cause for the cancellation rather than somehow fathom how the venue operator abrogated his contract because he’d been given another offer he couldn’t refuse.

      Corporate media — in this instance Newshub — has an audience AND a paying customer. It’s not a guess that some important paying customer(s) (whether business or government) prefer that highly placed sinister forces were involved not be discussed.

      This is a pattern repeating throughout the West. The Fourth Estate, the alleged free press, is no longer free. Its members need to be challenged regularly as to how single minded and unfree they are now.

      If only there were a much more widely available free press, only then might the Fourth Estate be restored — by thoroughly exposing these phonies that crept into the institution and occupy it now.

      • Gregoryno6 says:

        Gower? You’ve got a dolt named Gower over there, too?
        They’re a fucking plague, I swear.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        Video from MediaWorks blocked in my country!

        • Pascal says:

          A pity. I guess it’s not surprising given how NZ pols and media probably had a hand in the shut-out, and given how well Lauren and Stefan let Gower look every bit the tool.

          I tried to find an alternative outlet. No luck yet.

          You have mail Michael.

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Do you think it could be Arabs that have the money that can’t be refused? That’s my first guess. In 1971, America could no longer pay its debts in gold at $35 an ounce, so the Petrodollar was created where the Arabs sold their oil on credit. 47 years later the Arabs, now have plenty of money.

        That’s my guess. This would explain how L. Southern was called a terrorist in the U.K. To Islam she is.

        • Fred says:

          You’re spot on. It is Arab money.’m also suspecting that the House of Saud has the Bomb which changes everything, no?

          • Brown says:

            Maybe not. An idiot has, under his own name, bragged about making a bomb threat phone call on social media. He may be a bloke that tried out for local body politics recently – the name is the same and the stupidity fits him.That’s in the public arena now so we are watching to see if the police do anything. Lefties planted a fake bomb in a venue hosting a play in Wellington recently but I’m not aware the police thought that was worth a look. NZ is a becoming a leftie loving dump.

          • Warren Tooley says:

            Fred if the bomb isn’t Arab, its probably of Arab money. According to Whale Oil, the ‘love aotearoa, hate racism’ movement was started by an Islamic terrorist.

            I remember my dad years ago telling me about muslims sayings to minorities we’ll pay for your studies if you join us and become part of our movement, and also saying how they have also been oppressed by Whites.

            • Fred says:

              I recently talked to a guy who’s father is an Arab muz and his mother is a white catholic. Obviously neither are practicing their faith but he told me that he tried going to mosques but they wouldn’t accept him because he is the wrong color. Never let anybody tell you that the Arab muz, the ones with the money behind all of this, aren’t racist.

            • Fred says:

              Brown, while that’s all true none of them had the money to buy a nuke from the Pakis.

    • Darin says:

      Not good indeed

    • Pascal says:

      This should work.

      • Cadwallader says:

        The more I listen to these two the more I like them and the more perplexed I become as to why they are seen as a threat to NZ or anywhere in the West. I suppose those who object to their presence routinely cringe from daylight and honesty?

        • Gregoryno6 says:

          Stefan went into Aboriginal culture such as their ‘traditional’ methods of birth control and the settling of domestic abuse (rock to woman’s head). He made the point that this knowledge was the work of pre-1960s archaeologists and anthropologists; knowledge which has been buried by their lefty successors.

        • Warren Tooley says:

          To Islam they are a threat, so maybe that’s why they got attacked.

  4. KG says:

    Good God! This is NZ’s Minister for Justice!:
    “The sooner alt right pair leave NZ the better”
    Has this little Pacific island really sunk so far down the socialist shit-hole???????

    Read it and weep…….

    • Pascal says:

      He and his comrades are obviously so spineless that they have no recourse but to follow orders of their globalist paymasters. If only the Earth under their feet would open and swallow them ‘it’ would be less painful. ;)

      • Warren Tooley says:

        This explains another piece of the puzzle. If Jacinda had taken her 6 week break for the child, Winston Peters would have still been acting Prime Minister (or is that Actor PM), and wouldn’t have had anything against them, as soon as Jacinda’s back, she and Mr. Little (brain) speaks out against them.

        This also explains why the Mayor delayed the pair, by delaying the pair this gives Jacinda enough time to recover.

        And Darin, Jacinda was president of the New York Socialist Youths, showing her true colours already. She’s also already raised or imposed new taxes, when she promised she wouldn’t.

        All I can say is I didn’t vote for her, nor do I intend to.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      The worst part is him saying they mislead. This means if the pair sue the owner for going against the contract, Andrew Little has said, they are the ones who misled which means violating the contract. If I sell you a car, and don’t tell you that it has flat tyres, you can sue me for misleading.

      The whole thing is sad, but this means no remedies.

      • Darin says:

        Warren,that’s awful,I have begun asking people how come communists aren’t as reviled in the media as Nazis,since Stalin and the communist ideal murdered and oppressed far more people than did Hitler.
        The only answer I have arrived at so far is that the left is almost totally aligned in their world view and ambitions to the communists and therefore communist ideology and self identification are now sacrosanct
        Socialim,Nazism and Communism,the only real difference between the three are which foot one leads with when goose stepping.

        • KG says:

          “the only real difference between the three are which foot one leads with when goose stepping.”
 Just so.

          • Warren Tooley says:

            Yes that’s right both of you. The term Marxist/Communist means to destroy society’s structures slowly over time. A Lenninist/ Communist is someone who wants communism immediately. So then there is no real difference between a Fabian and a Marxist/Communist.

  5. Gregoryno6 says:

    Last night I watched Deep Water (2006), the story of Donald Crowhurst. He entered the first round the world yacht race in 1968, probably knowing before he left port that he had no hope winning – and not much more hope of completing the race.
    He ‘disappeared’ in the South Atlantic and lingered there, creating false logbooks. As the other yachts rounded Cape Horn and headed north for the finish line he fell in with them, thinking he could get a hero’s welcome just by finishing. It didn’t work out that way at all.

    • Andy5759etc says:

      I can’t access the article Darin but I guess this is preparing the good people of Boise for the importation of goat herder types.

      • Darin says:

        Nah,just about 150 goats that got loose from a commecial “wild land” mowing service, invaded a residential neighborhood and started eating people’s lawns and shrubs :mrgreen:

  6. Darin says:

    Tour of the AGCO Jackson,Minnesota plant-

  7. KG says:

    NZ Herald, headline article:
    ‘A new automated 111 system that delayed calls from a mother with a baby not breathing and turning blue, and a woman in labour, has now been changed….’

    it usually breathes and turns blue, you see….

  8. Michael in Nelson says:
    • Darin says:

      In Nazi Germany the elderly and disabled were refered to as “useless eaters”because they were considered a burden on the state…….and,oh wait
      See I keep telling people that under the socialist system as it’s designed the minute a person stops paying taxes and starts costing the state money at that point they will be considered surplus to the needs of the state.But oh no they said,that’s just a slippery slope argument they said….

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Well someone needs to pay for these programs and now we know who will pay, you and me. So have you heard of Gareth Morgan, he started up the TOP party which says that your house will be taxed. Once its mortgage free, you will continue to pay for the use of it, called an asset tax.

        The Morgans are international bankers who lend to the US government and other governments, and he is going to make sure he gets his money, by now taxing those who’ve retired.

        Good news, he almost gave up his party.

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          They still tax a mortgage free house, it’s called ‘Rates’ and if you don’t pay they will take it away.

          • Warren Tooley says:

            Yeah, I’m aware of rates, but technically speaking it is on your land. And even if we ignore that argument, this is an extra tax on top of rates. A $500,000 home would have an asset tax of $5,000 a year. It would be 5% multiplied by the tax rate.

            Can you say that rates are the same amount. Technically speaking, when there is an encumbrance, a lien an attachment or charge on any asset or property you own, these must be satisfied, or you lose your asset/property.

            A mortgage is a lien, and you are the occupier until that lien is satisfied. An encumbrance is something permanent, section 15 of the Land Transfer Act-1952 calls it that, as well as Schedule. 1 and/or 4 of the same


            And these are permanent rules. If you think I’m having you on, go to black’s law online and lookup lien, encumbrance and attachment.

  9. Gregoryno6 says:

    This has totally destroyed my Sunday morning, and I don’t see why I should suffer alone.
    (Though I will admit it has a rather catchy beat.)

  10. MvL says:

    Thank for nothing Gregory.
    I pressed start………. and then my mind just sort of melted.
    Allow me to return some sanity to this Sunday.

  11. Fred says:

    This is civilizational. This reminds me of why all the commies need killing. These are the nice things they wreck.

  12. Darin says:

    Trump stops to greet Firemen-

    And the libs still have no clue why he won.

  13. Darin says:

    Muslim Bookstore

    I was walking in the mall and saw a Muslim bookstore.

    The sign outside led me to wonder what was in a Muslim bookstore, so I went in.

    As I was wandering around taking a look, the clerk gave me the stink eye, but asked if he could help me.

    I know I didn’t look like his normal clientele, so I asked, “Do you have Donald Trump’s book on his U.S. immigration policy regarding Muslims and illegal aliens?”

    The clerk said, “Kiss my ass, get out and stay out!”

    I said, “Yes, that’s the one. Do you have it in paperback?”

    • Darin says:

      “Assessed” those poor birds to death,the idiots probably weren’t even qualified for what they were doing.

  14. Gregoryno6 says:

    Four strikes on Alex Jones. But he’s not out.
    From the comments:
    ‘If Alex Jones is important enough to censor, he’s important enough to listen to.’

  15. KG says:

    ‘The New Zealand TV Interview They Wouldn’t Show You!’

    Idiot NZ interviewer gets slain by Southern and Molyneaux, her moronic, dishonest multiculti pieties shown up as the parrotted garbage they really are.
    No wonder these fascistic fuckers in the media are terrified of free speech!

    • Warren Tooley says:

      I saw the first 20 minutes of that a few days ago. Southern and Stefan did very well. This says the media wanted to make them look stupid, so that’s why this one didn’t show.

  16. Gregoryno6 says:

    When you get so excited about pulling voter fraud that you completely fuck up the numbers…

    • Pascal says:

      Actually, that did NOT look like much fun, but rather a case of unexpected frustration shared with the world. It would appear that the impurities embedded by volcanic process foiled the most determined effort.

      On a related note, we still do not know precisely why Roman concrete remains intact for more than two millennia. We suspect it is because of the use of volcanic aggregate, but we do not know what kind or in what proportions. I’m not even sure if that’s true, but that is what opinions I stumbled upon while I was researching the use of lime mortar for brick laying instead of some mix containing Portland cement.

      • Darin says:

        I’ve played some with molten glass,always found it facinating work.I do also know that even the slightest additions of florides and metal salts can radically alter it’s properties.That probably explains why he had so much trouble dealing with the Obsidian.

        I think if I tried it the best method would have been to bring the Obsidian just up to the plastic stage and then worked it like glass instead of trying to bring it up to liquid and pour it.

        • KG says:

          Pascal, I think the Romans used volcanic “fly ash”, something that used to be used in ferro-cement boats.
          It makes the cement far more waterproof.

  17. Gregoryno6 says:

    Andrew Klavan Show – Jeremy Boreing lays out the deal with social media and their rights and responsibilities in regard to this week’s pile on with Alex Jones.

    • Darin says:

      Funny,that always happens and they never admit it.

      I always get a kick out of the “class size” argument.Consider the one room,one teacher school house of times past.Children of all ages being taught 5 subjects grades K thru 12-

      And some of those kids went on to be farmers and factory workers,while others went on to be engineers,doctors,teachers and industry leaders.

      Of course this was before lazy teachers,broken homes,drug addiction,a.k.a.societal rot had set in.

  18. KG says:

    “He just hangs out. He comes out and sees me when I’m working in the shed,” he said. “I don’t trouble him and he doesn’t trouble me.”

  19. KG says:

    ‘A Most Expected Backlash’
    Excellent article.

    • Darin says:

      Yes!And the first comment says it all-“in war one tends to gravitate to the group that isn’t shooting at you”

  20. Darin says:

    Trump increases tariffs on Turkey-

    “I have just authorized a doubling of Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum with respect to Turkey as their currency, the Turkish Lira, slides rapidly downward against our very strong Dollar! Aluminum will now be 20% and Steel 50%. Our relations with Turkey are not good at this time!”