Latest Woodpile Report

and it opens on an ominous note indeed:

‘It’s happening. Your legally owned gun will be confiscated by the police if, in someone’s opinion, you may commit a crime or be a danger to others. The claim is made, presented to a judge, and the judge authorizes the confiscation. You’ve committed no crime. There is no due process. As of this writing, no judge has declined a request for confiscation…’

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4 Responses to Latest Woodpile Report

  1. Darin says:

    Daniel Greenfield blows a very large hole in the Russian collusion narrative-

  2. Darin says:

    Remus on LST’s-
    “I’ve seen LSTs in convoy with us. They’re rated at 18 knots as I recall, but even in moderate seas they slid sideways down swells leaving a zigzag wake, so the net forward motion was considerably less. And why not, they’re flat-bottomed, or near enough, with less than a four foot draft at front and seven feet at rear.

    Above the waterline they’re a triumph of naval architecture, versatile and supremely fit-for-purpose. At and below the waterline they’re a sort of anti-naval architecture with all the seakeeping of a washtub. The officers and men that met this challenge and made ’em work are beyond praise.”

    :lol: true that,LST’s were affectionately refered to as “Long Slow Targets”.The Brits and Canadians built 80 of them IIRC, we built 1051

    The story of LST325 and her rescue from the scappers by a group of former LST veterans who sailed her home.

    The average age of the rescue crew-73 years old

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    In Florida there is a Republican senator and a Republican Governor. So where on earth is this all coming from.