Lies and damn lies

NPR: “66% of school shootings claimed by the Department of Education never happened”


“But NPR contacted schools and districts and was able to substantiate that 161 of the incidents “never happened.” They verified that something did occur in four instances, “but it didn’t meet the government’s parameters for a shooting.” Moreover, they received no response regarding 25 percent of the Educated Department’s reported school shootings”

But no,the bureaucrats running the agencies aren’t biased are they :evil:

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22 Responses to Lies and damn lies

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    What surprised me was that NPR actually checked the numbers.

  2. Fred says:

    The 240 number came from the ACLU.

  3. Darin says:

    NZ town announces plan to ban all cats-

    “It’s like a police state” says Nico Jarvis – correction,it IS a police state.

    “New Zealand has already announced an “ambitious” plan to rid the country of all non-native predators by 2050.”

    Does that include,muslims,leftists and chinese?

    • Pascal says:

      Isn’t that just like the biased press? In the whole article, not one mention of the number of city council seats occupied by vermin rodents.

    • Fred says:

      Ya know, humans are the most violent dangerous predator to ever roam the earth. Cleaver with objects, able to manipulate things with dexterous digits, high set – forward looking – set apart – bi-focal – full color – 3D eyesight, hunts in packs of up to a million men, projectile and fire shooting and sonic and electric stand-off weapons, and has used weapons that just one of destroys a whole city.

      I hope they don’t read this, it will give them nightmares for weeks. It’s almost enough to make you get a gun, or two…

  4. mawm says:

    Cats are amazing hunters, and kill for the sake of killing – not because they are hungry. The problem is that they are left to hunt at night by their owners and they are killing our birds. Kiwis are nocturnal…..and yet where ever I go dogs are banned “because they kill kiwi”.

    • KG says:

      Partly true, Mawm but we’ve had a garden full of birds in several places despite having cats. They appeared to ignore the birds and we never found a dead one in the gardens.
      I believe rats are a far bigger problem and cats do at least hunt them. Eliminating cats would only increase the rat population, something that’s happened in numerous places.
      There’s a view that removing the cat and dog populations from areas in London during the Black Death’s early stages contributed to the rapid spread of the disease.
      Unforseen consequences…..

      • Fred says:

        This has been tried before. I forget where, oh yeah middle ages Europe hunted and got rid of the cats and guess what? Black Plaugue because of the rat fleas.

        I remember hearing that somewhere. No idea if it’s true.

  5. KG says:

    A great and important speech. The truth:
    “…The Supreme Court is supposed to enforce the Constitution, but since that decision, the Supreme Court has been the greatest institutional threat to constitutional order”

  6. KG says:

    I smell a snivelling white activist somewhere in this.
    In the first place, the lack of personal responsibility for their actions is not typical of Aboriginal men and second, Aboriginal women can be every bit as violent and abusive as the men.
    ‘Aborigines apologise to women
    Statement by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men to all indigenous women ‘is proof not all men are victims’ of colonisation. ‘

    via The Australian, paywalled.

  7. KG says:

    NZ media:
    ‘Trump’s record disapproval rating’

    It’s a Washington Post poll, fer gawdsakes!! and these clowns are pushing it as “news”.
    Groin Kick

    • Darin says:

      WAPO polling the same 10 hard left democrats they always do.Also remember this is the same poll that had Hitlery winning in a landslide.

  8. KG says:

    Watch this for a standard Owellian inversion of truth! Object to muzzies stabbing citizens in Germany and you’re a Nazi!
    This bitch should be hanged.

    Note the video carefully shows only aggressive white youths, yet the rallies have been by Germans of all types and ages.