The Galloping Slippery Slope

BPS on the Cloward-Pivening of Western Culture

The changes are happening so fast, and the rulings coming down upon anyone who protests so harshly (6 figure fines leveled against individuals for declining to bake a cake), that it is hard not to recognize The Cloward-Piven nature of the assaults on our sensibilities, morals and taboos — our values.

Sometime over the last month I started using Cloward-Piven as a verb. Because the SSM has been so dedicated to overwhelming us with each next outrage, Cloward-Pivening seems to be the most accurate verb.

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4 Responses to The Galloping Slippery Slope

  1. Pascal says:

    The Cloward-Piven strategy was initially about overwhelming the financial foundations of the Western way of life. It sure seems like those pleased with the results have applied the tactic to much more.

    Every one of the outrages that BPS lays out in the fashion

    “It’s not like [fill in the blank] is happening in [fill in the blank] … Oh, wait. That’s happened”

    would be curtailed if those paid to enforce the law actually did their jobs as was the Western custom.

    Instead, what we are witnessing by those who are fostering this lack of crackdown is the overwhelming of the lawful way of Western life. Continued on unabated this trend will erase our generally accepted sense of decency. Live and let live will be history, and even its history eradicated.

    None of it is for the benefit of the lawful. It serves only those who feel they are above the common law, above newer laws legislated to protect the rights of individuals on an equitable basis, and even protected from Natural law (do something against nature, and let the victims suffer the consequences rather than be thrown out of power and imprisoned) — by right of might.

  2. Yokel says:

    Let us be clear that this lack of law enforcement is not incompetence, it is a deliberate decision by those who think they can profit from the collapse of the old/present system.

    • Pascal says:

      Well put Yokel.

      You know, it is not necessarily clear from the BPS video that even with all he reports upon he sees this point.

      Perhaps that is the reporter in him. He leaves it up to us to recognize the depth of the problem and understand why it is permitted to continue and worsen and then perhaps act on that knowledge.


  3. K2 says:

    Removing 10 million illegals would greatly help reduce the deficit.