’nuff said:

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21 Responses to ’nuff said:

  1. Pascal says:

    All that matters is current verbiage out of the Vatican is favorable to SSM the Left Sinister :evil: agenda.

  2. K2 says:

    There was a lot of talk before and after the election of pedo rings associated with the urban Democratic party left. Mainly Clinton, Epstein and Hollywood. The MSM has dismissed it as “fake news”, but this kind of thing doesn’t exactly give one confidence that’s the case.

  3. KG says:

    It seemed very strange to me at the time how fast this Pope was elected. I suspected then that he was going to be a NWO tool.

    • Darin says:

      Yep,I keep telling people,if it’s a priest and from South America,then it’s most likely a communist.In Europe and North America the communists infiltrated the universities first.
      In South America they infiltrated the church first.

  4. Warren Tooley says:

    If we think about it, there’s nothing inconsistent. Climate change can only be fixed by reducing the population.

    • Pascal says:

      Yes Warren. The inconsistency here is this pope compared to all before him. The Church has been in the forefront against abortions up until this pope.

      :idea: Other than the nature of the scandal itself, that’s another reason the :evil: influenced are viciously attacking the whistle-blower and defending this pope.

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Pascal, if he’s for abortion, this just proves again that he wants to reduce the population. The clue was given by Clinton in the debates. She said she was for women’s rights. The only right she quoted was the right to have an abortion.

        That’s because Clinton doesn’t care one bit about men or women, just about reducing the population to help the environment and then saying its in your own interests.

        While on the topic at Mitre 10, no more plastic bags. That will do barely a thing for the environment.