The Latest Woodpile Report is up

And as usual it’s quality throughout

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4 Responses to The Latest Woodpile Report is up

  1. Darin says:

    The 1861 Springfield Rifled Musket and .58cal Minie ball-

    I want one

  2. Brown says:

    “An error occurred while processing this directive” is what I get. Am I the only one?

  3. paul scott says:

    I wrote to him > part of the letter below. l >> he wrote back said his life was not as kosmic as I imagined. The photo he has up, he sent a copy says it was taken about 1937, in a tobacco shed in North Carolina. That means it’s his father or uncle.
    I will put up a Remus diary site because his work he says is not retained .. here below part of the letter >> I will put an entry for the Remus diaries over here tomorrow

    >> Once, some decades ago, for good reasons. an Appalachian child came to the notice of his elders and the local people.
    He had been a voracious reader and adventurer even as young as six, and by the age of twelve years, the history and lore of the Appalachian mountains were familiar to him. The legend is lost in detail about this enquiring and penetrating mind but at fourteen years of age. it goes he had such an affiliation with nature
    > that he was able to train a black bear to bring in the newspaper the ‘Appalachian Post ’ in the early morning.>I told that bear there, that if he would bring the newspaper in each day,I would give’im a pancake, but if he did not I would ‘shoot ’im with this carbine.
    This newspaper delivery apparently continued for some months until both bear and boy found other matters more pressing on their lives. It seems maybe that his schooling took Remus by bus some distance away and that by his observation he could see already that the City boys were a little soft.
    One of these boys had a wristwatch, the boy bragging that he could tell you the time of day to a second.
    Appalachian Remus looked at the boy’s timepiece and he said, it is said, >>You are out by an hour, it is just after three, you will be waiting for for the bus a long time .<You can read the time by the shadow from the tree out there, how long it is, and in which direction it falls..