Open House 9/7/18

I put in 30 hours in the last two days,I’m a bit tired,beer is in the fridge,I am going to bed 

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63 Responses to Open House 9/7/18

    • KG says: Graceless trash, trashing the conventions of the office it stole.
      Will nobody rid us of this turd?

      along with some effing bureauscum. Note the last line in the item:

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        One: I note that the rag of record didn’t cover HBSC’c two biggest lies in his speech … that he never treated the press like enemies and his policies are responsible for the current economic upturn in the US.

        Two: ‘…thousands of new provisions…” WTF! It’s a local plan. How convenient the couple had to pay the building consent before they could be told of any triggering of those new provisions. Yeah KG, that mean old sea level rise will certainly prevent any of the Council Members from building a new seaside villa.

        Three: You are a brave man KG to keep reading the Herald. I would be permanently ill.

        • Darin says:

          On item two: The couple should find a newly minted young attorney who is wanting to make a name for himself and hire them to claw that money back from the council.
          Either that or hire some South African Mercs to pay the council a visit one night

      • Cadwallader says:

        Sadly week after week there are instances like the one the couple in CHCH are presently enduring. The local authorities in NZ are oblivious to the harsh realities they impose on their captive customers often effected by a slimy stroke of a pen. The RMA must go but neither bunch of politicians seems to have the stamina to boot it off. The powers given to Clipboard Hitlers under both the RMA and the Local Government Acts (there’s two of them!) would have given Stalin wet-dreams.

  1. Warren Tooley says:

    Hey guys and gals, just today I found out a plan against internet censorship. That if the US postal system creates their own email and internet system, then they would have to honor free speech of the 1st amendment. With what’s going on, this just may be the only way.

    • Darin says:

      Delete your Twitter account today!

      As he points outmthis is just more evidence that the left is a suicide cult.When the dust settles,the internet will go back to what it was in the begining,but Facebook and Twitter will look more like Myspace.

  2. Grog says:

    Now the payoffs are in the open.

    The people doing all this really don’t think anyone notices, and they will be held to account. Get ready, everyone.

    • Pascal says:

      A fine observation at what is currently the last comment there.

      MrGarabaldi said…

      Hey Peter;

      I saw a quote from Daniel Greenfield that we are on the slippery slope toward a civil war. The democrats refuse to accept the results of the election when felonia von pantsuit lost an election that by all rights she should have won if she hadn’t been such a bad candidate. When Obama won, we were not happy, but we accepted the election results, the democrats only accept the results if their candidate wins. This is not good for the health of the republic. The peaceful transfer of power has been a hallmark of the United States, but every election in this century if a democrat hasn’t won, the election is called into question and the word “Illegitimate” is bandied about. When one side refused to accept the results on a regular basis this is the grounds for tyranny in the future.
      September 7, 2018 at 11:56 AM

  3. Darin says:

    Black Pilled: Group think and why they NEED to censor us-

    • Grog says:

      The group think gurus will never give up the effort to censor or silence us, and as long as there is one blog where people can comment their efforts will fail.

  4. Grog says:

    The link speaks volumes, and rather incriminating at that. (yeah, that’s an understatement)

    • KG says:

      It seems almost all traitors’ roads lead to the Clintons, Grog.

      • Grog says:

        Agreed, KG, they sold their souls for political influence more than 40 years ago. They are venal and have no scruples, and they can’t depart quickly enough.

  5. Pascal says:

    Wow. IMHO, this is the best delineated explanation, by Senator Ben Sasse, of what a wreck we’ve permitted the checks and balance scale to become. It’s almost too good to believe that a politician could say it, even would be permitted to say it.

  6. tranquil says:

    Great video here – President Trump meets with Sheriffs –

    The sheriffs’ spokesman said that Trump has their back and THEY have HIS!
    Great stuff!

  7. Grog says:

    Here’s an update regarding the cop who murdered a man because she went into his apartment and she thought it was her apartment.

  8. KG says:

    Is Diversity Our Strength? Tucker Questions Elites

  9. Michael in Nelson says:

    New email dump shows the FBI and DoJ coordinated to sabotage Trump. The FISA documents must be damning.

  10. Michael in Nelson says:

    Oh my YES! This is what happens when you pick on a random victim.

  11. KG says:

    ‘‘The ICC Is Already Dead to Us’: John Bolton Announces Withdrawal over War on Terror Probe’

    The best news this year! Tears of joy

  12. Darin says:

    Baltic states ask Walmart to stop selling clothing with Soviet symbols-

    Now if we can just get them to stop selling it here :evil:

  13. Darin says:

    EPA sheds 1200 employees in first year and a half of Trump administration-

  14. Pascal says:

    The man who isn’t there suddenly poked his head up. Could be significant too if it isn’t a bluff.

    Here is the introduction at The Right Scoop: “looks like the DOJ may end up investigating Google, Facebook, and Twitter for improper business practices according to Bloomberg. ”

    In a comment I offered this bit synthesized by combining this story with a bunch otherwise useless info I’ve retained over the years.

    Anti-trust law may come into play. Here’s how. A cartel is a group of apparently independent producers whose goal is to increase their collective profits by means of price fixing, limiting supply, or other restrictive practices. It is clear in this age that social media cartels have exchanged influence fixing for price fixing. They accrue immense value from their ability to influence.

    It sure seems this course is worth pursuing. But with all the big interests benefiting from influence fixing, it will not be an easy battle.

    You think they hate Trump now? Were this line to be pursued — just wow.

    Too bad nobody that matters will be forced to pay attention to such a suggestion. Plus, the man who isn’t there is highly apt to fade away again.

  15. KG says:

    ‘A suspect tried to steal a car Friday with a five-year-old sitting in the back seat and was subsequently shot and killed by the child’s father.’
    No charges.

  16. mawm says:

    It is hard to imagine what world these NWO/globalist socialists live in.

    Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Foreign Minister, is in the middle of NAFTA negotiations when she leaves them to participate in “President Trump is a Tyrant” conference. This is the same idiot who didn’t arrive on time when she was meeting the same negotiators in Washington.

    I managed 3 min of this video – it was enough.

  17. KG says:

    “well-meaning paternalism is just destructive, ignorant, freedom-hating authoritarianism with a smug, smiling face.”

  18. Darin says:

    Oh boy are they gonna get sued :shock:

    Humm,three possiblities,equipment malfunction,radom stupidity,terrorism.

    • Pascal says:

      “Humm,three possibilities: equipment malfunction, random stupidity, terrorism.”

      Did you receive a call from Orwell “I know you read my book. Can there be any doubt?”

      Also, along the same lines, the government can’t be sued unless they let you.

  19. KG says:

    World’s shortest documentary:
    ‘A new New Zealand documentary shares insights into young female minds.’

  20. Darin says:

    PJW:Shut up Serena Williams-

  21. Darin says:

    Not the least bit shocked by it,but the Dems hit another new low-

    Rock bottom must be well deeper than the Marianas Trench

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      The comparison to Anita Hill is apropos in that at the time Clarence Thomas pointed out how the Democrats were after him for being an ‘uppity black man’ whilst now Kavanaugh now represents an uppity white Christian male, the current most hated demographic.