NZ media

NZ Herald and Stuff News, peddling Washington Post lies, as usual:

‘Chair umpire’s sexist power play ruins powerful US Open women’s final’

Curious, isn’t it, how these leftist creeps almost never feature articles from conservative outlets?

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20 Responses to NZ media

  1. KG says:

    The comments below the despicable and stupid feminazi piece are immensely encouraging, though. No wonder they’re now closed.

    • Pascal says:

      Isn’t this a NZ blog? Why not parody the cowards over there with a thread starter quoting some of the verbal assaults given the drivel writer prior to closing comments? Your way of preserving some that might “fall down” the memory hole. Did the comments expose the poor widdle dweeb’s lack of courage to face criticism of her criticism? Oh woes.

      • KG says:

        Well, Pascal, CR certainly isn’t an NZ blog. Never was.
        I post about the NZ media because I happen to be living here now, that’s all.

        and while we’re at it, about ten (max) percent of the population are well on the way to a racist takeover of the country. The Maori Party scored zero in the recent elections, yet the dumb commie girl in charge of an illegitimate government is ramping up the gravy train for the racist bastards:
        ‘NEW ZEALAND
        PM’s plans for Crown-Māori Partnership Office’

        This – and their grab for the NZ coastline – is racist, divisive and contemptible.

        • Pascal says:

          How did I ever get that notion then? Please send me an email and provide me anything you wish that would awaken this fool friend of yours.

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          Didn’t you hear, the Greens are pushing for Te Reo to be mandatory in all schools. This sounds like most of the rest of Sinister education. They don’t teach English any more so they have to replace it with something useless. (Didn’t some university drop Physics because of budget difficulties?)

  2. fish153 says:

    disgraceful behaviour and opinion written by a fawning, silly journo….

  3. KG says:

    More from the NZ Herald today:
    ‘Book review: Bob Woodward’s meticulous, frightening look inside the Trump White House ‘
    by….wait for it……
    ‘Jill Abramson, the former executive editor of the New York Times, is a columnist for the Guardian and a senior lecturer in Harvard’s English department.’

    That’s an almost perfect Lying Lefty Scumbag score. No wonder the Herald is running it.

  4. Pascal says:

    Maybe the NZ Herald is trying to separate itself from Australia even more?|

    OTOH, may this crack in Oz PC be seen as a good sign of its media moving up out of the pit.

  5. Andy5759 says:

    Just got home from the pub and found that Gargle™ were directing me to a Vox article about a “raaaaaacist” cartoon in the Sun Herald. It’s not fuck*ng racist, it’s spot on. The death of humour can be traced to these times. I’m going to train my pet frog to stick both arms in the air and say “kamerad” whenever it hears handy hock.

  6. KG says:

    Headline in the NZ Herald: ‘Trump’s long history of lying about 9/11 and exploiting it for personal gain’
    from Wikipedia:
    ‘Paul Waldman (born February 27, 1968) is a liberal / progressive American op-ed columnist and senior writer for The American Prospect, as well as a contributor to The Week and a blogger for the Washington Post’s Plum Line blog.’

    What a fucking disgrace the NZ “news” outlets are.

    • mawm says:

      And I know supposedly intelligent people who lap up every word and then use it in dinner party discussions as if it is the last word of truth. I’ve suggested to them to get their news and editorial comment elsewhere and they immediately jump on Fox News and say it lies continually. Nice little indoctrabots.

  7. KG says:

    Utter bollocks, from a snivelling lapdog of racist leftard propaganda:

    Some great comments in the (mainly hostile) comments section though. :)