‘Taking land from white farmers is about racial justice, but it might also save its economy. ‘

– Bloomberg via The Washington Post

Just like it did in Zimbabwe……..

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10 Responses to WHAAAAT??

  1. Brown says:

    South Africa is going to be an interesting watch over the next couple of years as that will be long enough to see how far down the hole the black leaders want to go. I suspect they’ll go full retard. Millions will starve and then turn on the leadership who promised the earth. It will be uglier than Zimbabwe by far.

  2. mawm says:

    That is probably the most vile piece of “misinformation” I’ve read.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I’m with you mawm, a total misrepresentation of what is happening and what will happen. Those ‘black farmers’ have no experience in running an agricultural enterprise. The logic used was so weak, it needs a crutch.

  3. Bradley says:

    Because nothing drives private investment, risk taking, and effort like the certain knowledge that the locals are fully onboard with stealing everything you have.

  4. KG says:

    There’s nothing quite so slimy as a leftist prick pre-emptively justifying a genocide.
    Groin Kick

  5. tranquil says:

    Jumping off-topic but more news from Africa – an Ebola outbreak in the Congo –

    Could be “interesting” if an infected person decides to join the masses heading for Europe.

    This news **could** actually end up being good news for Europe!
    Why? Because this might be the flame that sets off panic and full-scale civil war over there.
    The powder-keg is already next to the fire – it just takes one spark to set it off and this *could* be it – hopefully!

    • KG says:

      I see pilgrims returning from Mecca have already brought a disease outbreak back with them to America, Tranquil.I’ll look for a link.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        There are plenty of instances of illegal aliens in the US bringing third world diseases with them. You should be able to find several links to increases in diseases that were all but wiped out 20 years ago.