Open House 9/28/18

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52 Responses to Open House 9/28/18

  1. Darin says:

    Jeff Flake you assh@le! :evil:


    That no good,back stabbing rotten bastard can’t leave the senate fast enough :evil:

  2. Darin says:

    After a full week of absolute insane human behavior,it’s nice to have something that makes sense to watch.

    Antikythera Mechanism episode 8-

    Antikythera Fragment #7 Precision Soft Soldering-

  3. Darin says:

    When engineers get bored-Chipmunk in a bottle experiments


  4. KG says:

    ‘Why the Brett Kavanaugh Smear?
    ….By smearing the ultimate Boy Scout, the Democrats signal that they are determined to go lower than anyone has ever gone in American history. They intend to deter normal people from serving in Republican administrations, or accepting appointments from Republican presidents, or, ultimately, from identifying themselves with the Republican party. Given that strategy, the fact that they are smearing a man of obviously sterling character on absurdly flimsy grounds is not a bug, it is a feature. The fact that the Democrats’ smears are so patently false is ultimately their main point.
    The Democrats are telling us: Republicans, beware–if this can happen to Brett Kavanaugh, it can happen to anyone. You’d better go quietly and cede power to us.’
    (bold mine)

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    The tactics used on Kavanaugh were a repeat that the Republicans should have seen coming. That’s my biggest ‘Kick them in the nuts to get their attention’ reason for despairing for the Republic.

    • Darin says:

      They knew presciely this was going to happen,but they have no spine,the party is still contaminated with swamp creatures and RINO’s of every description.

  6. Darin says:

    Not my favorite brand,but I like the concept anyway-

    • Darin says:

      $25ml for a bike way?Yup,you guys are getting screwed bigtime.

      I hate taxes,but they seem the best way to end this bike lane madness.Tax bikes,require insurance and license the riders just the same as automobiles.

      • mawm says:

        Most cyclists are already paying road taxes through their car license, fuel, income tax and local authority taxes and have third party insurance through their home insurance and contribute to ACC just like everybody else.

  7. Darin says:

    IP address of computer where doxxing attack on senate Republicans came from,was an computer in the office of Mad Maxine Waters

  8. Alan says:

    New Zealand is a tiny version of what is happening in the disUnited States.

    • KG says:

      But without the range of thinking, options and in-depth media coverage of politics. There’s almost no alternative to the prevailing groupthink.

  9. Darin says:

    The World Turns on China-Classarius

    • Darin says:

      I don’t see it making the cut as I would hate to be the grunt that has to pack a 1,000 rounds of that for days on end.On the otherhand,Army weapons procurement is pretty f–ked so anything is possible.

      I did however procure an AR-10 lower reciever the otherday,which is the beginings of .308 goodness

  10. Darin says:

    Prokofiev-Romeo and Juliet: Dance of the Knights

    • Darin says:

      It’s getting to be the same here,the housing department got this brilliant idea to tear down blighted,crime infested housing blocks and “disperse” the “tennants” out into the local communities.Bascially renting every available house in sight and moving these “people” in.
      Absolutely no consideration was given as to why the housing blocks became blighted and crime ridden in the firstplace.I mean the housing blocks certainly didn’t do it to themselves now did they?
      Now there is a big shock since neighborhoods that were fomerly crime free,peaceful places to live have the cops rolling out in force almost every night.
      Ronald Reagan said it right-“if you want more of something subsidise it,if you want less of something tax it” I believe we can safely say that applies to all manner of human behavior as well as the general economy.

  11. Darin says:

    Trump rally in Mississippi Live streaming now-

    • KG says:

      “..because they know Judge Kavanaugh will follow the Constitution as written”
      got a huge cheer.

  12. KG says:

    The latest Woodpile Report
    The whole thing is a must-read as usual and following the links to these two articles is interesting:
    How You’re Being Chemically Castrated By These Everyday Products
    An Impending Shooting Civil War

  13. Darin says:

    Cue the Benny Hill theme-


  14. KG says:

    Taking it back from the Zuckerscum!

  15. KG says:

    2001 video shows Obama admitting being a ‘thug,’ fighting, drinking, drugging in high school

  16. Pascal says:

    — John Hinderaker in

    By smearing the ultimate Boy Scout, the Democrats signal that they are determined to go lower than anyone has ever gone in American history. They intend to deter normal people from serving in Republican administrations, or accepting appointments from Republican presidents, or, ultimately, from identifying themselves with the Republican party. Given that strategy, the fact that they are smearing a man of obviously sterling character on absurdly flimsy grounds is not a bug, it is a feature. The fact that the Democrats’ smears are so patently false is ultimately their main point,

    The Democrats are telling us: Republicans, beware – if this can happen to Brett Kavanaugh, it can happen to anyone. You’d better go quietly and cede power to us.

    Which is an expansion on what BK said in anger during his last testimony. His speaking truth surely triggered the “he lacks the temperament for the job” line the Dems and Nevertrumpers have taken.

    I pray this is not an elaborate Establishmentarian scam involving reverse psychology. All the usual SKUNCs in office are just exhibiting too much spine. Leopards. Spots.

    Consider that the same arrested protestors are permitted reentry to Congress while out on bail and nobody raising holy hell about it? WTF?

    Is it because the Progs in both parties never have enough truly committed radicals who have proven that they won’t really hurt them?

    What else is going on in Congress while this show has been on 24/7? Sure this is billed as delay, delay, delay. But why not distraction, distraction, distraction?

    • Darin says:

      It’s all just posturing for the respective base voters.The Dems want to show their crowd they can still fight dirty and win and the Repubs are trying to show they have a spine.Proof is that BOTH sides are using the hearings to raise money.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I don’t know about spine Pascal, but you can bet they are looking at the polls that show 60% of voters want Kvanaugh confirmed and even more view the hearings as a national disgrace. Going against that sort of landslide would political death.

      • Pascal says:

        Lindsay Graham is not up for reelection next month Michael. OTOH, Darin’s idea floats well because pols are always seeking ways of raising money and that’s a “good” excuse for them anytime.

        I’ve seen Graham’s personal act before when he was an outstanding congressman successfully impeaching Bill Clinton. On the publicity from that he went on to win a seat in the Senate — and has been a consistent SKUNC up until last week.

        I still can hope and pray that the ordeal has turned BK into a man who has been woke to the soviet nature of all things Prog and will be a stauncher anti-statist from here on out.

        OTOH, if he could put his family thru this and then find ways to approve anti-constitutional Prog agenda items, it only shows how single-mindedly inhumane is any committed Prog. So watch for it. If he ever pulls a John (a non-tax is a tax) Roberts in any decision, that will be his signal to his masters (and us) that he’s still their man.

  17. KG says:

    ‘A feminist academic journal published a hoax paper based on Adolph Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” that had been rewritten with feminist buzzwords.
    As a part of a wide-ranging hoax against various academic journals, Helen Pluckrose, James Lindsay, and Peter Boghossian submitted a reimagining of Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf to a feminist journal for publication. The team of hoaxers submitted a version of Mein Kampf that had been rewritten from the perspective of an intersectional feminist…’

  18. Michael in Nelson says:

    This just in, Collins to vote Yes (took a 30 minute speech to get there) and then Manchin also to vote yes!

      • KG says:

        ” The GOP’s hardball approach left Democrats shaken and defeated.

        “They are succeeding because they have broken all the rules and norms,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). “They adopted the strategy that the best defense is a good offense.”