NAFTA Renegotiated

He said he would and he did,Trump announces new agreement on NAFTA


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14 Responses to NAFTA Renegotiated

  1. KG says:

    While the half-Kenyan prances around pontificating on things way above his pay grade, while he’s busy sowing division and undermining the Republic – betraying the Founders’ ideals – Trump simply gets things done.
    No wonder the left hates him.

  2. Cadwallader says:

    …and the msm claimed Trump is anti-trade. Here lies the difference between an impotent politician and a businessman. Trump continues to thrill.

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    Ravi Batra in two of his books (The Myth of Free Trade & The Great American Deception) explained that a nation that manufactures is a nation of wealth. Ever since 1973/1972, the US manufacturing base has been in decline, and so have wages after inflation for 80% of workers. What this does is defends the North American manufacturing base at least with Autos, while having other things which are in favor of free trade.

    Ravi Batra would be delighted with this. And it will also help the environment. Less auto parts from Asia will affect the environment. 31% of pollution is related to trade. I’m not saying no trade, but let’s stick to where trade has advantages please.

    • Darin says:

      Importing items that we already manufacture here was always counter productive.The argument in favor of offshoring everything has always been “Americans benefit from cheaper products because it gives them more buying power”.
      I’ve always countered that with “Americans would have all the buying power we need,if the government would stop devaluing the currency by piling on unsustainable debt.”

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Yes Darin, I have a similiar argument. Why not import everything and produce nothing? After all its cheaper. But how will you pay for these cheaper goods?

        The original free traders argued for actual trade. I produce something and with that money, you buy something from me. With NAFTA, GATT the WTO, its not about ‘true free trade’ at all.

        Its where you can lend $ billions to a country, and that country now buys $ billions and sells you nothing, because they don’t need to.

        The whole thing is nonsense from the start. I’m happier with tariffs from imports and no income tax, then no tariffs and high income tax. The original constitution only allowed for a tax on property, tax on imports and tax on domestic made goods.

        By the way, what I’ve told you about in regards to being able to lend you $ billions, would not be happening so often so easily, if we were on a gold standard anyways.

  4. Darin says:

    A tour of a Chinese “Ghost City”-

    Unreal :shock:

  5. mawm says:

    I wonder how Justine and Chrystia feel about having to suck Trumps dick?

  6. KG says:

    “Americans would have all the buying power we need,if the government would stop devaluing the currency by piling on unsustainable debt.”
    Damn right!

    • Warren Tooley says:

      So how bout we go back to a gold and silver standard? Where every dollar needs to be backed up by gold and silver as the Constitution states.