Papers Please….

NZ: Travelers refusing digital search now face $5,000 customs fine-

“Travellers who refuse to hand over their phone or laptop passwords to Customs officials can now be slapped with a $5000 fine.”

Council for Civil Liberties spokesperson Thomas Beagle said the law was an unjustified invasion of privacy.

“Nowadays we’ve got everything on our phones; we’ve got all our personal life, all our doctors’ records, our emails, absolutely everything on it, and customs can take that and keep it.”

The new requirement for reasonable suspicion did not rein in the law at all, Mr Beagle said.

“They don’t have to tell you what the cause of that suspicion is, there’s no way to challenge it.”

Uhm….they do realise the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics collapsed right?

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16 Responses to Papers Please….

  1. Warren Tooley says:

    Well you have Jacinda Ardern as Prime Minister, what do you expect? Maybe they’ll vote someone else next time.

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    This is why I don’t have a Smartphone, a twitter account, a facebook account. This is why I have a flashdrive to store anything of importance to me, for this very reason.

    • Darin says:

      Same here,I do use a smart phone,but anything important is stored off device.

    • You think they won’t ask for the flashdrive?

      • Darin says:

        Can’t ask for what doesn’t exist.You have to remember these government cretins aren’t particularly smart,that’s why the only job they can get is working for the government.

      • Warren Tooley says:

        The legislation doesn’t allow for that? Let’s take family court for instance. The Care of Child’s Act, the Family Proceedings Act, the Domestic Violence Act, etc all allow for the government to take away everything from the man on an allegation. The legislation states it, the government acts on it.

        Besides anyone can put a flashdrive in their pocket, or in their luggage. It’s easy to find a smartphone and laptop. Very difficult to find a flashdrive, especially if it is inside of something metallic.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    The rights of New Zealanders exist only at the whim of the party in power. Welcome to Democracy. (Hence the reason the US Founding Fathers argued so strongly for a Republic.)

  4. Robertv says:

    Just tell customs officials you are a muslim refugee.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Robertv, you’ve just explained why Western Civilization is dying. Cause of the special privileges non Western people get in Western nations.

  5. Yokel says:

    Oh well, just add it to the growing list of borders only to cross with devices still in their ex-factory wrapping or that have been forensically wiped clean. Store all the info you need in a use once and discard cloud storage account. Take a hammer to the lot before you leave.

    And to think that not too long ago I turned up at the border without any documents except my British passport and I was invited in without problem. The only trouble was to make sure my hiking boots were clean of soil and seeds.

    • Darin says:

      That’s what I remind people of about America.Once upon a time we had open borders.Anyone from anywhere could come here no questions asked and start a new life.Their success or failure depended entirely upon their own industry.That system insured we got the hardest working best and brightest from all over the world.
      This was before socialism took root and government bloat began.

  6. Robertv says:

    For the same reason government, and their master the central bank, started the war on cash.