Kavanaugh boomerang #1 & #2

American Thinker-

“The Democrats have not merely overplayed their hand in opposing the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, they have provoked a reaction that has serious consequences for the power struggle ahead. Most of them do not understand yet the gravity of their error because they still operate out of a rage that has its origin in the belief that Donald Trump’s presidential victory was somehow illegitimate, despite the lack of any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia (and the growing evidence that the Clinton campaign colluded – via cutouts Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS – to recycle phony stories from Russian intelligence into FISA warrants).”

American Thinker #2-

“Even if a few among the Democrat leadership sober up and realize that their scurrilous, cruel attacks on Judge Kavanaugh have backfired, the angry fanatics who donate, demonstrate, and harass cannot help themselves. Monica Showalter yesterday discussed Robert B. Reich, the former Clinton Secretary of Labor (and pal since Rhodes scholarship days) who is working with MoveOn.org to mobilize national demonstrations. Their problem is that the level of hatred that has been propagated inevitably will result in fanatics acting out in distasteful and all-too-often violent ways.”


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15 Responses to Kavanaugh boomerang #1 & #2

  1. KG says:

    Another one from AT:
    ‘When Is the Reckoning?
    God help Trump’s next court nominee. Facing no reckoning, Democrats will regroup, learn from their mistakes, and plan a better attack for next time. The deep state will continue to conspire against President Trump, undermining his presidency. Why should they stop?
    The reckoning must be so severe that this type of behavior ends, that no one dare try it again. Public humiliation or shaming isn’t enough, else Hillary Clinton and James Comey would quietly retire into obscurity. Perjury, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice are all punishable by law. This is the type of reckoning that may give Democrats pause when gearing up for the next round of attacks, seeing some of their coconspirators behind bars…’

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Well how bout, if the Democrats only have 10% of the votes. Do you think that would teach them a lesson.

    • Anonymous says:

      And when President Trump nominates a Woman how will that play out?

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    The good news is that Kavanaugh (or however you spell it) has now been appointed, so they can’t stop him, can they now. Maybe he will declare guilty till proven innocent unconstitutional along with Me Too. That would be great news wouldn’t it.

    • Robertv says:

      If democrats ever gain power again he should fear for his life. We know that democrats love blood.


  3. mawm says:

    This is good. The hard left’s dream was so close under Obama and would have been attainable with a Clinton Presidency. This is what you look like when you realise that you have stuffed it up and opened yourself to criminal prosecution………(if only the GOP had the guts to pursue it).



    • Darin says:

      Chuck Grassley is pushing hard to get those documents.I hope the old bird gets roasted good before she keels over.

  4. mawm says:

    Just a thought…

    I wonder how the deep state feels now about murdering Scalia?


    • Grog says:

      Probably no different. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wink.gif

      • Darin says:

        I don’t think it was the deep state,I think that has Obama/Jarret’s fingerprints all over it.

        But,ya,it definitely blew up in their faces either way.

        Now,if we could just get Ginsburg to kick off or retire.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Nolte at Breitbart has a good summation of Winners and Losers in the whole mess.

