
Remus on the “migrant caravan”:

Enough theatre. DC should either step up and do the job or step aside for those who will. A five thousand-strong column of self-supplied volunteers could be assembled in an afternoon and as many more as is needed thereafter. Swear them in, slink away and be amazed.

Almost exactly what Wabbit said on the subject to somebody near and dear this morning.

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9 Responses to Amen!

  1. mawm says:

    A few bodies lying around you will get you to change your mind very quickly about illegally entering a country that doesn’t want you.

    Years ago there were Lebanese gangs that would raid teenage parties (yes it’s that long ago). They arrived at one party to find two fathers standing on the sidewalk each with a golf club – a wood. The first Leb to cross the road was the last one to even although they vastly outnumbered the two parents.

  2. K2 says:

    Just keep the cameras away or you’ll be creating fodder for 20 years of leftist propaganda movies and campus riots.

    IMO, we shouldn’t get to worked up about the caravan for two reasons.
    1. There’s already 20+ million illegals in the country the large majority Christian/European culture, not Islamic like the Europe invasion. 15k more is a tiny percentage increase, less than one percent.
    2. The GOP has been seeding the media with ads about how the D-rats are all about open borders. Open borders is what got Trump elected. This smells to me like right wing judo – the left wing media can’t stop breathlessly reporting about it and building up the horror for clicks – all the while pushing a right wing GOP agenda.

  3. Dan says:

    The ENTIRE purpose for his mob of invaders is to create a situation where blood is shed. When this mob gets close to the border there will be cameras around 24/7 waiting to document anything that serves the lefts agenda. This entire scenario is a setup designed to make Trump and the GOP look as bad as possible just as the polls open.