Open House 10/26/18

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68 Responses to Open House 10/26/18

  1. KG says:

    ‘The Pentagon Isn’t Serious About Stopping the Caravan
    ….What’s more, the 800 active-duty troops that are being deployed to the border are not charged with providing physical support of the Border Patrol and National Guard. Instead, the Pentagon has opted to send its doctors, lawyers, and engineers. What do you think military doctors, engineers, and lawyers are going to do to turn back the human wave threatening America’s porous southwest? (Hint: they’re not going to physically turn back that caravan; they’re going to accommodate it in all likelihood!)
    As I reported earlier this year, the Pentagon has already approved the Department of Homeland Security’s request to turn unused areas of large U.S. military bases along the southwestern border into tent cities. Clearly, the Pentagon has decided to engage in its own bit of policymaking, regardless of what the president has ordered — or what the American people want (and what the United States Constitution outlines)…’

    • Pascal says:

      Is everybody in charge toying with us?

    • Victor says:

      Here’s something funny (in an ironic way) – I, as a Mexican with American citizenship can only enter the United States with a US Passport, If I try to get back in with out it or with, say, my Mexican Passport – they’ll throw my ass in jail… my cousins, however, have no problems getting in and out of the US with out any passport…

      Well… have a drink and count your bullets friends.

      • Darin says:

        It’s a screwed up mess for sure,I usually ask myself one question-

        Who could benefit from a system setup to encourage lawlessness?

        The open borders crowd for starters,but also the NWO who desperately wants the Americas to be come another EU.

        • Pascal says:

          but also the NWO who desperately wants the Americas to become another EU.

          Ding, ding, ding.

          That’s something I pointed out in the ECHR thread. Encouraging the traitorous Progs (who are maybe losing ground since Trump) at every opportunity.

  2. Darin says:

    Spanish Cannon wheel bushings and spokes-

  3. KG says:

    ‘Sayoc Accusation Doesn’t Pass the Smell Test
    Something still doesn’t pass the smell test. In a moment of time where merely wearing a “MAGA” hat can get you fired, beat up, or merely harangued out of your favorite eatery, we are asked to believe that Cesar Altieri Sayoc was allowed to drive around safely in a van abundantly and meticulously adorned with pro-Trump stickers and a few depicting his personal animus toward the usual anti-Trump suspects, all of their colors vibrant, un-faded in the semitropical Florida sun.
    …One observer asked the obvious question:
    Why does Cesar Sayoc, the alleged “MAGABomber”, follow mainly liberals on Twitter and have a van covered in brand new pro-President Donald Trump stickers? It’s as if he isn’t a supporter and wants it pinned on the president.
    Another asked
    Cesar Sayoc — the alleged mail bomber — had Trump stickers all over his vehicle. But on Twitter, he only follows 32 people — many of whom are left-wingers like Lina Dunham, Barack Obama and Jimmy Kimmel. What gives?

    • Pascal says:

      Not all of southern Florida, but Broward County, home of the hanging chads and David Hogg.
      Sayoc’s van has not been keyed, whereas a mere Trump bumper sticker in any other urban blue area won’t stand a chance.

      I have observed that the Left is so devoid of originality that they’re naturally prone to do what’s been done before. Didn’t I mention the Reichstag fire model here? I know I did elsewhere.

    • KG says:

      What can you say about that level of insane barbarity?

      • Pascal says:

        In the current climate of chaos being fomented by those who seek absolute power, only a fool would not expect it. Too many liberal Jews are smart about all the wrong things. Almost all, even the ones who left their faith either by choice or due to the family they were raised in already did, still feel some pride (stupidly in my opinion) that they are called God’s chosen by birth. They haven’t a clue as to the responsibility that comes with the “honor,” in quotes because it can seem more a curse at times. That’s life.

        How to understand such attacks? Those who love power and would be as living gods are resentful of the very idea of an ultimate God above them. Abraham through Isaac and Jacob kept alive the idea of Him so that it could eventually make possible the Christian religion which is at core how the West came to flourish, and America in particular.

        Understand how those seeking absolute power cannot abide their subjects being capable of faith in a God higher than themselves. This became clear to me when I recognized that Judaeo-Christianity sees human life as sacred whereas the current madmen see human life as a commodity to be contained by them. Not quite completely genocidal, but headed along the same path. So Hitler (or Stalin and Mao for that matter) is a good comparison to study.

        Hitler hated Christianity as much as our madmen do today and we can learn something from his genocidal efforts. He labeled Christianity a Jewish disease because that is how it originated. He understood that to destroy Christianity’s hold over the majority population that he could achieve that goal more easily by eliminating Jews first. No more Jews and the fulfillment of Revelation becomes impossible, and Christianity fails. There was always an element among the majority who would hate Jews and he figured that could only help him in his plans. Fortunately for many Jews, there were still many good Christians about to save them. But fools forget about most of those most of the time. It is also by design of those seeking power as with all Prog indoctrination our culture has been subjected to over the last century.

        There will always be Jews and Christians who hate Judaism because they have in reality fallen away from their faiths and have followed another. We know who that is.

      • Pascal says:

        I am pretty sure I could write a much longer and thereby clearer explanation. And no matter how well written or clear, there will still be those who will misunderstand or choose to do so and go on to misrepresent it.

        The point is, as I understand it from scholars, that this is the role accepted by Abraham for a segment of his posterity when he offered up Isaac as a sacrifice to God in Genesis 22, and God said “stay thy hand.”

        By carrying on the ethic that was new in that part of world that innocent human beings should not be sacrificed for the sins of the guilty, any who insisted on that idea would always be the first chosen by powerful men who thought they needed a scapegoat so they would not have to pay for their own mistakes.

        Christ was willing to be mangled and go on to be crucified as proof that God Himself would rather suffer that than any innocent of a crime. Come to terms with the idea of taking responsibility for your own faults and don’t pawn them off to the guiltless or He will not know you. That Jewish idea is carried on in Christianity’s promise for eternal life.

        And it runs afoul of all utopians who know their lie can never be achieved. So they fear the multitude’s wrath when they inevitably fail to deliver. The Gulags were full of Stalinist true-believers, but he needed scapegoats after the failure of every 5 year plan. Or to rid himself of people who knew too much and grew too powerful. It is not a hard consequence to grasp — it’s certainly been repeated often enough.

        I think many of our madmen think Ceausescu got off easy compared to what they see coming should they fail to beat back our rebellion.

  4. Darin says:

    Got a gift from a young friend yesterday.young man and his father that took up Blacksmithing as a hobby,but now has turned into a profession.

    My very own hammer,hand forged by the younger himself.He’s only still in his teens,but has gotten quite good and is even getting some recognition.

  5. KG says:

    ‘From Pittsburgh to Fort Hood: Trump Versus Obama
    Contrasting presidential responses to mass murder. ‘

  6. mawm says:

    Another brick in the wall as Brazil elects anti-globalist Bolsonaro.

    “Bolsonaro believes in open market free-trade; Brazil-first nationalism, and protecting the integrity of the Brazillian national identity.”

    • KG says:

      Nah, not me. Some dimwitted West Coaster, no doubt, for use in a new-age culty ceremony or some mincing queer ritual.

  7. KG says:

    1000 year drought

    Never mind, buy a Prius – that’ll fix it. :mrgreen:

  8. KG says:

    Colour us amazed. /sarc:
    ‘New Research Confirms We Got Cholesterol All Wrong
    A comprehensive new study on cholesterol, based on results from more than a million patients, could help upend decades of government advice about diet, nutrition, health, prevention, and medication. Just don’t hold your breath.
    ….The study also reports that “heart attack patients were shown to have lower than normal cholesterol levels of LDL-C” and that older people with higher levels of bad cholesterol tend to live longer than those with lower levels.’

  9. mawm says:

    Just in case you had any doubt…

    Leaked Documents Prove Soros’s Open Society Is Working with UN in Supporting Current Illegal Migrant Crisis

    I hope the US military have identified those most in need of attention, but just in case they haven’t:- A priority for UNHCR, which has mobilized extra staff and resources to help those making the journey in Mexico’s southern borderlands, is ensuring migrants are informed on their rights to asylum.

    • KG says:

      They have NO “rights to asylum”, since they refused Mexico’s offer.

    • MikeH. says:

      Re: Gyorgy Schwartz (aka George Soros, a Jewish born anti Semite and WWII nazi collaborator)… Why isn’t that worthless piece of rat crap enjoying the sun, fun and balmy breezes in the tropical paradise of Guantanamo Bay and, why hasn’t his billions been seized by the U.S. Government!!! Certainly his actions qualify as deliberate attempts to overthrow the / several government(s) rather than your basic leftard political activism.

      I may regret my next statement later, especially when the Soros funded black UN helicopters are circling overhead, but why couldn’t Cesar have learned some basic electronic circuitry assembly during his 56 years of wasting precious oxygen?

  10. KG says:

    ‘Chinese military scientists regularly work undercover in Australian universities on high tech weapons and communications research, a new report has found.
    The Australian Strategic Policy Institute has found about 2500 Chinese scientists and engineers from the People’s Liberation Army have studied in foreign universities since 2007.
    The study claimed some of those Chinese scientists hid their military affiliations while working overseas in areas such as hypersonic missiles and navigation technology…’

  11. KG says:

    Tucker Carlson: This is how free speech dies (and free thought along with it)

  12. KG says:

    ‘Climate Study: 90 Percent of Atolls and Islands Either Stable or Growing
    Another global warming scare story bites the dust: fragile islands and atolls in the Pacific are not sinking beneath the waves because of global warming. In fact, they are doing just fine.’

  13. Pascal says:

    Holy Mackerel — look at all these overpaid NPCs. It’s hilarious. Should it begin to get tedious, simply jump to 2:58 for the payoff. After two years, they didn’t get one. LMAO

    For those who jumped to 2:58 a little too soon, let me recommend jumping to 2:48 instead so your payoff makes complete sense.

  14. Pascal says:

    Savor the feel good moment.

    One of Newton’s Laws may have just cost the Dems an incumbent Senator:
    Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

    The Libertarian candidate was being supported by lying mailers sent out by shady “independents.” Polls had shown the Libertarian had about a 4% following, about the same as the Dem’s lead over the Republican.

    Realizing that he was being used to aid the Dem, he quit the race and endorsed the Republican, Matt Rosendale. That is selflessness writ large.

    Enjoy the schadenfreude over the Dems now losing sleep.

  15. Darin says:

    President Trump and family surprise doctors and nurses at Philly hospital,watch the video-

  16. Michael in Nelson says:

    So…we are deluded conspiracy theorists to think the effort to push radical environmental policy on the public is coordinated…yeah right

    • mawm says:

      I’d heard about this before and of course the name Soros is in there, as I’m sure are the rest of the hedge fund and tech billionaires – just the usual suspects. Hopefully these people who think money makes them better than us will one day be swinging from a lamp post.

  17. mawm says:

    An excellent article by Daniel Thomas at Cambrian Dissenters.

    “The Enemies of Nation States and Secure Borders”

    On Trump:-
    It’s not only his enemies at home that are gnashing their teeth with frustration and anger. The globalist ‘one world’ fanatics at the United Nations and the European Union are experiencing a similar apoplectic meltdown as he dismantles their plan for a borderless world.

  18. KG says:

    VDH, via The latest Woodpile Report:

    Is the United States a saintly or sinful place? Weirdly, and by the very same people seeking its succor, it is often deemed a cruel and awful place—and especially a cruel and awful place because it does not open its borders to the world to enjoy its cruelty and awfulness.


    Free speech, City Journal- Forty-four percent of surveyed students told the Brookings Institution that they do not believe that the First Amendment protects free speech, compared with the 39 percent who believe that it does. A full 20 percent of respondents maintained it acceptable to inflict physical harm on those deemed to have made “offensive and hurtful statements.” Supporters of the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts were no less confident in the axioms of their political culture and likewise felt no need to learn anything from what they regarded as palpable error. We have now arrived at the point where the debate itself is deemed insufferable, in something akin to the spirit of Lewis Carroll’s Red Queen: sentence first, verdict afterward.

  19. KG says:

    American Catholics ought to take a good hard look their “pope” and think bloody carefully before the mid-terms. Francis is nothing more than a blatant socialist political activist, deserving of zero respect. The sooner he joins that nice Mr. Guevara at room temperature the better.
    Wabbit to Pope: The invaders are NOT “migrants”, you lying bastard. You are complicit in the attempted genocide of white European culture.
    Pope: ‘Nations Built by Migrants’!

    Francis Takes Shot at Trump Days Before USA Election?

  20. KG says:

    UK Govt to Assign Junior Ethnic Minority Staff to ‘Reverse Mentor’ Senior White Staff on ‘Bias’

  21. KG says:

    Rationalizing Ugliness
    The modern intellectual screens reality through fashionable opinion.
    “…….anyone who can see childlike exuberance in the building by Jacque Kalisz is capable of seeing the milk of human kindness in a Nuremberg Rally.”
    Theodore Dalrymple: