NZ’s Stuff “news” and NZ Herald: Liars and propagandists.

Endlessly regurgitating the Washington Post’s  lies and distortions and calling them “Opinion” pieces. This morning’s effort is disgusting by even their low standards.

I don’t recall either NZ “news” outlet carrying a single positive or even neutral report on Trumps very real and significant achievements to date. In fact both outlets appear to be channeling the fashionable NZ socialist hatred of America full time. Trump-bashing is merely cover for that, the daily two-minute hate.

This morning’s mode of both the Herald and Stuff is headline girly squealing and hysteria over an insignificant brit royal and his pet wannabe. We’d all be better informed if they stuck to that fawning drivel.


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24 Responses to NZ’s Stuff “news” and NZ Herald: Liars and propagandists.

  1. KG says:

    Take a look at the third comment under the article – it perfectly illustrates the juvenile brainwashed level of poilitical discourse in NZ today.
    Indoctrination camps aka the “education system” work.

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    To begin with, Trump opposed the United Nations and what they wanted to do to greatly disadvantage the Jewish people. They’ve obviously forgot the important things.

    • Darin says:

      They also forgot that Trump’s son inlaw Jared is Jewish and his daughter converted to Judaism when they married.

      Also no mention of the left’s support of BDS,JVP,SJP,Linda Sarsour,Louis Farrakhan,the Muslim Brotherhood,CAIR and every pro-Palestinian group in existence all of which are rabidly anti-semetic.

  3. Darin says:

    I left two comments there,I bet neither make it out of moderation since they don’t go along with the leftist media smear job.

  4. KG says:

    The pity of it is, there are still plenty of Kiwis who still have the virtues of self-reliance, thinking for themselves and real family values. But they have almost no public outlet for their opinions.
    And that creates an utterly false impression of consensus where none exists. Most of them have become resigned to the current shambolic hysterical girly and mealy-mouthed academic/Greens Marxist junta.

    • mawm says:

      The NZ tradesmen are generally still good solid stuff.

      I cringe when I hear New Zealanders who have been abroad saying they want to return – because it’s a great place to raise children. The schools are just indoctrination centres and the NCEA tailored to creating equality in outcomes and stuff the education.

  5. Alan says:

    I have a long memory. When I was a kid at school in the 1950’s, most of the teachers I had were post marxists, or at the very least of a marked leftist bent. Even at my then young age I could see through them.

  6. Pascal says:

    For you KG to slip into NZ blogs at least until they delete it.

    NZ NPCs

  7. Pascal says:

    I’m posting this here KG since it runs against the narrative of all media NPCs. Make NZ’s NPCs sputter.

    • Well, at least Obama and Biden along with all the Dem leadership have decried anti-semitism and soundly rebuked Louis Farrakhan.
      I mean they have, right?
      Haven’t they?
      Surely they have.

      • KG says:

        I must pick your brains Pascal – I’m still having problems trying to embed videos in comments.

        • Pascal says:

          Well KG, aside from right clicking the mouse over the running video you wish to capture, and then copying the embed code, there’s only two other things I do.

          One is paste the embed code between an opening and closing blockquote html. The blockquotes are only needed sometimes, not always. I don’t know why.

          Two is reduce the width from the original to no more than 500 and scale the height down accordingly.

          Don’t try that in thread starters though. WordPress does it for you (as you obviously know), and gave me trouble when I forgot that it did.

      • Pascal says:

        Ed: “Surely they have.”
        Pascal: As surely as pigs fly.

  8. Pascal says:

    Hey KG. Do you know if this history of the Left’s change in attitude towards illegal immigration that Tucker lays out also applies to Australia and NZ? If so, that’s another way the corporate media down there has followed along and so the public is left in the dark to being sold out.

    • KG says:

      Yep, Pascal we’re tracking them almost in parallel. In fact the similarities are striking, so much so I’d be tempted to use the term “global conspiracy”.

      • Pascal says:

        Well, to the extent that global corporations are the major customers of media, it’s not so much a conspiracy as a matter of the provider pleasing their customers.

        We viewers are merely the media’s target audience — and that audience is getting smaller as it gets wise to whom is calling the shots and that our say carries no weight.

        • KG says:

          I believe the media/NWO relationship certainly constitutes a conspiracy eg the NZ Herald’s “partnership” with the U.N.

  9. fish153 says:

    Can’t agree more KG!!!! Fairfax is pathetic….echo chamber of WaPo