Midterm elections:

A voice from Alabama:

I heard that someone once called us deplorable.  What’s deplorable about working all day?  Or keeping a steady job?  Are those bad things to do?  Many of us have a family to raise.  Or else we’re working to make ends meet.  What’s wrong about aiming for a raise…or living a life worth dying for…or, God forbid, hitting it rich?  Are those equally as bad?  Should we just quit trying?
Tonight, I’ll be at President Trump’s rally in Pensacola.  Can’t wait to be there and hear what the Yankee has to say.  Maybe I’ll meet him and get a picture.  Or maybe I won’t.  Either way, I’ll be there.  Then comes my vote.
Beware.  You Trump-haters don’t have a clue what’s coming your way on November 6.  Call it the Big Ugly.

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7 Responses to Midterm elections:

  1. Warren Tooley says:

    Well to be technically correct, the Gnostics see materials things as evil. So if you are a gnostic, then those that are doing well are really awful people. If they have a right to think that, we have a right to call them lazy.

    Good on you for making the effort, to go to the rally.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    The enthusiasm of the comments gives me a glimmer of hope for Tuesday (Wednesday here).

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Who knew…The persuasive HBSC influenced how one person in Florida will vote. (you can’t make this shit up)


  4. Darin says:

    Dem anxiety,reliving 2016 nightmares-


    “We’re kind of just in the bed-wetting phase now,” said Democratic pollster John Anzalone, a Hillary Clinton campaign alumnus who spent election night 2016 in Clinton’s Manhattan war room.”

    They have been in the bed-wetting phase for 70 years.I hope their nightmares become a cold reality for them :twisted:

    • KG says:

      We who cannot vote can at least pray….this will be the hinge upon which the Republic swings.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      “At Vassar College in upstate New York, the college Democrats are moving their results-watching party to a new venue over concerns that revisiting the scene of their 2016 letdown would be too upsetting for some students…”

      Says all you need to know about today’s elite universities and young Democrats.