Open House 11/4/18

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52 Responses to Open House 11/4/18

  1. Darin says:

    I would not be making fun of a man that knows how to use a Grenade launcher-

    I can remember a long,long time ago when SNL was actually funny.

  2. Darin says:

    Maybe this is another thing that happens when you import boat loads of muslims?

  3. Darin says:

    Probably because Trump is the first president in awhile to let the Navy rub paint

  4. KG says:

    Even a stopped clock……
    ‘Obama, at Indiana rally, says character of country is at stake in midterms’

  5. Darin says:

    Shockwave shadows in slow motion-Smarter Everyday

  6. KG says:

    Delingpole: 200 Australian Professors Reject Western Civilisation
    Two hundred professors at the University of Sydney, Australia, have signed an open letter urging the rejection of a proposed course on ‘Western Civilisation’. They claim the subject is ‘chauvinistic’, a ‘tool of European supremacism’ and that it would ‘lend credibility’ to ‘sexist, racist and Islamophobic politics’.

    • KG says:

      Hahahahaha! Heard of her? She’s a hardcore lefty who’s had her snout in the taxpayer funded ABC forever.
      She’s a dishonest, loathsome socialist piece of shit. :evil:
      I do detest filthy rich socialists, fat on the money they’ve taken from the workers they pretend to care about. A pox on her and all such as her.

  7. KG says:

    The Fox News Channel has pulled a Trump-approved campaign advertisement about the migrant caravan marching towards the U.S. border after CNN and other left-wing media figures labeled it “racist.”

  8. Darin says:

    Alec Steele moving to Montana

  9. KG says:

    Remus, on surviving:
    “Keep it simple, stupid” used to be the common wisdom. Survivalism was mainly what you carried between your ears, not in your pack. It came from hard experience, not from Amazon. Survivalism was understood to be an in extremis proposition where death was the probable outcome even for the skilled and prepared. Now it’s country living with endearing retro practices from grandma’s day, a sort of Better Homes and Gardens for Inconvenient Times.
    Mere hard times come to an end, and survivalism begins, when the word “hungry” reclaims its original meaning. Hunger is an experience that never leaves you, and in that sense it’s a gift. It’s the survivalist’s all-purpose knife for any Gordian Knot. It’s the supreme teacher, and it appears when the student is least ready. Hunger doesn’t value your preferences, nor does it arrive dressed in gingham with recipes to make shrimp creole more tastey. But be assured, you’ll recognize it when you see it.

  10. Darin says:

    Why I want a CNC mill badly –

  11. KG says:

    Jordan Peterson meets Cathy Newman clone.
    A long interview but perhaps his best ever. A superb demolition job.

    • Darin says:

      It’s like going up against a battleship armed with a cap gun

    • Pascal says:

      Can that number be correct? almost 2.5 million views since Oct 30? Holy cow, what a following. I wonder how many of those 2.5M viewers stayed for the entire 1 3/4 hours?

    • Pascal says:

      At the 18 minute mark he presents this moron a challenge she fails so pathetically that one gains some new respect for Cathy Newman because she could at least laugh at herself.

  12. Michael in Nelson says:

    So when will we see an honest posting by some leftist that says the CA bar shooting must be blamed on Trump or someone in his administration?

    “Let’s be factual here…Trump et al. must be blamed to turn the people against him because he loves America and the principles it is based on. That cannot be tolerated! We must strive to destroy the one country in the world founded on Christian principles!”

    Any bets that feel-good reporting will say as much while claiming some sort of moral high ground?


  13. KG says:

    ‘Polish PM: Patriotism Is the Fruit of the ‘Memory Tree’ that Helps Build Identity’

    Amazing! A politician who values his own culture.
    But then, the Poles are like that…patriots and warriors.

  14. KG says:

    ‘Polish PM: Patriotism Is the Fruit of the ‘Memory Tree’ that Helps Build Identity’

    Amazing! A politician who values his own culture.
    But then, the Poles are like that…patriots and warriors.

  15. Michael in Nelson says:

    I wonder how the Dems are going to deal with this?

    Think this might be the thing that gets her to retire? The confirmation process to replace her would be a firestorm.

  16. Pascal says:

    The Agency of Lies (AOL) — also labeled as Soviet-Style Media when they’re more professional slick — has waged a campaign against PJW along the lines: “Who you gonna believe? Us or your lying eyes?”

    Acosta accosts a WH aid on video and the AOL all parrot a lie that the video was altered. Merely calling them SSM NPCs is too mild.

    • Darin says:

      Local radio personality hit the nail on the head-“Jim Acosta was booted from the WH press pool,not because Trump is a fascist,but because Jim Acosta is an ill-mannered,overbearing Jack Ass of a bully”

  17. Pascal says:

    Outright thievery going on in Broward County Florida.

    And Dem strongholds in Arizona.

    Same in Georgia.

    Gee, who could have seen that coming? Traitorous GOPe repeatedly kept Congress and State legislatures from stiffening election law.

    May they all rot in the hot sun.

  18. KG says:

    Snout, meet trough
    ‘Retiring Supreme Court chief justice Dame Sian Elias is leaving the role with a platinum-plated superannuation entitlement seeded with at least $3.3 million of public money.
    That nest egg, likely worth millions more, comes from a uniquely generous super scheme that sees judges, including Elias, able to contribute up to five per cent of their salaries to a superannuation fund that is then topped up by $7.50 for each dollar they contribute.’

    If memory serves, this woman was criticised by the Privy Council judges and all but described as incompetent. Not long after that NZ dropped the right of final appeal to the Law Lords and created instead the NZ Supreme Court.
    Funny, that……
    There’s much more to this story. The obscene greed is not the worst part of it, not by a long shot and if Wabbit can summon the energy he’ll dig up stuff on the subject he’s saved for years. If not perhaps somebody who knows much more about the subject will.
    Meanwhile, try this for a sample: