It’s Go Time!

It’s the day we have all be waiting for,the Mid-Terms and the Daily Caller has been kind enough to give us a handy guide to all the craziness-

Daily Caller-

One race I am watching with interest is the Senate race to replace GopE Thad Cochran in Mississippi.It’s a three way match up between Dem Mike Esby,Repb.(RINO) Cindy Hyde Smith and Teaparty favorite Chris McDaniel.Last go around McDaniel was cheated many believe because the entire establishment rolled out inforce to oppose him and see the incumbant Cochran re-elected.

Say a prayer for us,a lot hinges on this election,if God forbid the dems get back control of the house or worse,things will get very bad,very soon,and not just for the US.

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25 Responses to It’s Go Time!

  1. Darin says:

    Thank God the media isn’t biased…oh,wait it is-

    “I’m looking to set up an appointment with Mr. James for some time on Wednesday for a phone interview regarding the election results,” Battel continued. “I’m probably going to send an email over to the with some details. Um, if you’d like to call me back, my number is … extension … Thank you.”

    Battel attempts to hang up after giving her number, but the phone remains connected.

    “Man, if he beats her… Jesus! Fucking John James. That would suck! Whew I don’t think it’s going to happen though,” Battel continued.

    • Darin says:

      Which has been just the problem with government on every level,too many of them ARE lawyers.

    • Odakyu-sen says:

      Q: What is black and tan and looks great on a lawyer?

      A: A Doberman.

        • Darin says:

          What’s the difference between a Lawyer and a Catfish?
          One is a scum sucking bottom feeder,the other is a Fish.

          • Cadwallader says:

            As a retired lawyer I do not entirely disagree with your sentiment. In all vocations there are diverse participants some with lofty ideals and those who fit the “bottom-feeder” description. I was once told that the fire service attracts timid arsonists such is their love of fire and immolation, perhaps there is a similar thread among lawyers who seek out moments of desperation as opportunities to further personal desires?

            • Darin says:

              I think it’s the thrill of the kill Cad.I have known a few that were honest,well reasoned people that provided value to our society.
              The rest it seems are in it to see how far they can push the envelope and get away with it.Kind of like that recording oF Hillary laughing after she got a child rapist off the hook.Lost in all the legal manuvering were the rights of the victim.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    So the Democrats have taken the House. Let the Circus begin! My money is on the Dems screwing up so badly they will get hammered in 2020.

    • Darin says:

      In a nutshell women favored dems over republicans 59 to 41% in the races that went to the dem candidate.The lesson here,never underestimate the stupidity of the American leftist indoctrinated female.They are the dumbest cunts on Earth

      • KG says:

        I doubt it’s any consolation, but that applies to all Western countries.
        Wabbit now believes – has believed for a long time -the biggest threat to a functioning democracy and to our liberties is women.
        In their mad quest for perfect security and for that warm fix of righteous satisfaction to be had from banning something Mommy disapproves of, they’ll happily trash a few thousand years of painfully acquired civilisational progress.
        And be barely aware of the damage they’ve caused until it bites them on the ass.
        Of course there are many very honorable and admirable exceptions and thank God for them. but the above is generally true.

        ‘The more that women get into journalism, the more that they seem to transform it into a women’s gossip network.’

        • Cadwallader says:

          Don’t start me on young female lawyers who are generally the products of the “leafy suburbs.” These young women may be academically bright but carry with them a confusion between being social workers and being advocates. When the reality that some clients are utter pricks hits them they tend to collapse into despair and further confusion.

  3. mawm says:

    Unless Nunes can pull a rabbit out of a hat before January the criminals in the FBI, DOJ and State are going to skate. Perhaps Grassley, who knows Ford lied, will now not hold back. It’ll be interesting to see what Mueller will do now the house is in Dem hands. My guess is he’ll come out with both guns blazing. Interesting times.

  4. Alan says:

    Rosenstein needs to be shown the door immediately, of course the demcraps will claim obstruction. However Trump needs to be proactive and attack is the best form of defense. No holding back, fight the democraps fire with fire.

  5. Alan says:

    A good take on the mid term election outcome is on natural mid term elections outcome by a guy named Mike Adams.