One Picture….

Tells us exactly what is wrong in Washington

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11 Responses to One Picture….

  1. KG says:

    Same gang, different gang colors.

  2. Brown says:

    There is nothing wrong in Washington given the quality of people who seek to be in charge. The founding fathers were smart enough to know human nature and put checks in place to prevent abuse beyond a relatively trivial level.

    • Pascal says:

      So much of that intelligence came from the very basics of scripture. Paradise was lost because man speculated that if he broke just one little rule he’d become as smart as The Boss.

      In America the boss is ostensibly the people with the gov’t their servant. The checks and balances were intended to keep the servant contained.

      Sad to say when the servants broke one rule after the other — always for some good reason, we swear — the boss was never anywhere near as harsh as was The Boss.

  3. Was he supposed to throw it at her?

  4. Yokel says:

    Isn’t that a scene from Doctor Who, during one of their actor changing “regenerations”?

  5. Robertv says:

    Sure ‘she’ is not a zombie ?
    (a corpse said to be revived by witchcraft, especially in certain African and Caribbean religions).

    Their group is full of zombies/walking dead in top positions.