We Knew this Would Happen

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6 Responses to We Knew this Would Happen

  1. Darin says:

    As predicted,the Globalists were never going to allow Britain to leave the EU.They stalled off and danced around the issue in an endless media and political circle jerk.

    May has engineered this whole thing so that any sort of “Brtexit” will be worse than just staying in.Thresa Jong Un and her ilk are nothing but treasonous vermin and should be treated like such. :evil:

    • KG says:

      http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif The bastards should be hanged in Trafalgar Square.
      (although the significance of the location would be lost on very many younger Brits)

      • Pascal says:

        Not so farfetched KG.

        • KG says:

          Excellent video, Pascal!
          I said more than three years ago that the situation facing Westerners offers only two stark choices; slavery to the totalitarian State or revolution.
          Well, despite being called “paranoid” and “bitter” and “pessimistic”, the choice remains the same.
          Kill the bastards or be slaves.
          And I’m tired of hearing how awful a civil war would be. Civil wars are like that and if that’s the cost of liberty – or at least the chance to start over – then so be it.
          But I doubt it would actually need to come to full-blown civil war if it’s done right. Very selective targeting of the right people would force the bureaucrats and politicians to start listening and acting on behalf of the people they’re supposed to represent.

          All of the above is purely speculative and hypothetical. Of course.