Big Brother?You ain’t seen nothing yet.

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11 Responses to Big Brother?You ain’t seen nothing yet.

  1. Pascal says:

    As PJW includes what is already happening in the USA, land of the free and home of the brave must be long gone. I bet that lyric is sure to be expunged soon lest it cause trouble.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Was my bigotry showing when I misread this headline?

    When I first glanced at the headline on the front page, I read ‘…edible…’

  3. KG says:

    NZ media; lying again:
    How many more? And for what?
    ‘Three U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan blast…’

    • Pascal says:

      For what? What the Progs have always aimed to do — eliminate the most warlike of men. Wasteful strife is perfect to reduce the numbers of the most talented potential rebellious subjects at home. One hundred years and you’d think Western men would have figured this out by now. Sadly KG, it’s mostly us old enough to see the likelihood and the young simply think we’re imagining things.

      We need to say it more often and maybe a few of the younger ones will not volunteer for such wasteful assignments. The question then is, where else can they get effective training? Join the armed services, get trained, and then go AWOL? The John Galt soldier?

  4. Darin says:

    As far as the Stuff article on rising sea levels,”climate change” aka “we’re all gonna die!!!!”
    It won’t do anything to convince the mouth breathing,AGW cultists,but to CR readers who might find the actual science throughly facinating,there is the following article,several pages long,but worth the read if you want to know the whole truth.

    This goes back to the begining of the modern GPS system,the data revealed about our little Blue Ball in space was quite remarkable and has gone fairly unoticed.As was explained to me by a geologist friend,the Earth’s crust is often likened to the shell on a Egg.In reality,the eggshell is far to ridgid,the crust is more like the cream layer on a bucket of fresh milk,meaning it can move alot more frequently and easily than we think possible.Local seafloor/tidal boundry strata displacements are adequate to explain the local changes in mean sea level,along the coast of a geologically active island chain,just sayin