The Brexit Apocalypse is Upon Us

Sargon makes some excellent points about the supposed Brexit apocalypse-mainly that the EU needs Britain more than Britain needs the EU,but then we have always known that.

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7 Responses to The Brexit Apocalypse is Upon Us

  1. Darin says:

    Meanwhile Americans are reeling after our partial government shutdown……reeling in laugher and indifference that is

  2. KG says:

    As soon as May was parachuted into that job I knew there would be no Brexit. Her whole track record is one of lying and delaying.
    The perfect asshole tool to subvert the will of the people.
    The signal is that Brexit – full, unapologetic Brexit – is still what most of us want.
    Whether we’re going to get it, no one can predict. But let’s not take at face value anything the pro-Remain Establishment – both MPs and media – tells us in the guise of dispassionate expertise. They’re a bunch of shifty, cheating liars who are trying to sell their country down the river. And one day, I hope, they will be made to pay for their treachery.

    James Delingpole

  3. Alan says:

    Delingpole is one of the sanest voices out there.