Hmmm…you don’t say,wonder what’s causing that?


From behind a paywall at the WSJ-

Gun use surges in Europe where ownership is rare

“When hundreds of women were sexually assaulted on New Year’s Eve in several German cities three years ago, Carolin Matthie decided it was time to defend herself. The 26-year-old Berlin student quickly applied for a gun permit, fearing many women would have the same idea and flood the application process”

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5 Responses to Hmmm…you don’t say,wonder what’s causing that?

    • MikeH. says:

      I can appreciate the basic concept, however, it just doesn’t trump a 230 grain .45 caliber jacketed hollow point to the cranial 10 ring.

  1. KG says:

    A person using one of those here would be the one locked up, not the carjacker.

  2. the conservative says:

    I would like one of those too, especially for the guys who wash car windows at intersections

  3. KG says:

    Somewhat related:
    It is impossible to specify a tipping point when the U.S. drifts into a Third World-like wealth-destroying “socialism,” where government barely functions thanks to an inept workforce.  It may require an influx of millions more low-I.Q. immigrants before this calamity finally arrives, but this fear is not racist hyperbole.  This is the elephant at our southern border.

    (bold mine)