The Theater Puppet Media

How the New York Times and others skewed,slanted and downright lied about the illegal alien invasion on our southern border-

The Federalist-

“A New York Times article originally headlined “Trump Cites Misleading Statistics of Crisis And Crime Along Border” failed to explain what the misleading statistics were. Perhaps that explains why they changed the headline to “Trump Escalates Border Wall Fight in National Address.”

In a rather shrill opinion piece billed as straight news, Peter Baker claimed, without evidence, that describing the situation as a crisis “raised credibility questions.” Then he went on to slay strawmen and other items the president didn’t even mention.”

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9 Responses to The Theater Puppet Media

  1. Pascal says:

    Before I began calling them the Soviet-Style Media, I was calling them the Agency of Lies. That is both because Ministry of Truth is what they’d druther and we are not compelled to do what they’d druther. At least, not yet most of us, hopefully.

    • Darin says:

      The Pravda of old at least got the weather right,this new bunch ….well “climate change”

  2. Darin says:

    PJW: What they are not telling you about the Yellow Vests-


    “The Yellow Vests in France have made the cognitive leap that Italians did in last year’s elections. That the EU is a scam and all of its policies were designed to do exactly what its done — impoverish the working classes, enrich the aristocracy and enforce it through a Byzantine bureaucracy that makes the world of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil look like a Toyota factory floor.”-Tom Luongo

  3. Darin says:

    From a comment under this article-

    “The lunatic Democrat bites, kicks, screams, burns down buildings, foams at the mouth, and throws every type of fit known to rabid species; the conservative sits at home and sulks and seethes. The Dem-dominated media fabricate lies and evidence; spin fairy tales that have no basis in reality; create fake poll numbers based on the responses of their own party and family members; rig elections at will; play the RACE card at every opportunity; all while pushing for completely open borders and the merger with Central America.

    And patriotic Americans sit at home and take it, allowing the most sinister political force in American history to destroy this great nation one anchor baby at a time.

    We need a national movement to shut down these sinister open-borders globalists!

    We WANT the WALL!! We want the invasion STOPPED! It’s way past time to go on the offensive.”

  4. Darin says:

    Wide spread reports of doom and gloom in the media over the government shutdown –

    “The IRS has said it won’t be able to pay tax refunds during the shutdown, although the Office of Management and Budget said on Monday that it would. Less than 10,000 workers — about 12 percent of IRS staff — are working during the shutdown.”

    Dear lord,that’s barely enough staff to maintain their persecution of conservative groups :roll:

    • KG says:

      I’d be hard put to raise an argument against an almost total government shutdown. And that includes state bureaucracies.