Open House 1/26/19

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104 Responses to Open House 1/26/19

  1. Darin says:

    “They don’t even try” Hungary’s border wall a spectacular success-

  2. KG says:

    Duh! whodathunkit, eh?

  3. KG says:

    These bastards are nuts:
    Clemson Prof. Calls for Human Extinction to Protect Environment

  4. KG says:

    ‘What the Pope Preached in Panama’

    It’d take an awful lot to convince me that this socialist prick wasn’t chosen and installed by the NWO gang.

  5. Darin says:

    She’s completely nuts on Venezuela too-

    Todays democratic party,full of liars,lunatics,shills,con-men and cartoon caricatures.

    • Pascal says:

      Today’s democratic party,full of liars,lunatics,shills,con-men and cartoon caricatures.

      And every last one a creation of Soviet-Style Media.

      And for further worrisome consideration, the advancement of DJT to the top of the GOP ticket was also!

  6. Contempt says:

    Y’all know what? These jackass leftist racist sexist fuckers have inspired yours verililily trulililily to contribute steady US currency to Trump and other positive thinking people. I onct had contempt for a few ideas. Now I got contempt for everything. Hope all is well in our 56/57th Steaks🇺🇸.

  7. Darin says:

    More from the religion of pieces-

    Hopefully Duterte knows how to deal with them.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Two bombs at a Catholic Church. The second timed to hit responders. After the Covington debacle, I wonder how many in the Leftist media would be applauding this.

  8. KG says:

    I’m with the guy!

    Who wants to sit next to a tub of lard which overflows into the seat you’ve paid for? Especially the one who says “I’ll take up as much space as I want” She should have chartered an Antonov.

    • Darin says:

      If she had been a guy,she would have had to buy two seats because she was oversized.Or been accused of “man spreading” :roll:

      That actually happened to a friend of mine,he was told he would have to buy two seats,because he is 6′-4″ and 240lbs(oilfield roughneck).He didn’t care and actually liked not having to sit next to somene on the flight.Soon as he boarded and took his assigned seat,sure enough the flight attendant tried to seat some one next to him.
      He told her,nope,he paid $119.28 for that seat and no-goddamn body was going to sit next to him period.After a slew of female whinning the attendant and the other passenger gave up and went elsewhere,but the outright f–king nerve.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I note there isn’t a proper photo of 2-ton.

  9. mara says:

    I have a certain sympathy for terribly obese people – I’ve seen the vids and watch them with morbid fascination. It must be hell on earth to be so bloody fat, bed-ridden, short of breath and have to have someone to wipe your arse. Their ONLY pleasure in life is eating food. There is no dignity in that but as obesity is becoming normalised there is increasing kick-back to stating the obvious; obesity is ugly and unhealthy. I’m 70kgs but if I ate everything I liked I’d be as fat as a hog. If you are a hog don’t sit next to me on a plane. That’s all.

    • Darin says:

      And it’s actually a double hit,the white males if hired will also have to carry the water for the w&m in the department.
      Also if one has to “recruit” from a given population,then it’s a safe bet few,if any, in that population are even interested in the job needing done in the firstplace.

  10. KG says:

    Oh, FFS! enough already!
    Australia gets a cyclone, the Kiwi media are full of how it is affecting NZ. (it seldom is, at least not in any dramatic way)
    Australia has massive, years-long droughts and the Kiwi media makes much of any uncharacteristic dry period in NZ.
    Oz has a heatwave with temperatures pushing 5oC and we get endless articles about how hot NZ is right now. (seven on the front page of the NZ Herald this morning!).
    Is there such a thing as societal penis envy? Wabbit thinks there might be….

  11. Pascal says:

    Feds Refuse to Unseal Documents on FBI Deep State Raid of Clinton Foundation Whistleblower that Implicate Mueller

    This above headline links to the Gateway Pundit commentary on the news it got from the Daily caller below.

    The Daily Caller News Foundation reported:

      A federal court refused to unseal government documents that permitted the FBI to raid the home of a reportedly recognized whistleblower who, according to his lawyer, delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a presidentially appointed watchdog.

      The U.S. District Court of Maryland’s Chief Magistrate Judge Beth P. Gesner, a Clinton appointee, also sealed her justification for keeping the documents secret in a single-page Dec. 20 order.

      On Nov. 15, federal Magistrate Judge Stephanie Gallagher authorized the raid on Dennis Cain’s Union Bridge, Maryland, home. She sealed the government documents justifying it.

  12. Michael in Nelson says:
    • Pascal says:

      It’s self-parody. The object is to make normal people lose heart.

      Have faith that normalcy will be restored because reality cannot be mocked for long. If you must, recall the oft-repeated observation that there are no atheists in foxholes. Another way to look at it — if you think things are bad now, you have no idea how bad they can get.

  13. KG says:

    ‘Shock at Aussie school canteen menu from 1974 ‘
    And guess what….obese kids were almost unknown.

    • mawm says:

      Kids used to play and sweets were a treat not an everyday item then. Also there was no sugar being added by (fat) food scientists to reach the “bliss” point – which seems to have crept further and further along the way for some ordinary foodstuffs to become unbearable intolerably sweet for some of us. Just check the sugar content in a tin of whole tomatoes, except for the Italian (those skinny models in Milan produce it is huge.

      • KG says:

        Wabbit is a sugar addict, 2 kilos a week is kinda average, and that’s just in coffee and on cereal. :mrgreen:
        I suspect there’s no ‘one size fits all’ level. People just need to use some commonsense if they’re prone to obesity.

        • mawm says:

          Yes, but Wabbit has been active his whole life and not put on “gut” fat, has not become insulin resistant and has not developed the Metabolic syndrome. I guess some of us are just lucky…..or maybe coffee does more than extend life and affect epigenetic changes.

          • KG says:

            Luck and coffee..I’ll settle for that.

            • Darin says:

              I started packing on a few pounds when I was working late and eating dinner late,like 9-10 pm late.
              Once I clued myself in on that and quit eating anything after 5 pm things changed for the better.
              I will say too that there is a lot of sugar and especially corn sweetener in a lot of things now that didn’t used to have it.Unless you have time to cook for yourself now it’s hard the find food that isn’t stuffed with useless calories.

  14. Michael in Nelson says:

    SO this guy says his attackers yelled ‘This is MAGA country’ and was found with a noose around his neck. When first reported, some were saying ‘the attackers wore MAGA hats but this was not confirmed’.

    My bet is another false and staged hate crime that gets wall to wall coverage until it is shown to be false whereupon it will disappear down the MSM rabbit hole.

    • KG says:

      Yep. Correction on page four, in very fine print.

      • Darin says:

        “My bet is another false and staged hate crime”

        Yep,cause white guys wearing MAGA hats over their ski-masks and carrying nooses and bleach at 2 am is all the rage since Trump got elected. :roll:

        Gay lovers quarrel,gotta make up a story to explain away a Grindr hookup gone bad. :lol:

        • KG says:

          Cops can’t find any CCTV footage, “victim” only remembered to tell the cops about it when the MAGA angle went viral – he “forgot”.
          Went for a walk, alone, at 2am when the temp was -13.
          Yeah, right. Eau de Rodent permeates the whole thing.

  15. KG says:

    ‘The best argument for the wall you’ll watch all week. Maybe all year.’

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I think he was referring to nonviable births. He does say ‘resuscitate if the family wants’ before he talked about discussing options with the doctor. We need to be careful to not jump to conclusions like the Left. That said, the law proposed in his State is an abomination.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        Ok, I’ve waited until I found out some more. Seems the Governor was replying to a question, “What happens in a failed abortion where the baby is born alive.” Now I agree with those saying he is advocating infanticide.

  16. Pascal says:

    Boston Herald exposĂ© of Mueller? I smell a rat. Like the media is bragging for them “look what we can do and get away with again and again and again.” But it is a good read nevertheless. If only 1) it’s true, and 2) Mueller and his hatchet men actually meet justice. BAMN!

  17. Darin says:

    Old Soldiers never die,they just fade away-

    • Darin says:

      Needless,I have yet to see a criminal out run a helicopter and radio.Smart thing to do would have been to end the ground pursuit and let him think he got away.

  18. Darin says:

    Just what did they expect?

    Hire Chinese nationals,give them access and kiss your trade secrets goodbye.

  19. Pascal says:

    Now that the Demoncrat wing of the uniparty is openly pushing infanticide, we can expect more of this continuous effort to mask their antihuman agenda that adheres to their Sustainability religion’s “morality.”

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I get so tired of these leftist idiots not listening to the question. They are so trapped by their ideology, they are incapable of addressing an honest attempt to discuss the serious issues facing society today.

      And oh yeah…she’s a moron!

      • Pascal says:

        You are much too kind Michael. She’s a smug something.

        Furthermore, there is nothing well-meaning in her, and she’s calculating. So to describe her as a moron is a disservice to the inherently naive moron community.

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          You are right Pascal, she is being deliberately obtuse, repeatedly. I was going to make a comment about a face that actually needs punching but I didn’t want the FBI raiding me here in NZ.

  20. Michael in Nelson says:

    Once again there is no accountability for the Left thuggery.

    They are pushing law abiding citizens to armed insurrection.

  21. KG says:

    NZ urgently needs a very severe recession. Nothing else will derail this profligate idiocy. And why aren’t the developers and the real estate “industry” being forced to pay their share of the effing costs for this?

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      And the 13 current students are from at least 9 different countries but there isn’t a problem with immigrants taking new housing.

    • mawm says:

      There is an unbelievable amount of development going on south of Auckland, and west. The whole Flatbush area has been graded flat and houses are going up all over. This is all part of the governments push for “housing”. It’s a pity they haven’t put in the rail link or motorways to get these people to Auckland and back daily. Not many white faces around….except for the builders, etc.

  22. Michael in Nelson says:
  23. Darin says:

    Now for something different-The Walking Blues

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I love the comment “I think what that girl just did with that guitar is illegal in all 50 states”.

      Thanks Darin that was awesome!

  24. KG says:

    More leftist censorship:
    YouTube ban on 9/11 conspiracy videos ‘the right move’ – expert

    Rendering 1A meaningless, again. And still they’re getting away with it.

  25. Michael in Nelson says:

    The uproar on the Left concerning the VA Governors yearbook photo doesn’t surprise me in the least. There have been many times when the Left went after one of their own for some past misdeed or unacceptable policy position and we have relished the ‘They eat their own’ meme. It is not just a meme, it is a basic fact of life for the Left because for them there is no forgiveness. Once a racist, always a racist. If you said something in Kindergarten that wasn’t in line with the current thinking, you must be guilty of that still. Abject apology is necessary and relegation to a gulag likely.

    The concept of Redemption is foreign to their thinking. They cannot forgive and they are the poorer for it. It is why they cannot stand for others to offer ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ to those who have faced adversity. There can be no forgiveness and therefore, prayers and kind thoughts are useless. What they refuse to see are the many who espouse those sentiments are the same ones who act on their thoughts and prayers and make great sacrifices to help others in need.

    The Left demand that the State rescue all. Average citizens pitching in only get in the way of the benevolent government and must be denigrated. The Left dare not accept the fact that Faith makes a difference. “For if you have Faith as small as a mustard seed and say to this mountain ‘Uproot and throw thyself into the sea’ and it shall be done” is frightening yet small mountains are uprooted everyday when Faith gives someone the strength to live through a disaster or soul rending loss and become a stronger better person for it.

    Personally, I choose to live with Faith and Forgiveness because I know they provide me with the strength to face life and the State can never do that.

    • Darin says:

      The VA governor’s case,is a case of someone having to live in the world they helped build.