This is a parody right?

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4 Responses to This is a parody right?

  1. KG says:

    hmmmmmm…only “maybe”.

  2. Heltau says:

    If this is as bad as it is in the job market, then the companies need to go Galt as fast as possible.
    It would be the only way to make sure.

    • Darin says:

      It was bad enough when the “human resources departments” became all the rage.That setup a parallel chain of command that could over rule the owners of the company.But now they have started catering to all of these nutty identity claims.As Peterson says how finely do we want to divide these identity categories??

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    The dangers not spoken

    We see the coverup when ‘Drag Queen reading days in libraries are passed off as not a problem.